The Death Knell

Chapter 5363 Trumpet Runway

"Yes, you seem to have a problem-solving attitude." Deathstroke, who was holding a cigarette, straightened up, flicked the cigarette ashes aside, and looked at the face of the mummy with relief: "This should also be what the speed force means, right? I know it. look in."

"Yes." The mummy wrote on the paper.

"Okay, let's go to the 'Starting Line' first, and I'll talk to her." Deathstroke took care of the wormhole in front of him. He was just a street villain, so he just wanted to fool him.

He turned around and walked backwards, from where he entered the Speed ​​Force plane, which was the starting point and the end point, because this plane itself was a circle.

Generally speaking, people cannot go against the flow of the Speed ​​Force, but if the Speed ​​Force itself does not object, there will naturally be no problem.

Black Lightning has no say. Deathstroke can just say whatever he says. Moreover, he cannot enter the four special nodes in the plane. At most, he can just follow Deathstroke as a guide.

A few minutes later, the man and the dead body returned to the starting point. Black Lightning pointed at a non-existent line, and Su Ming nodded.

The next second, he activated the quantum concept and his entire body disappeared on the spot.

In a blink of an eye, he came to a special space. This place also looked like the plane of the Speed ​​Force, but it was much smaller.

If the Speed ​​Force plane outside is a school's 400-meter circular playground, then this place is like a small four-wheel drive track placed in a small room.

It looks very much like the Speed ​​Force plane in every aspect, including the fact that the Speed ​​Force can be sensed here, but after all, the size is still different.

Different from the 'theater' and 'outpost' that I have been to before, there is nothing in this point except light and electricity. There is no matter, only pure energy.

But this also made it easier for Deathstroke to find someone. He soon saw a figure wearing a black tights squatting next to the runway not far away.

She held her legs with both hands and buried her head in her knees, looking aggrieved and seemingly still crying.

"Mina?" Su Ming held a cigarette and waved to her, calling out: "Are you still alive? If you're not dead, just say something."


When the woman heard the voice, she raised her head excitedly and subconsciously made that sound. After she came to her senses, her face turned red with embarrassment.

Her skin color is a bit dark, but it is not black, but a Latin-style light brown, and in terms of facial features alone, she is very beautiful. The contours of her face and eyebrows are prettier and more dignified than Catwoman.

Of course, compared with an illiterate thief like Catwoman, she also has an intellectual beauty, so her temperament is not coquettish, and she is the kind of woman who can be seen as a serious woman at a glance.

"It seems that you are not crazy and are still conscious, which is good." Su Ming knocked on his uniform armor, and the black and yellow armor made a thumping sound: "Do you know me? Someone asked me to fish you out. "

"Really? Great, I know you, Deathstroke, you seem to be looking younger."

She immediately jumped up happily, ran to the man like a little girl, curled her lips and said aggrievedly:

"I don't even know how long I've been trapped here. That black Flash keeps trying to kill me. I don't dare to move at all, wuwu."

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