The Death Knell

Chapter 526 Bathing

"How about it, Ciri, don't you want to learn how to cook and make some new food for everyone in Kaer Morhen?"

Su Ming tried his best to fan the flames and used various temptations to persuade Xili.

She was indeed a little moved. Everyone had always been so kind to her, but she only brought them threats and trouble. It would be nice if she could make dishes they had never tasted before to make everyone happy.


"Your ability is very convenient. You can study there during the day and come back to see Geralt at night. I will handle the Wild Hunt." Su Ming said this while looking around for the target.

"Geralt?" Ciri looked at the white wolf with questioning eyes. She wanted to go, but she needed Geralt's opinion.

The demon hunter just looked ahead and sat firmly on the horse: "You have been able to make your own decisions a long time ago, and it is the same now... But if you want to go, at least you have to wait until Yennefer and the others are sure. Slade has to have no problems, this condition is so good, I always feel it’s not real.”

"If there is a way to take you there, of course I can take you to see it, but there is no other way." Su Ming spread his hands, he had no bad intentions at all: "Okay, look around to see if there is anything A large monster, let me demonstrate how to use the rifle."


Unfortunately, large prey cannot be encountered at any time. In the next few days, no creature like a griffon appeared at all.

Use divine gold bullets to kill rotting corpses? That was too wasteful, and Xili began to like firearms, and she also consumed a lot of Su Ming's pistol bullets.

She was indeed very talented, but the sound of gunshots scared away many prey along the way, so Su Ming had to give her another silencer.

In order to attract the little girl, Su Ming also demonstrated the effects of various grenades, which were smaller but stronger than their alchemy bombs.

To demonstrate the superiority of his armor, he stood motionless among the ghouls and let them scratch and chew on him for three minutes.

Anyway, according to him, these things are very basic, and Ciri can definitely learn more useful things and obtain better equipment.

Everyone in Kaer Morhen will also benefit.

Now Ciri is also full of yearning for that world, and she urges Geralt to leave quickly.

But Geralt was still the same as before, killing monsters and making money along the way. If he was really dirty, he would go to the brothel to take a bath and relax.

He also wanted to take Su Ming with him, but Su Ming said that it was okay to take a bath and forget about the subsequent shows. Whether the prostitutes in villages and towns are good-looking or not is another matter for another time. In this era, they don’t even have toothpaste, which is very unhygienic.

Along the way, they approached the village of Yantra, which is close to Novigrad.

"Look at the smoke coming out of those chimneys, we're coming to Novigrad."

Geralt pointed to a dark shadow in the distance on the horizon.

There are many large chimneys in the city of Novigrad. If you are not familiar with them, you might think they are blacksmith shops. In fact, they are all gold-selling caves.

There are 13 bathhouses and 35 hotels, or brothels with baths, in the entire city. There are many natural consumption channels in this bustling city.

"Ah, we're finally here." Jane also showed a relaxed smile.

"But before facing the bloodthirsty banshee, there is one last problem." Geralt led everyone into Yangtra Village.

He came to a red-roofed tiled house in a familiar way and knocked hard on the door.

A middle-aged woman came out.

"Sheriff Tajalelin, as agreed, I brought him here."

"Huh?" The middle-aged woman looked at the group of people, but didn't see what she wanted to see.

Just then, Geralt grabbed Jane's arm.

Jane's face was full of surprise: "Geralt? What do you mean?"

Geralt grabbed her with one hand and pulled out his silver sword with the other: "Do you think two demon hunters can't recognize a shapeshifter? Change back, or I will bleed you."

The black-haired woman Jane, or the monster disguised as Jane, knew that she had been discovered. He immediately imitated the appearance of a water ghost, and his slimy skin broke away from Geralt's hand and rushed towards Ciri.

But Geralt just scratched his arm lightly with the silver sword. As the silver took effect, the shapeshifter lost its ability to transform.

He changed from a beautiful woman to a water ghost, and now he has returned to his original appearance.

A decadent man with long hair who looked very thin and haggard.

Naturally, Xili would not be hit. She appeared next to Su Ming in a flash, and watched as the man who had returned to his original form was caught by Geralt again.

"It turned out to be a cross-dressing guy. I said the smell was not right." Su Ming took off his helmet and touched his beard.

"You can tell people apart by their smell? And what does crossdresser mean?" Ciri was used to hearing a lot of incomprehensible words from Slade.

Su Ming shrugged: "Everyone smells different, but all monsters smell the same, because monsters don't live, they just live, that's the answer. As for the term crossdresser, if Geralt puts on a skirt He’s also a big boss in women’s clothing.”

"Pfft." Ciri imagined what the bearded Geralt would look like if he put on Yennefer's clothes, and she couldn't help but laugh.

Geralt is having a serious conversation over there.

"Tagarelin, I have sent you the man who killed your daughter and countless travelers."

"Really him? A shape-shifter who opened an inn and murdered all passers-by?" The village chief immediately rang the bell at the door and asked the villagers to go out for revenge. Many people in the village had their relatives killed at the hands of this shape-shifter.

Geralt pushed the shapeshifter away, and naturally countless villagers surrounded him with pitchforks.

"As I promised, let him come here alive to face justice, you can use Novigrad's laws or your own customs..."

"Pfft..." Ciri's laughter came from not far away.

Geralt stuttered, his serious mood completely gone. Ciri was smiling more than ever these days. She seemed really happy.

Maybe it was right to let her go to school.

Geralt took back the silver sword and touched the scar on his face: "His trial... I will not attend. Where is my reward?"

The village chief took out a cloth bag, which contained the money raised by the victims' relatives to hire the witcher, which amounted to a thousand oren.

After all, there are no clues, but a murderer needs to be found across the entire continent, and only the demon hunter White Wolf can do it.

After taking the money bag, Geralt turned around and mounted his horse. The previously vacant white horse was also handed over to Su Ming. The three of them left here and continued to Novigrad.

"Geralt? Ciri? Slade? Aren't we friends?" the shapeshifter yelled crazily behind him.

But Geralt didn't look back.

At this time, countless villagers and outsiders surrounded the shape-shifting monster.

"Monster, we have been waiting for you. This is Anos, a blacksmith; this is Janu, a soldier; this is Leo, Sterling's cousin..."

As the village chief spoke, he motioned for people to tie up the shapeshifter:

"You killed our family members, our husbands, our wives or children, dozens of them. We are gathered here today just to enforce justice and prepare to accept punishment..."

Several bald men rushed forward and caught the incapacitated monster. They carried the shapeshifter into the village meeting hall, and everyone followed.

Immediately afterwards, the tall wooden door made a muffled sound and was forcefully closed.


"Without Jane's company, the journey seems to be much faster." Shirley rode on the horse, showing an expression like a little girl. She was more relaxed now: "It's hard to imagine that she, or he, is such a lunatic. Most of them Shapeshifters are good people.”

"But that doesn't mean they won't do evil." Geralt rode a carrot at the front. He looked at the building on the roadside not far away, and the chimney was smoking: "It doesn't mean they can escape the punishment for doing evil. "

Su Ming and Xili were riding side by side. He, who got a horse for free, was actually the beneficiary: "It seems like you are going to take a bath?"

"It's better to go once. After listening to what you said, I feel like I have the stink of a murderer on my body." Xili wrinkled her nose.

Geralt also meant the same thing. He remembered that there was a technician named Melissa who provided excellent service: "There are fewer people in the bathhouses outside the city and the water is cleaner."

However, after knocking on the door and entering this building that integrated a tavern, hotel, bathhouse, and brothel, Su Ming found that there were not many people here at all.

"Welcome, two demon hunters and a powerful knight walk into my bathhouse. What an honor. Please come in."

The boss was an old man with a goatee. He immediately came over with a smile on his face. The lights in the hall were all pink, and it was full of ambiguous atmosphere.

This place looks similar to an ordinary bar. There are many people drinking with their arms around the bartenders who look like village women.

The air was filled with the smell of bathhouse moisture, various perfumes, alcohol and vomit.

Su Ming turned his neck. Behind him, there were some strong men with arms folded and leaning against the wall. They looked at the three of them with scrutinizing eyes. They should be thugs watching the scene.

"I want a private room and Melissa, and the two of them just want a bath." Geralt took out some Orens from his pocket and put them in the old man's hand.

The old man turned and shouted something upstairs, and immediately a beautiful woman wearing a silk dress with the front slit almost to her navel came out and pulled Geralt away.

"By the way, if he takes his daughter out with him, wouldn't he be shy about finding prostitutes?" Su Ming turned to ask Xili, who was about to go to the women's bathhouse at this time.

"This is the life of a witcher. You can die suddenly at any time, be poisoned, eaten by monsters, or killed by wild hunting. It's better to enjoy yourself in time."

"I heard that Geralt slept with night witches, vampire succubi, and even water elves. Have you seen them?"

"Sometimes people can't afford the reward and will use a young virgin to pay off the debt. If that doesn't work, he will often find a way to deal with monsters. It's no big deal."

Ciri shrugged and walked away, which was just a common thing for her.

Su Ming shook his head and walked to the men's bathhouse. Monsters couldn't be eaten, but they could be slept with? This world is probably not for all ages.

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