The Death Knell

Chapter 5184 Analysis Meeting

"Skip the parts you don't understand, Batman. We'll discuss it later after the chief has finished translating the entire text."

Cindy, who was smoking in the crowd, said this, but her eyes always fell on the other death knell, as if asking for his opinion.

Su Ming himself has almost read the full text of the stele and is currently thinking about it, but it is not a bad thing to let the translation work be completed and everyone brainstorm.

So he raised his palm and signaled the old man to continue. In this vast space full of cabinets, he wanted to break the silence. At least, the only sound left was the sound of those people eating cakes not far away.

"Why does Pralaya happen? Because there are seven stages of evolution in the universe. In order for life forms to grow and survive, each stage requires a certain amount of heat, humidity, light, elements, etc. If the heat exceeds the need, the stone will collapse, Metals will melt, plants will wither, and all evolved animal forms will be affected. If the rain does not stop, all living things will also drown, all plants will drown, and even mountains will eventually collapse."

"The universe is a closed system, and nature is a systematic balance of all elements in this closed system. To be precise, it attempts to balance the needs of elements at different stages of evolution. But when these elements are artificially created, the natural balance is disturbed, reflecting To the galaxies and even the farthest universes. When nature is out of balance, chaos breaks out in the world. The earth is the center of the universe, just like the axis of a wheel. If the axis is loose, the wheel will shake. Therefore, when the earth is out of balance, the center The outer reaches, the universes, will feel the impact, like the spokes of a wheel.”

The chief's voice is not very pleasant. It sounds a bit like a duck, or a mad scientist who has inhaled laughing gas. He speaks very fast, and has very rich facial expressions when translating. Sometimes he frowns, sometimes he is stunned, like Face-changing drama on the top.

Damian hugged his arms, and the boy couldn't help but rub his nose. He looked at the adults around him and opened his mouth, but made no sound.

Because he had an epiphany.

From these two paragraphs, it can be heard that Proraya's arrival seems to be related to imbalance.

Assuming that the universe has a progress bar, then Prolaya's level of activity should be proportional to the degree of imbalance, and combined with the subsequent 'geocentric theory' argument, perhaps the degree of imbalance displayed by the earth is a microcosm of the entire universe.

In what ways is the earth out of balance? Do you even need to ask this? The entire multi-dimensional 1 was made by Perpetua using crisis energy and X metal. This is of course an imbalance between light and dark, just like when a bicycle leaves the factory, it only has a handlebar on one side.

Even though he has lived in the League of Assassins since he was a child, received various killing trainings, and later followed Batman for many years, he is not surprised by many dark things.

Damian also has to admit that his world is really too dark. In his life, except for a few people such as Superman and Barry, there are almost no positive people or things.

Perhaps when God was still alive, this balance could barely be maintained, but his death became the last straw.

But his father... his darkness has become increasingly intense, especially after defeating Darkseid and devouring his 'Omega', which undoubtedly increased the imbalance.

So this time he left Earth 0, left the axis of the spokes, and went to a world full of western style for vacation to avoid the imbalance from being further amplified...

Thinking of this, many of Damian's past questions were answered.

For example, why my father always comes and goes in a hurry and never stays on Earth 0 for a long time. Instead, he goes to Earth 40K to live permanently. It should be about balance. His existence is too dark and too dangerous for the congenitally deformed universe.

For example, why he refuses to recognize himself, it must be because he is afraid of hurting himself. This is a kind of protection to prevent himself from becoming darker.

For example, why he insists on finding Superman? It's because the latter may be the brightest part of the world. After all, hope is always bright.

There are many more. It can be seen from many details in the past that my father noticed the matter of balance very early...

Therefore, Damian's mouth that he originally planned to speak was closed again. The boy already understood his father's good intentions and had no doubts anymore.

In one second, the young white rich boy figured out all the joints and completed his own brainstorming.

"Boy, what do you want to say?"

The blinded Luther noticed some of Damian's small movements, even though the boy just opened his mouth before, such an inconspicuous micro-expression.

"It's nothing, I didn't even understand, so I yawned." Robin turned and walked away, heading towards the cake dinner: "You adults can just discuss it if you have anything to do. I'm going to play with Harley."

"It's okay, let's go play. Haha, it's a good thing to eat more when you're growing." The chief was cheerful. It wasn't that he didn't realize that Damian was hiding something, but he just liked to see Luther being rejected.

He would be happy if the boy didn't cooperate with Luther, and he would be happy if anyone went against Luther.

The bald old man originally planned to say something, but Batman was staring at him, so he could only sigh and change the topic:

"The energy balance in the universe also mentions heat. So from the perspective of human science, the balance that can be easily associated with is entropy increase and entropy decrease. Is entropy the problem?"

"It shouldn't just be limited to entropy, it might be balance on a more macro level." Cindy continued. There were all men here. She had seen too many men tearing each other up, and she didn't want to make the atmosphere too awkward.

She was afraid of those little fairy men on Earth Minus 11 anyway. Even though she knew that Su, Batman, and Luthor were not that type, she felt some familiar green tea smell on the Chief.

But when the word balance was mentioned, she couldn't help but look at Deathstroke carefully, because he had talked about this topic on Earth Minus 11 more than half a year ago.

"I don't understand either. Let's go." Superboy-Prime took the opportunity to withdraw. When he saw the death knell, he wanted to give up thinking long ago: "I leave this to you, I believe you, haha."

He still has a sunny smile on his face, but the traces of his performance are a bit heavy.

"Troublemaker, don't you say something?" Su Ming was too lazy to care about what these people were doing. He cared more about the dwarf's opinion, because besides himself, he was the one who knew the most about the macro level. .

"you ask me?"

The bald short man spread his hands, turned into a small plastic chair, and sat down:

"I don't know. I just came back to this concept. I wanted to find Superman, but he had to deal with Prolaya to see Superman. But no one can prove that Superman's disappearance is related to her! Anyway, I don’t care what you do, I want to see Superman, and I want it now.”

"I know that your brain is not as good as the bat spirit. If you don't solve Proraya, who has time to help you find Superman? Okay, you can go and have fun. If you want to help, just wait. If you don't want to, just wait. Superman will definitely give it to you. Just get it back."

An angry Su Ming waved his hand and did not force the dwarf to help. Instead, he sent the fifth-dimensional man aside like a fly.

"How to provoke generals? You said I'm not as good as a bat spirit? Haha, I won't be fooled, Luo Luo Luo~" The troublemaker smiled and spit out his exaggeratedly long tongue, and then ran away to eat the cake. This guy is not stupid at all.

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