The Death Knell

Chapter 5201 Bait Plan

"I can't seem to be of much help, and there are no herbs here."

Diana was completely free now. She didn't even have to participate in security work. She also came under the umbrella to take a breather.

Nowadays, more and more apes have been brainwashed by Chaos. There are even smart apes who have been trained to become Chaos cultists. They have begun to build various buildings with mud and dance hand in hand.

The red light was dispersing the darkness, but the air was also filled with the smell of blood. She didn't like this atmosphere very much. It felt like someone was sharpening a knife behind her back.

"Well, let me tell you, at Jie Yin's age, he should have retired a long time ago. It would be good to go to Hawaii to live in seclusion."

Wade shook his hand to shake off the snot on his fingers, then pulled off his mask and turned around:

"But many of the superheroes I know seem to be sick. They still go to war when they are old, and end up with no body intact. Doesn't the pension savings benefit the U.S. government?"

After saying that, he shook his head disdainfully, as if he couldn't understand why others chose this way.

"Don't discuss this kind of issue with me." Barry waved his hand, saying that he had no opinion, because everyone has different ideas, and he respects other people's opinions: "Both you and Slade like money more, and some people don't. If you like it, you would choose a different life. Is it normal?"

In fact, Flash's concept of money is quite normal among superheroes. He is also short of money and likes to make money. While working at the Star Laboratory, he also works part-time as a physical evidence appraisal for Midtown CSI.

Working two jobs is very hard. If it were not for money, no one would find this kind of suffering for themselves.

"It's up to them." Deadpool turned his head left and right and found a relatively dry place to sit down: "Let's get down to business. After the God of Forgotten was killed by us, no new enemies came for a long time. It's really It’s boring, I really want to chop something.”

He just ran out of words to talk about, because without enemies, it would be difficult for him to establish his presence, so he could only talk nonsense to see if he could gain popularity.

"It's raining so hard now and the water temperature has risen again. I'm afraid you'll be scalded when you step out from under the umbrella, right?" Diana glanced at him. Although she didn't know what Wade was thinking, she still reminded him: " Just wait patiently, everything will be fine when Batman's plan is completed."

"No, don't say that, sister-in-law, this is a serious flagrant."

He took out half a burrito from his underwear. Deadpool, who had just smelled it, covered his forehead and said in a very deep tone:

"Like 'I'll go home for Christmas after this fight', 'I'll go back home to get married after this mission', 'Today is my last patrol before retiring as a police officer', and you, 'As long as so-and-so launches an attack , everything will be fine', these words are very unlucky."

As a mercenary, he understands that sometimes you have to believe in things like metaphysics.

"Haha, I think I am the one with the blood of Olympus. I didn't expect you to be more superstitious than me."

Diana, who was becoming more and more accustomed to Deadpool's style, smiled and shook her head. She looked at the ice cream stall in the park and wiped the water stains on her face that were unclear whether it was rain or sweat:

"But I understand that you have never acted with Batman before, so naturally you don't know how effective his plan will be."

The color change in the sky became more and more obvious. It was too red, as if something was on fire, or in other words, the sky was bleeding.

The reason why Wonder Woman feels bad is because this atmosphere reminds her of the dead Ares, the brother who always wanted to start a war and saw rivers of blood.

"Who says I don't know? Have you ever seen Batman take a long exam like this before? Did he think for too long after this meeting?"

While saying this, Deadpool waved to the park and asked the Mexican selling ice cream to come over:

"Bring some ice cream over here and put it in my cousin's account as if he treated us to it. Prepare the invoice."

It goes without saying that many illegal immigrants in Mexico do not speak English. This ice cream seller is one of them. He just understood the greeting gestures and drove the ice cream truck over, with a clear look in his eyes. stupidity.

Deadpool walked over, made gestures, ordered some ice cream, and gave it to Barry and the two children over there, while the remaining two were given to Diana.

In this steamy environment, eating something cold will make people feel calmer, at least the sense of urgency disappears a lot.

Many Chaos Apes come and go, and from time to time conflicts break out and kill each other. At this time, they become more like humans. Disputes between humans are also engraved in their DNA.

Holding the cone in his hand, the cold sweets made Barry shiver, but then he smiled:

"Well, although the hygiene situation is questionable, Wade, there are still delicious things in your amusement park."

"Haha, of course. Uncle Deadpool, I am a world mercenary. I have been to many places, so naturally I have seen a lot. Although my brain cancer is also in the advanced stage, I don't know what delicious food tastes like. It’s so easy to forget. Well, there’s another advantage. If you eat my food, you will definitely think of me when the chrysanthemums bloom uncontrollably afterwards, hee hee.”

As he spoke, he reached out to touch Xiao Shan's butt and raised his eyebrows meaningfully, as if to hint at something.

"...Ignore the second half of the sentence. What Deadpool said before is right. The memory of food is the same for the God of Forgetfulness."

Batman didn't know when he suddenly appeared behind everyone. His hoarse voice, which had been changed by a voice changer, swept from the darkness with an eerie chill:

"Whatever the Forgotten God likes to eat is the bait we will use next."


Diana, who was licking the ice cream, answered immediately. She knew a lot about various gods, so she naturally had her own opinions:

"But the problem is, faith is intangible and colorless, so how can we use it as bait?"

However, the wet Batman didn't answer. He just looked at Deadpool in the rising heat. The white eyepiece blocked his eyeballs, but the look in his eyes seemed to contain a bit of trust.

I don’t know if Deadpool saw the shadow of his cousin in Batman, or if he had eaten ice cream today, so his mind was clear. He immediately understood the Dark Knight’s dark plan.

"I understand, if it's inconvenient for you, I still have to do it."

After eating the ice cream in his hand in three or two mouthfuls, he took a bite of each finger and let out a long breath:

"When they are driven here, I will take action. Have you thought of a way to stop the rain?"

"The rain will stop soon."

The Dark Knight didn't even bother to look up at the sky, because the dark clouds and lightning in the sky had almost disappeared at this time, replaced by the huge Seal of Khorne. The burning symbol was dispersing the moisture in the air, as if to let the sky Everything burns.

Others may not feel the connection between air humidity and rainfall, but he is Batman and an old Gotham man. He is exposed to acid rain every day and knows best that the rain will stop at dawn.

"Okay, how about you take Flash and Wonder Woman to the amusement park for a while? I'll go in and find you after I finish my work?" Deadpool reached out to get his unlimited bullet pistol from Batman, and began to inspect and maintain it. : “I don’t think they may be able to accept such a plan.”

"Show them, because apes don't count as humans," the Dark Knight said.

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