The Death Knell

Chapter 5129 Bald Man

"It seems that you have encountered a little trouble. In fact, I had expected this."

Luther put his arm around Superboy's shoulders and sat down next to him in a sincere tone:

"The World Forger can only create a dark universe. He restored your hometown, but he has no control over the next development of things. Instead, the story will easily slide into darkness because of the use of X metal and crisis energy."

While talking, he also gestured with his hands, making a motion like a little man sliding down a slide.

"Is that so?" Superboy didn't believe Luther, but what Baldhead said this time was obviously reasonable.

The Supreme Supernatural has also seen with his own eyes what the worlds in the Dark Multiverse are like. From his point of view, there are indeed problems in every world.

"Of course, my friend, we are on the same team now. I am also a member of the Justice League. I will not lie to you." Luther rubbed his fingers and pointed to his temple: "But don't worry, I I can help you make up for this small deviation, do you want to hear my plan?"

"No need, I believe Deathstroke will help me find a solution. This should also be regarded as his after-sales problem."

Superboy rejected Luthor's deal, but he did not leave in a hurry, but looked at the bald head:

"But the second half of your sentence is right. You are now a new member of Zhenglian, and I am also a superhero now, so you are in trouble now, and I will help you. Let's be honest, what do you need me to do for you? ?”

Bald Lex rolled his eyes. This was actually better. He didn't have to pay anything, and Superboy was willing to help. Should I say that this kid has become stupid? Or is Deathstroke’s brainwashing work really good?

"Oh, thank you, brother." No matter which way it was, Luthor showed a more sincere smile, and he nodded: "I do need a little help, but not for myself, but for Superman, he is missing , I’m on my way to find him.”

"I understand, let's go." Superboy stood up and hooked his fingers at Leopard Girl, who was licking the soft fur on the back of her hand: "You all grab me, and I will take you to the farm in Kansas, Clark Whenever something happens, he likes to go back to his hometown to repair his tractor. I really understand him very well."

Can't find Superman? Just go to Kansas. You don't even have to go into the house. You can just go into the barn on the farm and look for that broken tractor.

Leopard Girl glanced at Luther, who nodded slightly to her, indicating that this was the plan.

So the two boarded the Superman Express train, and under the protection of the biological force field, they left the Amazon rainforest in the blink of an eye and arrived above the farm.

At this time, Superboy made a confused voice again:

"By the way, I just wanted to ask you, where is your Fortress of Destruction? Where is your armor? It seems that all your technological props are missing." He landed slowly and put the two passengers on the hay at the door of the barn. Next to the pile: "And here, why is the tractor gone? What's that inside the house?"

"This thing is called a stone plow, a very primitive agricultural tool that is believed to have appeared in early human civilization about 10,000 years ago."

Luthor was not surprised by this. He stepped into the barn, looked around, and lifted up the haystacks on the side to confirm that Superman was not hiding inside:

"As for the question you asked, this is the attack we are currently facing. A group of unknown creatures attacked us and set human technology back tens of thousands of years."

"Huh? Let mankind's technology go backwards?" Superboy arranged his long hair with both hands and tied a small braid on the back of his head: "What kind of bad taste is this? What's the use? Forget it, don't ask these questions, you tell me I, wherever these gangsters are, I will punch them and the problem will be solved."

The characteristic of Superboy is his recklessness. He is very confident in his own strength, so of course he doesn't need to think too much.

"It would be nice if we knew where the enemy is." Leopard Girl answered aloud. She looked at Luthor's unrelenting search for Superman, and went to the trough where the cows drank water to see if Superman was diving there: "Now The biggest problem is that we cannot find the location of the enemy, and we don’t even know who the enemy is. We can only speculate that it is probably a god."

"God of bullshit." Superboy spitted to the side, his spittle stuck to the broken straw pole: "I don't believe that the death knell can't be found. Come on, bald cat, I will take you to find the death knell."

"Deathstroke is not on Earth 0. In his last communication, he told me that he was going to drill some matryoshka dolls." Luther climbed out of the sink and wiped a handful of water on his face, as if washing his face to refresh him. : "He informed us to return to Earth 0 to find Superman, but it seems that Superman is no longer on Earth 0, right?"

This question is for Superboy-Prime, because as long as Superman is on Earth, he will definitely be able to see and hear it. Is this a connection between the two Clarks?

Superboy raised a finger to signal the two of them to be quiet for a while. Then he closed his eyes and listened carefully. After a while, he opened his eyes and shook his head:

"Not on Earth, not in the solar system, I can't hear his heartbeat."

"It seems that the task given to me by Deathstroke cannot be completed, haha." Luther shook his head. He walked out of the barn first and walked towards the farm cabin: "But I will not give up. Superman must be found. He is the key. It’s a card.”

"Why do you say that?" Superboy frowned. He raised his arms and made a bodybuilding movement: "He can't fight as well as me, and he's not as young as me. Is there anything he can do that I can't do yet?"

"No, it has nothing to do with that, Clark."

Luther responded with a smile. He reached out and picked a piece of foxtail grass on the edge of the field and held it in his mouth:

"If you recall, the Laughing Bat and his Dark Knights actually used Superman to operate on them earlier. What he represents is not as simple as what we can see with our eyes."

With that said, the bald head quickened his pace. He came to the door of the small courtyard, walked into the atom in a familiar manner, knocked on the door of the house, and then waited quietly.

There were some footsteps behind the door, but it was not Martha who opened the door, but Louise. When the woman saw it was Luther, she immediately became alert:

"What's the matter with you, Mr. Luther? I'm warning you, my son is at home, and you're not wearing your turtle shell."

She just felt a splitting headache, and there seemed to be something wrong with the memory in her mind. She remembered that there was an explosion at home, and then...

"Don't be nervous, dear, the past grievances between Superman and I will not affect our respective families. I am not the kind of person who has no lower limit. You know me."

The bald head pointed at the door, indicating that he wanted to go in:

"Besides, I am also a member of the Justice League now, and Superman also believes in me. I think you won't let him down, right?"

"Huh, please come in, but keep your voice down, Martha and the others are all asleep." Louise saw Superboy Prime at this time. She felt relieved and moved away from the porch: "I didn't know you were coming to see me. What's the matter?"

"Actually, you don't have to go into the house. You can just talk at the door." Luthor did not enter the house. He just put forward conditions to determine how defensive the woman was. Leaning against the door frame, he asked: "Superman is missing. We They are all looking for him, and I want to ask you, what did he say to you the last time you saw him?"

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