The Death Knell

Chapter 5131 Different Concepts

"Two ferocious beasts, have you finished talking?"

After ending the communication with his hometown, Su Ming greeted the two orangutans by the window. He smiled and waved the cigarette in his hand:

"And if you are standing next to the floor-to-ceiling windows and talking, I can't help but think that there might be an anti-material sniper rifle taking aim somewhere."

"We've finished chatting a long time ago. We just exchanged feelings." Bobo, who was darker, walked over, climbed onto Deathstroke's shoulders skillfully, and sat on his throne: "Besides, I'm not afraid of sniper rifles, either. Are you here?"

With Deathstroke here, let alone a gun, even if a fanatic fan came in a Star Destroyer, he wouldn't panic.

"I just heard that you met some of my fans on the way here." The white gorilla adjusted his collar and cuffs, and adjusted the position of his tie very carefully: "I'm so sorry, people love me so much. , but the way they express love sometimes goes too far."

"It doesn't matter. In fact, I still miss seeing the technique of speeding and shooting." Su Ming stood up with a smile, and at the same time asked Strangler to pack the leftovers on the table in plastic bags, preparing to leave them to the female agent and Xiao De: "I thought we would never see such a classic scene in the 21st century."

"Haha, people always like the new and hate the old, but sometimes, people still feel nostalgic. This is actually quite contradictory."

The native orangutan smiled and nodded. He walked behind the bar and stepped on a scooter:

"Then, Mr. Deathstroke, let's get back to business. I already understand the general situation. What are your plans next? I'm happy to help, whether you need people or supplies."

He said this sincerely. After all, all the superheroes of his generation were dead, but today he saw guests from the parallel world. He was very happy and even regained some of his passion from the past.

It's just that the chimpanzee was obviously speechless, because this other self was so weird. You must know that many Bobos, including himself, are notoriously afraid of trouble.

"It's not urgent, another wave." Su Ming carried the plastic bag and placed it on the flying carpet aside: "Prolaya will show us something in every world. She arranged this world for me. I haven’t watched the show yet.”

To educate, you must first teach. This textbook itself is a story. Deathstroke wants to see if there are any clues in the storybook.

Many people know that the enemy comes with sugar-coated shells, and you need to eat the sugar coating and return the shells.

But the key is that when peeling off the sugar coating, you have to look at what type of artillery shell it is, where it came from, whether it was a poison gas bomb or a neutron bomb, and what purpose the other party is trying to achieve.

Maybe only a few details will be discovered, but all the clues are pieced together. With Bobo in the team, his ability to collect evidence on details in the investigation of the case is the biggest advantage.

“Isn’t what she wants to show the world that ‘human struggle is meaningless’?”

Hermione asked as she wiped her mouth. She had been out for too long and failed to wash her hair in time. Her long brown hair became a little straight:

"The older generation of superheroes solved all the crises, so their children became useless, which turned all the efforts of their ancestors into a joke."

"Ahem, it's not meaningless, right?" The white orangutan coughed. He came to the side of the cloak on his scooter. He abandoned the scooter and started stroking the cloak: "Their sacrifice saved many people. Almost everyone on the earth has died." I owe it to them.”

Judging from the results, our friends' deaths were not in vain. Saving people is never a mistake. It is a great awakening to persist in saving people when you know you are in danger.

The white orangutan asked himself that he couldn't do that.

"You're right, hairy guy from another world."

Su Ming pinched the cigarette butt and put it away. He raised his hand to stop the student's intention to debate with the other party and concluded the topic with a smile.

Because this is a chicken-and-duck talk. They have different worldviews, and the truth does not make sense. On the contrary, it will destroy the harmonious atmosphere today.

Little Hermione has received a complete set of mercenary ideological education provided by herself. What she emphasizes is that work must be paid, and efforts must be proportional to gains. When encountering various situations, she must think calmly and save her own life first.

Since she was a child, she has listened to the professor's Northeastern dialect - "The most painful thing in life is when a person dies and the money is lost."

Under this kind of cold realism education, do you think you have to sacrifice yourself for others? That is a big mistake. It is in the professor's best interest to sacrifice others to fulfill oneself.

After all, he was training Hermione to be a spokesperson for another world, to control a world for himself from a distance, and he worked hard to teach her well. He did not just let her act as a hero and act as a disposable prop.

It's a bit selfish, but what if you can defeat the enemy without sacrificing yourself? Can the same problem be solved?

Think about it, if the older generation of superheroes had found a way to protect themselves, even if the earth lost more than half of its population, they would now be able to educate their children to be normal people, instead of mentally ill people who only drink and take drugs every day.

Therefore, Hermione is destined to find it difficult to understand the sacrificial spirit of superheroes, because this behavior may seem great, but it is very irresponsible to her family and seriously undermines any plan.

Hearing the professor speak, Hermione pursed her lips and stopped talking, but it was obvious that she still believed that her opinion was correct, because the white Bobo in front of her had actually reaped the dividends of the sacrificed heroes.

Otherwise, he probably wouldn't even be able to get a green card, right? Not to mention getting such a big family fortune.

"Let's go, Bobo from Earth Minus 16, take us to your amusement park. I'm a little interested in your bionic technology." Su Ming grabbed the slightly whiter orangutan and put it on the cloak. He waved for everyone to come up: "Just show the way, we will fly directly from the rooftop."

Of course, the rich orangutan had no objections. Since he said he wanted to help, he would naturally respond to requests.

Deathstroke wanted to visit the amusement park. He didn't understand the purpose, but it was just a matter of effort. He immediately pointed in the direction:

"Just fly towards New Jersey. It's not far away. It's a new landmark building. You can't miss it."

Cloak adjusted its direction, opened the balcony door and flew out. After identifying the direction for a while, it headed towards its destination at a moderate speed.

Looking at the city again from a high altitude, we can still find that the population on the streets here is a bit small. Then think of the amusement rides of the White Orangutan, how many people will really go to play? Could it be that it has been operating at a loss?

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