The Death Knell

Chapter 5208 The situation is improving

Seeing that the attack was effective, Deadpool immediately asked his younger brothers to launch more cannons and continue to repeat the previous steps. If the tactics are confirmed to be effective, then they only need to continue to copy the successful experience before the opponent can crack it.

At present, it seems that Amo's willpower is really good. If it were any other god, he might have crashed if he smelled a little smell, but even if he had mushrooms growing on his body, he could still insist on flying out of that place. Pieces of brown smoke.

So what Deadpool and the little Deadpools have to do next is to complete the fire coverage and fill the entire sky with droplets of themselves.

Conventional organs and excrement seem to be of average effect, but the key lies in N's father's sugar water. In this way, every pilot needs to go to the green fat man to drink a bowl before going to the sky to stay strong.

A steady stream of cannons were pushed out of the big tent, and more little Deadpools came over carrying barrels of gunpowder, with joyful smiles on their faces, as if they were going to use explosives to blow up the children in the school.

There are not many options left for Amo now. His only way to break the situation is to rush straight to the circus and destroy the anti-aircraft gun emplacement. But then, Wonder Woman is gearing up next to her, and Batman is hiding somewhere. , will definitely give him an enthusiastic response.

As long as it falls to the ground and everyone launches a gang fight with the characteristics of the Justice League, as long as this so-called god does not have the ability to modify reality, then defeat is only a matter of time.

A sound of cannons rang out, and little Deadpools in different costumes soared into the sky from the muzzle. Of course, not every one of them could fly to the enemy smoothly, and the opponent itself was moving at high speed, making the target even more difficult.

But just fly into the sky and explode.

The yellow mist in the sky persisted, compressing Amo's space for movement. Wade was worried that the opponent would run away, so he raised his big horn again and began to tilt towards the enemy. It’s a word that everyone finds dirty.

As a human shield in the team, how can you attract monsters if you don’t know how to taunt?

I don't know if it's a side effect of brain cancer, but he has a lot of imagination, and sometimes his swear words are very creative, and can even be said to be the first in the world of swear words.

Not far away, Black Wally and Little Fatty were dumbfounded. Although they couldn't understand half of the slang and metaphors, the other half was constantly reshaping their outlook on life.

Before meeting Deadpool, they had never thought that someone could speak so viciously, especially the tactic of firing human cannonballs and exploding large tracts of feces and urine, which was so disgusting.

It was because they had vomited before and now there was nothing in their stomachs, so they could only retching and spitting. Otherwise, they might have fallen down long ago.

After all, if you fire into the sky, those dirty things will fall down sooner or later, in the form of rain or other forms. This is the cycle of nature.

But even so, they still listened while retching, because people's curiosity is so strong. They were curious about what other shocking words Deadpool would say, and even thought that maybe one day in the future, they might be able to use it. Such words and phrases?

The kind-hearted Barry seems a little entangled, because he doesn't want young people to learn this; but Deadpool is scolding his enemies, which is definitely not wrong.

He didn't know what to do. He could only walk around retching like a white husband outside the delivery room who was worried about his wife giving birth to a mixed-race black baby.

Cannons were fired into the sky one after another, and things went smoothly, so everyone who had their own ideas did not notice that as brown-yellow fireworks bloomed in the sky, they were like a lake of sticky snot on the blackboard. The same thing is like the colonies in a petri dish, layer upon layer, gradually squirming to form the holy symbol of Nurgle.

Like a rotten garden or mutated moss, these filth are fixed in the air by invisible power and emit light...


"Their strength is still weakening, work harder!"

Standing on the shoulder of the Nutcracker, Damian dodged an attack from the red monkey, took out the Robin Dart with his backhand, and stabbed the little monster in the chest. Then he kicked it off the giant robot and shouted To encourage everyone.

Yes, at this point in the battle, he also noticed changes.

At the beginning, the Forgotten Gods were very strong. Just their speed and accompanying deformation ability were too much for everyone to deal with. If they hadn't been surrounded by mechas and had Superboy taking care of them, they would probably have failed a long time ago. .

But when the battle lasted for almost seven minutes, he found that the originally difficult gods of oblivion seemed to have exhausted their strength. Not to mention other aspects, even the speed of their elusiveness suddenly dropped.

If the original speed was that of a jet fighter, its current speed is about the same as that of a car, and it is not even a supercar.

The specific reason, Da Mi also has some guesses, should be some progress made in the ancient timeline where Diana and the others were, and the butterfly effect caused these gods to become weak and slow.

I haven't had time to contact the adjutant to ask what it is specifically, but just know that it is a good thing.

If it was like dancing on the edge of a knife in the beginning, now that the enemy has weakened, he at least has a sense of down-to-earth stability when dealing with it.

If anyone's performance in the battle was the most dazzling, it was undoubtedly Raven. She was like a magic fort. After building a strong enough defensive position, she opened up her firepower. From a high altitude, it looked like It is a giant firework that is constantly shooting out.

It's a pity that her spells don't have any gorgeous light and shadow. In addition to the ominous black mist, there are giant greasy-looking tentacles. So even though she is fighting against everyone's enemies, anyone who sees these magics will be Feeling cold.

That is human beings' instinctive fear of dark things, even if she is using the evil power of the Third House to do good things.

However, Raven has long been used to being discriminated against by the mainstream magic world. She was waving her hands constantly, manipulating magic to kill enemies in pieces, and her ruthlessness showed that she didn't care what others thought.

She just wanted to avenge Donna. Even though Amo was not here, she was trying to kill the forgotten gods to see if she could lead out their leader.

The weird dark magic is very powerful. Not to mention the red monkey, even the God of Oblivion will have his life force drained away if he touches it.

Therefore, the more times these evil gods are hit by ravens, the more energetic the witch becomes. Other sorcerers tend to over-cast spells, which makes their faces pale. She is just the opposite. The crazier she casts spells, the redder her face becomes.

The black mist delays the enemy's footsteps and provides defense for everyone, while the tentacles are like straws, sucking out the enemy's life. This is the power of the Three Palaces of the Alien Demon God.

Power is neither good nor evil, the key is how to use it. a\u003evas\u003ediv\u003eScan the QR code to download Red Sleeves and join Xiaoxiang to receive benefits. Newcomers can read for free for a limited time div\u003ediv\u003ediv\u003e

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