The Death Knell

Chapter 516 Rescue

Su Ming silently checked every room in the dark. Unfortunately, most of them were useless garbage. All the equipment here seemed primitive to Su Ming.

For example, the electrotherapy equipment is far inferior to that of a certain professor.

The brainwashing machine and the straps are not made of genuine leather.

There is also a shabby research room, where research begins with a blackboard.

Even though Su Ming was wearing heavy armor, he had special skills to be able to run without making any sound. In the darkness, there was only a slight "squeak" sound from the door opening from time to time.

After walking around half the room, he found a researcher who was getting up and peeing.

He must be an assistant or something. After all, real scientists all live in suites, and only students doing odd jobs have to go out to the corridor to use the public restroom in the middle of the night.

Su Ming took advantage of him to tremble after urinating and ambushed him from behind.

"I ask, you answer, keep your voice down."

He switched to proficient Russian and approached the prisoner's ear from behind.

The prisoner's pants fell to the ground, and his hands tried to pry open the iron-like hands.

But the person behind him tightly controlled him. No matter how hard he struggled, the person who could only hear the voice remained motionless.

"Not cooperating?"

Su Ming covered the prisoner's mouth with his right hand, pinched the prisoner's neck with his left hand, and lifted him off the ground with a little force.

Sure enough, as the saying goes, once your feet are off the ground, the virus will be shut down, and smart IQ will occupy the high ground again.

The researcher immediately nodded wildly, expressing his willingness to cooperate.

"Where is the leech medicine?" Su Ming released his hand covering his mouth.

"With the chief scientist, he keeps it personally."

"Where is he?"

"Go along the corridor, turn left, go straight and then turn right. That big suite is his."

"What is your research topic?"

“The Cybernetic Effects of Mental Abuse on Humans.”

"Thank you, and be a good person in your next life."

Su Ming broke his neck and threw away the body.

There is no way, in order to achieve perfect stealth, it is useless to take prisoners.

Moreover, Su Ming didn't really need researchers who tortured others with this kind of research. The memories of Deathstroke in the past had already given him too much dark knowledge.

After walking out of the smelly toilet, Su Ming continued to move forward according to his confession. Of course, no one was left alive wherever he passed.

Rather, the scientists here are all psychiatrists. The most researched projects are cybernetics or brainwashing methods. They are all lunatics.

It seems that only the chief scientist is an expert in biochemistry, no wonder the leech potion is in his place.

Su Ming approached the door of the suite and heard a woman's voice inside, as if she was doing some indescribable exercise.

He had seen a photo of the chief scientist before. He was a bald old man with a goatee. Is this what he was doing research in the middle of the night?

Su Ming quietly opened the door.

Seeing that the old man was having sex with a shriveled and ugly old woman, and the taste was too strong, Su Ming regretted coming in.

However, the woman's alertness was obviously much higher than that of the scientist. She immediately discovered through the change in air flow that the door opened for a moment, and then discovered the third person in the room.

Unlike normal women who would scream or cover up, she immediately jumped out of the bed and rushed toward the intruder naked.

The first thing was to poke Su Ming's eyepiece with his finger.

A more reasonable choice for a one-eyed person, the remaining eye does seem like a weakness.

But as Deathstroke, who often interacts with Batman, how could he not know about this?

The helmet is not the cloth hood that Deathstroke used to wear. If there is one place that is the strongest, it must be this eyepiece. When someone tries to attack this 'weakness', Deathstroke has dozens of follow-up methods.

He easily deflected the woman's attack and at the same time kicked the chair aside, knocking the old man unconscious to the ground as he tried to sneak away.

The woman attacked like crazy. After poking her eyes to no avail, she began to try to attack her Adam's apple and the weak spots in her lower third.

While Su Ming resolved the problem lightly, he felt the difference between this assassination fighting technique and conventional fighting methods.

Overall, it feels a bit like the League of Assassins, only more sinister and despicable.

After all, the Assassin's League is still a group of warriors pursuing glory. Although they also engage in assassinations, they just suddenly appear in other people's rooms and confront their targets head-on.

The Red House only trains killers who have no bottom line. What they learn is how to attack the enemy's weaknesses, whether they are human or physiological.

This old woman should be one of the instructors. Her strength and agility in making moves are much stronger than ordinary people.

And judging from his age, he must be at least half a hundred, but flexible movements such as volleys and flips are still not a problem.

Her arms and legs were blocked by Su Ming during the battle. Her limbs were all bruised and several of her fingers were broken, but she didn't say a word and just continued to attack silently.

She is a good fighter, but unfortunately she is an enemy. She may be able to deal with a dozen ordinary people, but the gap between her and Deathstroke is still too big.

But not everyone has the courage to face an enemy that is obviously stronger than themselves.

Out of respect for the warriors, Su Ming did not use weapons or unconventional means such as strangulation. He just learned her fighting skills and saw the right moment to strike suddenly.

Punch the opponent's chin to cause dizziness, then grab the neck and twist it.

After solving the problem, Su Ming pulled off the bed sheet to cover the woman to make her look more decent.

He then searched the room for places where the potion might be stored.

There was almost no need to look for it. The huge safe was placed in the corner. Others needed a stethoscope or electric welding to open the lock, but Su Ming only needed a sword.

A row of crimson liquid was placed in the test tube. There were also many research papers, some cash and jewelry in the safe.

The document records the characteristics of the leech agent and the conclusions of clinical trials, which will make the recipients have stronger cell division and proliferation.

This means gaining the ability to live forever, as well as a small improvement in self-healing, strength, agility, etc.

But the improvements in those aspects are minimal. If an ordinary person needs a month to recover from a serious injury, a Black Widow will need about 25 days?

However, this medicine will also increase the body's immunity, making the person who takes the injection less susceptible to infection and disease. This is somewhat interesting.

What Su Ming wants are students who have not been trained, not black widows.

While he is still young, he can be sent to Zhongji Academy for transformation, and he can become a useful person to the company.

Don't think about killing. Killing is not the only solution. The world is so beautiful, but they are so violent. This is not good.

While shaking his head and sighing, Su Ming casually gave the chief scientist a blow.

This old man is useless. He is not a researcher of leech medicine, but just an ordinary doctor of chemistry. Moreover, the method of in vivo experiments is too disgusting and disgusting.

Su Ming swept away all the documents and belongings in the safe, put them into a pillow case, and asked Strangler to extend a tentacle to help him carry it.

He carefully put the leech medicine in the test tube into his cigar box and put it in a safe place.

Strangler is now helping to carry money and materials, and seems very lethargic.

Half of the goal of this trip has been accomplished, and all that remains is to clear out all enemies, rescue his future students, and then find a way to safely evacuate them.

Su has plans tomorrow morning.


Floor after floor, the security measures on each floor are similar. A small number of guards are patrolling the corridors. They are still yawning at this time.

Kill in corners, kill in corners, weirdos suddenly come out of cardboard boxes, and use various methods to make it difficult for the guards to guard against them.

After Su Ming cleared out all the instructors' dormitories, he earned a lot of money and belongings, and now only the lowest level, the students' dormitory area, should be left.

"Oh, it's really troublesome. Now that I have a strong helper, I won't have to do this kind of thing myself."

Su Ming complained in his heart and silently walked down the stairs. The dark place felt very familiar to him, but all the surrounding walls were red, which was a bit too much.

There is a branch of clinical psychology called color psychology, which studies the role of color on human psychology. It comes from the same source as the Rorschach experiment that studies abstract patches.

For example, if a person lives in a dark blue room for a long time, he will become depressed; if he lives in a green room, his mood will become happy;

An all-red room has been proven in research to increase blood pressure, speed up the heart rate, and make people feel sensitive all the time.

Red symbolizes passion, sexiness, prestige and confidence.

But it also represents blood, violence, jealousy, and control.

"Hey, these people in Leviathan are interested in conducting experiments and playing tricks. It would be more practical to train more agents."

Su Ming walked down the last step and looked out from the corner. The air here was filled with the smell of blood and cosmetics, and some faint footsteps gradually approached not far away.

Look at Hydra. Although its agents are average, they are good at disguise and have a large number of them.

The Hand is made up entirely of ninjas, a legacy from the Warring States Period, and there are so many genin.

There is an old saying in the Celestial Dynasty that accumulates soil to form a mountain and accumulates water to form a abyss. It takes Leviathan several years to cultivate a black widow. How many years does it take?

Even if it is planned to use the Winter Soldier Project to make up for the quantity, hasn't it been implemented yet? It didn't take long to research Leviathan. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Winter Soldiers were all picked up by Hydra.

The guards were not worth mentioning, and they easily dealt with the last few enemies. Su Ming began to open the girls' rooms one by one.

Some people may think that it will be like the police rescuing hostages, with all kinds of surprises and laughter, but the reality is not like that.

The girl's hands were handcuffed to the bedside, maintaining a posture of surrender.

Even if Su Ming walked into the room, they would just lie quietly in the darkness, staring blankly at the red light of his eyepiece without saying a word.

He found the key to the handcuffs from the guard and released the little girl.

"Are you here to save us?" The little girl sat up and arranged her little skirt pitifully.

"Yes, little girl, save each of you." Su Ming replied, he touched the girl's head: "Now wait for me outside the door, and I will put your friend down."

The little girl nodded and obeyed the order, but when Su Ming turned to rescue her roommate, the girl attacked him from behind.

She jumped on Su Ming's back, locked her waist with her legs, and then reached out to pull Su Ming's chin, as if she planned to break his neck.

Unfortunately, she couldn't pull it, so she started to hit several key points on the spine with her fists, as if she planned to paralyze Su Ming.

But in Su Ming's view, her attack was like a kitten scratching an itch. Not to mention the metal bones, the holy statue armor could not be broken with bare hands.

Su Ming grabbed the girl with his backhand and held it in front of his eyes like a cat. Seeing that she couldn't reach her, he still scratched her with his hands and feet and made a fierce expression.

The other girl who was chained on the bed also began to struggle and kept trying to kick Su Ming.

This made Su Ming feel like he was some kind of robber who burned, killed and looted.

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