The Death Knell

Chapter 5366 Cat dancing wildly

Can Mina join Zhenglian?

Of course, the smartest scientist in the world is infinitely better in every aspect than Mr. Excellence who can't find anyone at critical moments.

Whether it's her professional skills, her courage as a superhero, or even her stand for justice, there's nothing wrong with her.

If there is a slight problem, it may be that her emotional intelligence is relatively low and she is not as good at talking as Zhuo Zhihuo, which may affect unity a little, but this is not a problem. After all, Barry is a good old man of Zhenglian and one of the Seven Giants. His face It was enough to cover Mina.

At least if Kuai Dao applies to join the Zhenglian, Su Ming can't think of anyone among the Seven Giants who would object, even Batman wouldn't be able to find a reason to refuse.

But this kind of thing has nothing to do with Death Knell.

After all, no matter how great she is in scientific research, she can't compare to her in directly grabbing technology from different universes.

For example, Deathstroke's technology of mechanical animals becoming gods obtained from the Dark Tower Universe sounds like a joke on Earth 0, and people will only find it unrealistic.

Of course, he also has the ability to conduct self-research. With so many universes in hand, there is no shortage of top scientists.

"You can do it. If you join Zhenglian, you can spend Batman's money on your own research project. I think it's good." Deathstroke encouraged her with very practical reasons and asked her to write an application when she returned. : "But please be quiet for a moment. There are indeed many stories in this cave. I have to think about it."


The scientist covered her mouth with both hands. She said she was silent and just opened her eyes wide.

The upper half of her face has beautiful eyebrows and eyebrows. She really looks a bit like the young Hollywood star Jessica Alba. Her light brown skin also looks very healthy, but her innocent temperament doesn't quite resemble her.

Deathstroke didn't have the habit of paying too much attention to other people's looks. He was looking at the hole in front of him. He said silently to the adjutant:

"The origin story of the Justice League is missing a piece. Help me check the situation of those people outside now. If possible, ask them if there is any memory loss."

Although the adjutant is still playing in the game land, this does not prevent her from doing other things at the same time. However, at this time, it is late at night in the European and American regions of Earth 0, and most of the seven giants are sleeping and resting. Those who can ask There weren't many people.

Ron is on duty at the Hall of Justice, Batman is busy playing with the Joker in Gotham, and finally Wonder Woman is dancing with the night owl.

The adjutant contacted Diana directly without thinking about the person to be questioned among these candidates. After all, he was a member of his family.

In fact, Xiao Dai's life is quite boring these days. Deathstroke went to provide after-sales service to Superboy Supreme. Superman also took care of the aftermath of the incident on Earth 0. She, a pure warrior, could not do much.

Therefore, in the past few days, she has basically been playing with Leopard Girl.

Let’s go shopping in London together, go to high-end restaurants together, go to bars to drink together, etc.

Because the deal with Deathstroke was completed, Leopard Girl gained the ability to freely switch between human form and feline form. Now she has received another sum of money. She likes to spend money and likes this kind of luxurious socialite life.

Of course she also wanted to live a happy life during those years when she was cursed, but she couldn't wear the body of a leopard and go to a fashion store to buy a dress, right? Besides, those cat’s hind paws can’t wear beautiful high heels.

It’s different now. She is spending revenge, taking Wonder Woman in casual clothes with her through the market, and embarking on a shopping trip.

In fact, she is quite a nice person. She wants to buy Diana a copy of the clothes and bags she likes. The two of them get along like sisters. Although her human appearance is not as beautiful as Xiao Dai, she can only It can be regarded as a middle-aged person.

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