The Death Knell

Chapter 5358 Time Plan

"I have a question. What made you think that Barry was no longer good and that you wanted to replace him even if the timeline was changed?"

Regarding the latest statement about the embodiment of the Speed ​​Force, Deathstroke raised the next question, because no matter from any perspective, Barry is the most suitable for the Speed ​​Force. Although Patty is also good, she is not strong enough after all.

Look at Xiao Shen, he sacrifices to heaven every time and survives every time. What about her? After worshiping heaven once, there will be no more people. This is where the difference lies.

Su Ming didn't believe that the Speed ​​Force could not understand the fact that he could see it clearly. Patty could only be regarded as a substitute, just like those KFC fried chicken substitute pre-made dishes sold on Taobao.

Cheap, affordable, and plentiful, but there is still a gap between it and the original version.

The Speed ​​Force's eyes flickered a little, and she was hesitating whether she could tell Deathstroke about her plan.

She thought for a while and said in a nonchalant way: "Barry is my favorite human being, but he has been too tired recently. I want to replace him temporarily with Patty for a while so that Barry can have a good rest."

Yes, this statement sounds reasonable. The Speed ​​Force smiled, she was very satisfied with her wit.

However, her excuse did not confuse Deathstroke. The Dark Supreme Mage had dealt with many dimensional demons and demons. If he did not have the ability to see through lies, he would have been eaten to the bone long ago.

Even if the Speed ​​Force didn't say it, he had already thought of the key to the problem. After Destiny died, many stories lost their restraints and arrangements. Now even the Speed ​​Force has appeared to revive it.

Patty had an advantage over Barry that the latter could never match.

That is, as a woman, Patty can get pregnant and give birth to children. As we all know, the children of speedsters can almost 100% inherit the speed force. This is like a tradition of the Lightning family.

If according to the original story line of Earth 0, Barry and Iris get married, they will have two children, son Don and daughter Dawn. These two people will be codenamed "Tornado Twins" in the future, and Don is also "Lightning Kid" Bart Allen's father.

In addition, Barry will have three children with Green Lantern Jessica Cruz, son Jason, and daughters Jenny and Nora.

These three are all speedsters, and Nora among them is especially good. Codenamed 'Wandering', she inherited her mother's green light ring and her father's speed force. Her combat power is not as simple as one plus one.

And here's the interesting thing, because if the original story develops, Barry will not marry Patty, and no children will be born. At least as a time traveler, Deathstroke does not know that such a character exists.

So you can guess a little bit about the reason why the Speed ​​Force is now targeting Patty, that is, when she becomes Flash Woman and breeds with Barry, there is a 'target' that the Speed ​​Force wants among the offspring.

What is the Speed ​​Force's wish? Or what is her dream?

According to some information obtained in her previous life, her dream seems to be to annex the other three "powers of origin", namely the power of strength, the power of sage, and the power of stasis.

Thinking of this, Su Ming had some guesses.

If the Speed ​​Force now intervenes to change the timeline and turns Patty into Flash Woman, then Barry will not become an ordinary person now. Remember that he is now the holder of the Stasis Force?

He might become Stasis, or Snail Man or something?

In this case, if Patty and Barry's child can inherit the speed force from the mother and the stasis force from the father, it is possible to give birth to a 'dual power person'.

Coupled with the fact that the missing powerful woman and the psychic guest happened to be a boy and a girl, if they gave birth to offspring, they would probably be hybrids with dual powers.

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