The Death Knell

Chapter 5136 Welcome Ceremony

The road surface was not very smooth, and the carriage wheels kept making rattling sounds, but the feeling of swaying forward was quite interesting.

It’s not bad to eat sea cucumber and abalone regularly, and occasionally some green vegetables and tofu. It’s a pity that the Chinese men’s football team doesn’t understand this truth.

After the carriage team advanced for about ten minutes, sparse gunshots were heard not far away. Looking in the direction of the sound, there was dust rising on the mountain ridge to the east, and some people on horseback were chasing them. convoy.

It has to be said that Bai Bobo's script design is quite professional. When fighting with gunpowder weapons within visual range, occupying the high ground with your back to the sun can indeed effectively reduce the probability of being hit.

When people on the dirt road below want to aim at the horse bandits on the high ground, it is equivalent to looking directly at the sun, and they cannot aim well at all.

"Here it comes, the first round's fixed program." Hermione looked out the window. She put away the shotgun and replaced it with the revolver distributed by the park. She said with a smile: "Their firepower and defense are excellent." It’s weaker than I thought. Using AA12 with enchanted HEAP ammunition might be a waste, so let’s use this gun.”

These words made Bobo's head full of black threads. He coughed and said:

"Actually, we are the only ones who brought our own weapons. If I had followed my other game design, we should not be allowed to use automatic shotguns, which are beyond the times, let alone enchanted armor-piercing anti-personnel bullets? This bullet of yours The cost is estimated to be higher than that of a team of bionic bandits."

"Actually, it's okay. I'm a spell caster myself, so the cost of enchantment has been greatly reduced. It's just the cost of some potions, but I can reimburse it through the public account."

The witch put a gun on the window of the carriage, and two other girls came to join in the fun, forcing Deathstroke and Bobo to the other side where there were no horse bandits.

The little orangutan, who had no intention of playing a gun game, pathetically crawled back onto the man's shoulder, continued to sit there and smoke, exhaled a puff of smoke and said:

"...You are truly worthy of being a student of Deathstroke. You are so fluent in using public funds for private purposes."

"Ah, I used it, but only a little bit." The witch blinked. She and the other two girls were lying on the window. Bullets flew past the window with a whizzing sound. She changed the subject and said to the girls. : "Well, they're going to charge down the mountain, let's get ready to fire."

The town police chief, Lao Ge, was obviously experienced. He knew that the carriages could not outrun the war horses, so he fired back with a lever rifle while loudly ordering the coachmen to connect all the carriages end to end to form a circular position and guard the road.

The tactical arrangements between the two sides are very exciting. The white gorilla did not lie, and his NPC really has a brain.

But this is just a game after all. The horse bandits opposite are essentially the same as the tin ducks in other amusement parks. Although they have weapons, the program will ensure that they will not hit tourists. The bullets are probably rubber bullets and will only create shows. Just the effect.

This feeling is a bit like the old "Medal of Honor" game. The NPCs on both sides shoot each other passionately for several hours. As long as the players don't take action, no one will hit the other. It's just for fun.

"Aim! Hold still! Fire!"

Sheriff Lao Ge also used a carriage as a cover. While giving orders loudly, he opened fire on the bandits who were riding down the mountain. Under his call, the tourists on the carriage also opened fire, even young children. .

What? Are you saying children shouldn't play with guns? But this is the United States. If you don’t know how to use a gun, you will be eliminated by nature.

Regardless of the tourists' shooting skills or whether they could shoot accurately, they had a really good time.

The carriage formed a temporary fortress, and weapons were stretched out from the windows to fire, which gave people a sufficient sense of security. When the horse bandits came on horseback with great momentum, the momentum made people's adrenaline soar.

Sometimes people's happiness comes from such a simple thing. Su Ming can understand the pleasure brought by this kind of killing, especially knowing that the people he killed are all bionic people and iron ducks, it will even be a bit of a psychological burden. nothing.

"I hit one!" Jaina shook Hermione beside her with a little joy while reloading the revolver: "This short gun must be very suitable for use on the ship."

The little princess doesn't kill people often. Although she can be considered a student of Deathstroke, she is more like an academic mage.

Because she changed her destiny, Jaina neither killed her father, nor turned from love to orcs to hatred, nor did she fight against the Scourge, so naturally she didn't have that much combat experience.

So she was very excited when she saw that she had pulled the trigger and the horse bandit with the weapon pointed at him flew backwards from his horse, blood splattering everywhere.

"I also hit it, but long-range attacks are still not as direct as melee combat."

Yin Ruil, who has been prolific in killing people in the past, has no real experience with long-range weapons. Paladins are not very interested in long-range attacks. She obviously prefers to use war hammers and holy light to solve problems at close range.

Of course, the main reason is the lack of sense of substitution. If these horse bandits dressed as cowboys were replaced by orcs riding wargs, then she would definitely kill more happily than anyone else.

"Okay, sisters, stop chatting now and change the bullets quickly, otherwise all these targets will be shot by other tourists."

Hermione seemed to have the tenderest face, but she spoke like an elder sister, taking great care of the other two.

Seeing them having fun, Xiao Fu orang took a puff of cigarette. He smelled the smell of gunpowder smoke that lingered in the carriage and asked the man next to him:

"Slade, did you find anything?"

"Some discovery, but it has nothing to do with our goal. We can only see some conditions of the white orangutan." Su Ming leaned on the soft seat. The seat in the carriage was also covered with a layer of cowhide: "His bionic human technology It’s not bad, although it’s not as good as mine and the cost is much higher, but the program is very well designed.”

In fact, there is no need to enter the venue. When I passed by the backstage, I saw that his androids are all assembled by hand. How does this cost compare with the assembly line production of the adjutant?

Bobo nodded and touched the interior of the carriage:

"So what was the reason for the strange expression you showed after entering this venue?"

"Because this place looks so much like a TV series I watched before, called "Westworld". I suspect that the current Earth minus 16 may have integrated that world into it. So, if Prolaya wants What does it show that might be telling me that our past understanding of the world is meaningless?”

After pinching the cigarette butt from his mouth and putting it away, Su Ming opened another bottle of soda to drink. There was a sound like a firecracker in his ears. This kind of noise simulating a battlefield environment made him feel very comfortable.

"I've also seen that TV series, and it's also available on Earth 0." Bobo sniffed, he pressed his finger knuckles against his temples, and frowned: "So the stories we have seen in the past can all be read. Prolaya manipulated the splicing and turned it into reality, how to fight this...?"

The direction of his suspicion was that Proraya wanted to let everyone understand that 'resistance is meaningless' this time.

"You don't need to worry about this. After all, she is not God. She cannot control everything, and she is far from omniscient and omnipotent." Deathstroke smoothed the orangutan's hair and told him not to be nervous: "You can play for a while and continue to wait for the news."

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