The Death Knell

Chapter 5156 Survival from desperate situation

Zha Kang could conclude this without even thinking about it.

Who is Deathstroke?

A mercenary, a person who is involved with the dark side, and even he himself can be seen as the embodiment of the concept of darkness.

The adjutant is his intelligent AI system, and it can be regarded as a prop he trusts, but don't forget that the death knell, which originated from the earth, has revealed in his past words and deeds that he is a human supremacist.

For such a person, even if he trusted the adjutant, he would not be able to give her unlimited killing authority. Especially when the person mentioned here is still a member of the Justice League Dark and a superhero.

For example, if a person likes to keep special pets, such as cobras or crocodiles, will he give these small animals the opportunity to kill others at any time?

Impossible. Human supremacy is to ensure that we, as human beings, enjoy our rights. The most important thing for people is the right to survive.

"It seems that you understand very well. Indeed, under normal circumstances, without the direct order and authorization of the Sheriff, I do not have the authority to kill you." The adjutant nodded, and she looked at Constantine with some appreciation: " Plus, you’re a little more human than I thought.”

Why do you say that?

Because Constantine's scam was actually not perfect, Zatanna was saved and sent to a safe place, but he himself offended the lieutenant because of the breach of contract, and it seemed that he was on a dead end.

The guy who knocked on the door and smiled strangely is still there, and he may break in the next second. The hell detective gave up his hope of survival to the woman first.

"Ahem, I promised Giovanni that I would take care of his daughter. As long as I don't die, I will not let Zatanna die in front of me." Constantine vomited blood again, and he could only pick up the Bottle, take a few sips of strong liquor to rinse your mouth: "I have done many wrong things, and I have already died, so it doesn't matter."

"So you are trying to trick me and want me to save you?" The adjutant tilted her head. She had obviously considered the second level: "If you are performing now, you can give up. I am very angry now. How dare you lie to me, no one can lie to me without paying the price."

After she finished speaking, she made an angry expression, but maybe it was because she was never angry at all. Her imitation of the photos and acting lessons on the Internet was not very good, so her bulging face looked a bit cute.

In fact, she won't leave it alone, and Constantine will be fished out as well. The police chief has arranged for her to help all members of Zhenglian, provided they can proactively contact her.

But he still felt unhappy after being cheated, so the adjutant wanted to scare Zha Kang.

"Whatever you think, as long as Zatanna is safe anyway." Constantine patted his butt and smiled sheepishly: "And strictly speaking, this is not a breach of contract. It just means that I can't fulfill the agreement for the time being, but I Already have an idea..."

People, if you don’t push yourself, you really don’t know what you can do.

After leaving Zatanna behind and completely relieved, the bitch could use some more radical and dangerous plans.

"Oh, according to the police chief, someone like you should be called the 'XX Idea King'." The deputy crossed her arms, and she looked at Zha Kang leisurely: "Then what new ideas do you have? I want it. See how you can pull off a lie."

The deal is not completely closed yet, and it sounds like Zha Kang wants to continue struggling, which is a good thing.

"Haha, do I still want to thank Deathstroke for the compliment? It's simple, it's just the thing that knocked on the door."

The bitch walked quickly to the basement to get her complete set of equipment. As she walked down the stairs, she explained to the adjutant:

"There are many monsters in the void. Although it looks pitch black most of the time, in fact there are probably more monsters than rats in the sewers of Gotham. I heard that the rats in the sewers of Gotham grew up eating dead human flesh. , each one is stronger than a cat, and the population is also very large. I don’t know if it’s true, but you just understand the meaning.”

This is also true. The number of giant monsters in the void may be smaller, but some weird creatures that can pose a threat to humans exist in large numbers.

The wooden floorboards squeaked, and the mysterious house that was in disrepair could also make rat noises.

"I understand, so what you are saying is that so many monsters did not knock on your door when they passed by. Only this one is knocking on the door and laughing strangely, so there is something wrong with it. Do you think it exists with Prolaya? relation?"

The adjutant thought for a moment and realized that there was no problem with this logic. Abnormalities in normal circumstances were worthy of investigation.

"Right! You're quite smart."

Zha Kang, who was smoking heavily, nodded. He lit the candle in the basement with a lighter, pulled out an antique leather box from under the messy desk, and blew in, making the dust on the box fly everywhere:

"So this is my plan. You and I will kill whatever is outside the door. If we are lucky enough, we can harvest a brain. Then you only need to feed this brain to the parasitic tentacles on your master's body. Pet, wouldn’t Deathstroke be able to obtain information?”

This bitch knows about the existence of symbionts, but he can't see where the symbiotic behavior exists. Deathstroke himself is so strong that he is abnormally strong, and the black ooze monster is more like an 'exotic pet' who eats and drinks, relying entirely on the host. Keep it.

"Can you send Zatanna to a safe place, and then you can use a more risky plan? It seems that you have not given up on survival." The adjutant did not answer directly, but the implication was that he accepted the suggestion.

The original plan was to rescue Zha Kang, but now that someone has asked for assistance in the investigation, there is a good opportunity in front of him that may reveal the secret. Of course, this cannot be missed.

"There is no one who is not afraid of death, don't you think so? I have always thought that Superman is probably afraid of death. He is reluctant to leave his wife and children forever. Oh, he is also a big mama's boy. Just like Batman, he is afraid of death every day. Talking about Martha, haha.”

The bitch was in a good mood, and took out his Holy Light double-barreled shotgun from the box, and began to stuff the blessed Bible and various holy relics into his pockets, while telling jokes about Superman and Batman.

"Superman is still missing. I can't find him. But if you want to deal with the things outside the door, I can get you some thugs to help you. Do you need it?"

The adjutant generally does not comment on the private life of superheroes, because the chief has said that everyone can have their own hobbies and choices.

"It's so kind of you. I'm so touched. It would be great if someone could come and help. I'd like to ask in advance. If the helper you send accidentally, I mean really 'accidentally' dies, , Deathstroke won’t come to settle accounts with me afterwards, right? Haha.”

Constantine was overjoyed to hear that supplies were available.

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