The Death Knell

Chapter 5182 Air-to-air meeting

After the gold rush era passed, many abandoned mines remained in the western United States. Some had their gold dug out, while others simply didn't dig out anything at all from the beginning.

Hiring people to mine is easy to say, but many big bosses have failed in this regard. After all, they do not have enough technological equipment. With the exploration technology of this era, it is almost the same as gambling on stones.

I discovered that there was gold in a place, so I spent money to buy the land and invested in building a mine. As a result, when I dug a shovel on the day of construction, the mine layer was dug through, and the lower layers were filled with rocks.

This is equivalent to being cut down.

So this kind of place gradually changed from a proof of bad luck to a place where various wild beasts or gangs are entrenched. After all, abandoned mine pits can also provide shelter from wind and rain, and are easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Although Bobo felt unlucky about what Deathstroke said, he still listened. After all, Prolaya wanted to show something, which meant that anything could be done.

A group of people rode horses to the cliff above the mine. The mine was close to a dry river bed. At this time, only some rickety rusty equipment and some shabby-looking houses were left.

However, there were patrols around these houses, and there were a lot of bottles and garbage, which meant that they were not looking in the wrong place.

"Professor?" Hermione had already picked up the rifle, loaded it skillfully, and asked the teacher's opinion.

"Sure enough, these characters that were supposed to be played by androids have been turned into real people, and that was just a second before we arrived." Su Ming showed a weird smile, and he shook his head: "Prolaya is You want me to see how narrow the line between truth and falsehood is.”

Originally there were all dummies, but now they are all real people. On the surface, there doesn't seem to be any big problem.

But if you think about it carefully, are the other people living in Multiverse 1 originally also fake people, and were turned into real people by Prolaya's void power?

When people think about the world itself, is it possible that the world was originally fake, like an amusement park for high-dimensional creatures, but with the intervention of some forces, it became a complete world?

Then the boundary between true and false will be blurred, and an amusement park without people playing will be meaningless.

She is proving the power of nothingness.

"It seems that she has finally understood that it is not easy to kill you physically, so she changed to a psychological attack." The orangutan took a puff of his pipe and touched the revolver that Deathstroke gave him. This weapon is very useful to the orangutan. It's a bit big, but the cold metal does feel nice.

"It doesn't matter, I have never been a nihilist."

Su Ming laughed, put Hermione in her arms back on her own horse, and gave her the orangutan, holding the reins and saying:

"Mercenaries are the most realistic group of people. For me, living is the most important thing. This trick of transforming into a living person will not affect me, because I can do it too."

"So... can we continue playing?" Jaina asked. After knowing that it was a real battle, the little princess was even more excited: "I have killed pirates before, but I haven't seen many bandits. Woolen cloth."

"I also want to try long-range weapons." Yin Ruier was also checking his rifle and loading it with ammunition. The lever-action rifle has a certain burst capability: "It's a pity that Amber and Ms. Drew Yin are still sleeping. , they missed too many games.”

Mentioning this matter, the orangutan touched his chin and raised his head: "By the way, they have been sleeping for several hours, is it okay?"

"Under normal circumstances, before I found Amber, he hid in a stuffed bear to avoid strange hands, and spent almost a day in a state of high tension; and our Druid is the connection between me and Azeroth. The trick is, only if she continues to sleep, Elune will be able to see the situation here. She is an overseer, haha."

The dark death knell laughed, and he turned to look at the air behind him, because the cloak was floating there invisible.

"So can we get in touch now?" The orangutan touched the bridge of his nose, looking forward to it. Although he didn't know which world Azeroth was, if he could get in touch there, he could indirectly get in touch with the adjutant.

"Dream situations are very complicated and often do not support two-way communication, so it is not possible for the time being. You can go and play first." Su Ming nodded towards Hermione, indicating that she could play as she wanted, and added: "That's right. , don’t forget to be defensive.”

Next, Hermione began to give everyone various defensive magics. Even the horses were blessed. Then the three of them jumped off the cliff with the orangutans who were forced to participate, and laughed loudly in the air. Yiha' such a cry.

There was a lot of fighting inside the mine, and gunshots and explosions kept coming. There were a lot of people in this gang, and they had really been replaced by the original ones that were extremely vicious back then. But they were still no match for the mages and paladins. It was just a matter of time to solve them all. It's just a matter of time.

The three girls even competed, as if to see who could shoot more with guns, and there was no need to worry about ranking at the bottom, that position must go to Bobo.

This monkey head didn't actively participate in the gunfight. He was obviously wearing an armor protection spell and a frost shield. However, he took a gun and hid behind a large iron can used for gold mining, and pointed at the enemy without even showing his head. Fire in random directions.

"Why do they feel like bandits?" Su Ming, who was riding a horse and smoking on the cliff, looked at the sky and said to himself.

"Hey." The strangled black bean sprouts popped out from the shoulders and rubbed against the host's face. The meaning was very simple. They liked to play, which was what the host wanted to see.


Just as he was chatting with Strangler out of boredom, a familiar female voice sounded in his ears again. This time, the smile on Deathstroke's face seemed to become brighter.

"Communication restored? I thought Proraya's methods were so powerful this time. You did a good job."

"I used the communication system of the Divinity as a transfer station, and used Perpetua's technology to open the communication line again." The adjutant who was praised smiled and was very happy, but she still did not forget the business: "We are The meeting requires your participation, Sheriff, regarding some of Prolaya’s weaknesses.”

"Okay, let's set up a virtual conference room and project me there." Su Ming was confident. Since he might have found Prolaya's weakness, it was time to get down to business.

The adjutant activated the virtual projection meeting function, and at the same time did not forget to project Constantine and Batman into the database of the Divinity. In this way, although they are in different spaces and different times, everyone can We can still communicate.

"Slade." Batman nodded. He actually took the initiative to say hello, which showed that he was very satisfied with Deadpool. Although he didn't know the specific details, his cousin must have helped him.

"Bruce." He was polite, and Su Ming was naturally easy to talk to. He smiled and nodded to Batman, then looked at a mangy man who seemed to be standing still: "John, do you like my team of farmers?"

"Ah, of course, it would be better if they were more talkative, I mean, except for Ghostface." Zha Kang also smiled, and now he was very confident that since the communication with Deathstroke and Batman had been restored, then The next step should be to serve the hard food.

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