The Death Knell

Chapter 5206 Kamikaze Special Attack

I want to ask Deadpool what solution he came up with? The solution lies within the circus.

Some people may not be familiar with the circus, but the main performances in such venues are generally magic, animal training, and acrobatics.

Among the acrobatic events, knife throwing and trapeze are reserved events. No matter what circus, if these two items are not available, it will be unqualified.

When the trapeze project first appeared, it was a group of people swinging in the sky, relying on inertia to throw themselves out, and playing relay races in the air. It was essentially like the uneven bars in gymnastics.

The eldest member of Nightwing's family, the Grayson family is Gotham's famous trapeze family. They have been playing trapeze for generations, which allowed him to develop good physical flexibility since he was a child, laying the foundation for becoming a superhero.

A long time ago, because there was no television or radio, people's entertainment methods were very expensive. In addition to playing cards, they also drank alcohol. In this case, traveling circuses had a very good market.

When you start out, you don't even need anything too complicated. You can just buy some strange specimens and corpses, put on a freak show, and find a house for exhibition to make money.

After it developed, a large team was formed, like a Chinese opera troupe.

According to the words of a certain old man Guo, there was a lot of hatred between different teams. Therefore, when the circus business was gradually shrinking due to the oppression of various electrical appliances, serious involution appeared.

Apart from anything else, at least the original trapeze project began to pursue more exciting and crazy ways to present it.

For example, adding the original magic props to the trapeze performance gave birth to a performance method called the "human cannon".

To put it simply, there is a launching device that looks like a cannon, which can shoot the flying man into the sky at high speed, achieving higher, faster and stronger transcendence.

The solution Deadpool came up with was the human cannon.

His circus has all kinds of amusement equipment. Even if it doesn't, there is enough time to conceive it on the spot, but such a thing as a human cannon definitely exists.

Primitive artillery may not be reliable when used against the air, but the key depends on what ammunition is fired. If it is a cannon firing nuclear bombs, then there is no need for accuracy at all, just fire.

However, Deadpool does not have a nuclear bomb in his hand, at least not yet. What he plans to launch is the little Deadpools.

Put them in wingsuits that can fly and glide in the air, and then use cannons to shoot them towards Amo.

"Someone, push out my Italian cannon!"

After stopping her sister-in-law, the bitch turned around and shouted hello to the circus. She was very confident, just like a warlord from a certain African country, the same kind from 80 years ago.

Soon, many little Deadpools came over pushing colorful cannons. These things were said to be artillery, but they looked more like water tanks or rice mortars, but they were used to hold a little Deadpool and launch them. Not a problem.

"Report! Ace pilot applies to fight!"

At this time, a little Deadpool wearing a wingsuit came over. He also gave a handsome two-finger salute like Tom Cruise in Top Gun.

If you ignore his rotten face and the stench emanating from his body, he is indeed kind of handsome.

"Very good, very energetic!"

Wade patted the little Deadpool on the shoulder happily. Although these little bastards usually messed up his brain, but when something really happened, they would help kill people without any hesitation. But I am still moved. Wade still needs face-to-face instructions on what to do:

"The decision is yours, Pikachu. Don't ask me why I mentioned Pokémon all of a sudden, because I'm just playing a voice actor joke. You just need to wait to be launched into the sky, and then use the wing suit to fly as much as possible. Fly towards our enemy, and then try to shit on his face in the air, making him make an emergency landing due to nausea. This is the sure-kill battle I invented. You need to brew it and prepare something thin, preferably one that can spray in a radial pattern. kind."

After hearing this, the little Deadpool nodded slowly. He took off his Tyrannosaurus sunglasses with slightly trembling hands, put them in his pocket and smiled crookedly:

"Did it turn out to be a kamikaze attack? Haha, just what I wanted! Maybe I was a Japanese in my previous life? Is this my fate? Ah, the cherry blossoms in my hometown, I wonder if they will be as full as before this year? Yuriko, in my case After your death, your husband will never know our secret, please raise our children well."

After saying that, the little deadpool also took out an MP3 player from his trouser pocket and started to play the famous song "Sakura". In the other hand, he also took out an aunt's towel and a pen and inkstone that someone had used. With a wave of a small pen, he wrote on it I have written the words "Seven Lives to Serve the Country" and plan to put it on my forehead.

"Fake! Get out! You are all my imaginary little brother, why are you adding drama to yourself?! Where did you come from in your previous life?! And why is there seven here?!"

The Deadpool who was jumping crazily on the side knocked the white cloth out of the opponent's hand, grabbed the little Deadpool and threw it into the barrel of the gun. He also threw the sake that appeared in his hand into the muzzle of the gun at the same time. He said angrily to the other little deadpools around him:

"Load the gunpowder. Hurry up and reload the gunpowder. Why are you watching the excitement? If his urge to shit disappears and he can't pull it out after a while, will you pay for it?!"

He seemed a little angry, like an American who was attacked at Pearl Harbor. Because this little deadpool had no martial ethics and attacked his popularity, he had to kill him as soon as possible.

The little deadpools around brought a gunpowder barrel, poured the black powder into the barrel, and also took a broom-like prop and poked it inside.

Maybe it’s ok? Load the gunpowder twister on the cannon, prepare the ignition torch, and then adjust the direction of the muzzle to aim at the black spot like a small dust in the sky.

As for whether the human cannon can hit that high... it should be possible, right? Anyway, if the strength is too great, the bricks will fly, so just add more medicine.

"moving かねば黑にへだつや花と水..."

At this time, a dull sound came from the barrel, as if someone was buried alive in a dry well.

"Holy crap, give me the torch! Are you even reciting a poem about your death? You're plagiarizing the beautiful boy Okita Souji. You're shameless. Only I can be considered a beautiful boy. Who do you think you are?! Let's go!"

Hearing that the little Deadpool in the barrel was still posing, Wade became even more angry. He could even feel his popularity losing, so he immediately lit the fuse with a torch. Amidst the sound of burning gunpowder, the flame illuminated His face was as ferocious as an ukiyo-e painting.

A second later, there was a loud noise like popcorn boiling!

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