The Death Knell

Chapter 5379 Tips

"So you have to use the excuse of justice to make Barry a Saudi man with multiple wives, just..."

Wally has been convinced, but he just feels that there may be some loopholes in the plan. Of course, this is a backup plan if things don't go smoothly, because it is best not to discuss this kind of thing at the Justice League meeting.

Unless absolutely necessary, no one would bother their teammates with their personal matters. Only Deathstroke likes to mix business and private matters together, and has a traditional patriarchal style.

Yes, another person who likes to deal with problems this way is the original Flash Jay. In the 1950s, the superheroes of the Justice Society were more like family members living together, so everyone would know their personal affairs.

Whose room's sewer is clogged, whoever has to go out to buy groceries and can't carry anything, whoever likes a passerby and needs advice, everyone in the family, even trivial matters, Jay as the team leader will help.

In the Justice League, there is no such link. Everyone usually lives in their own cities, and when they go to the Hall of Justice for meetings, they basically don't talk about their private affairs.

"Don't think about it so much, because what I said is true. We will soon face the liquidation of the Court of Origin. Diversity 1, which is cast by the power of crisis, is a thorn in their side. That thing plans to get rid of us all. quick."

After pinching the cigarette butt and putting it away, Su Ming and Wally talked about the crisis that everyone would face next, regardless of Wally's face suddenly becoming ugly:

"At present, we can fight against the power of origin. After much thought, only the concept of 'time' is safer. Therefore, we really need a large number of speedsters, and they are kind and determined speedsters who have a blood relationship with Barry. "

After all, it's just breeding. If I'm lucky, one of the children inherits Barry's special properties and can generate the speed force when he steps. Wouldn't that be profitable?

If this characteristic can be passed on and countless generations of people like this are born, it will be too late for the Speed ​​Force to be happy, and Black Lightning may be unemployed by then.

"Origin? When I sat on the Mobius chair before, I also saw the truth of our multiverse. It is indeed darkness. Alas, Perpetua killed us. Even if she is dead, we still have to pay She wipes her ass.”

The third generation Flash was very unhappy. When he mentioned the crazy goddess, the helplessness on his face was clearly visible:

"But can the Speed ​​Force really deal with the Court of Origin? Why do I feel a little dangerous?"

The Mobius Chair can provide a lot of information, but it is only limited to the interior of Multiverse 1. Even so, it almost burned Wally's brain at the time.

That was a huge amount of knowledge, and everything was detailed. Even the mating movements and intensity of two little bugs in the woods were all poured into Wally's mind by the chair as information.

That is to say, as a speedster, his brain runs very fast. If it were an ordinary person, he would have gone crazy long ago. When Batman sat on that chair, he almost collapsed.

"I don't know. I'm going to put the four origin powers together tomorrow and do an experiment. If it's just a little short, I can use my own power to make up for it."

Deathstroke told the truth that when he gathered the Four Powers, he was actually just trying to see if this road would work.

Because the Court of Origin is so mysterious, there is no effective information, and only the Four Powers can barely make a connection. The source of this information is hearsay from previous lives.

But this is also the most likely way to take the initiative. If this doesn't work, then everyone can only wait to be beaten passively and collect intelligence during the beating.

By that time, the human losses will be unpredictable, and Su Ming himself will be in even more trouble.

"I understand, when will the enemy come?" Wally nodded seriously. He knew that the attack of the Court of Origin would probably be a crisis of annihilation, so no one could ignore it.

Of course he will also join the fight, as a speedster.

"I can't tell, maybe it will be the next second, maybe tomorrow, or maybe next month." Su Ming shook his head, he patted Wally on the shoulder, raised his head and looked at the starry sky: "It's just like what I said That way, we don’t have any tactical initiative at the moment, so whatever you want to do, it’s best to hurry up and avoid regrets.”

"Well, is it also difficult for you?" Wally rubbed his face vigorously, feeling the pressure: "Why don't you discuss it with Batman?"

The members of the Justice League were so impressed by Batman's resourcefulness that when they couldn't think of what to do, they were accustomed to turning to the Dark Knight for help.

Of course, Deathstroke is also very good. His plans have never gone wrong, but if he has no idea now, it is better for two smart people to think together, and maybe some good ideas will come up.

"Batman knows about this, but he doesn't have a particularly good way. Since you haven't been to Gotham these days, you probably haven't seen him playing games with the Joker, right?" Su Ming shook his head with a smile and looked at Wally. There was something profound in his eyes: "He is preparing to play the last game to his heart's content. If he accidentally dies in the future, at least he will have no regrets."

Why do you say that? Because of time.

In the past when playing Batman and the Joker, no matter how big the game was, it was usually done in one night.

What about this time? They have been playing for several days, and both parties may have fully felt each other's friendship through laughter.

"So Batman's wish is to fight the Joker?" The Flash sighed. It was really difficult for him to understand the minds of Gotham people. No one seemed to be normal in that place: "What is the charm of that crazy Joker? I Why don’t you understand why Batman cares about him so much?”

Yes, from an outsider's perspective, it is impossible to understand the relationship between Batman and the Joker. In the most popular terms, it is impossible to understand the feeling that they achieve each other.

"I don't know, it's hard for us outsiders to understand what Batman is thinking." Deathstroke snapped his fingers and teleported Mina on the bench directly to Barry's bedroom, sleeping on a brand new big bed: "I don't understand He, it's like he doesn't understand me because we're both people who don't even understand ourselves very well."

Adjust the landing point and move Barry so that he sleeps between the two women, hugging one on each side. At the same time, he activates the quantum concept to take off their clothes, making the three of them 'intimate'.

After doing this, Su Ming felt that he had finally done something for Xiao Shen. Barry had helped him a lot in the past, so the benefits he owed him had been paid off this time, right?

It should count, right? After all, Xiao Shan quite likes women. He is a person who lives with an ordinary person's mentality and likes beautiful women very much.

That is to say, Bobo is too picky and has too many things on his mind. If he can accept the gorilla, he should be the first person to hug him.

"Forget it, you don't have to tell me, I don't understand." Wally shook his head with a wry smile and pointed to his temple: "Others say I'm pretty smart, but I seem to be far behind you, especially It’s about philosophy, I’m just responsible for doing things, just call me if you need anything.”

Seeing Mina disappear on the spot, Wally began to move his ankles. He was going to inform Aunt Iris, and this was what Deathstroke hinted him to do.

"Well, let's call it your aunt. By the way, please advise her not to talk to her all the time in the future. It's really annoying." Su Ming made a decision, or he was supporting Wally's decision with words. After all, he had to start from scratch. You didn’t say anything about Iris at the end, right?

Anyway, if Barry finds someone to settle the score afterwards, Iris's matter won't be considered a death knell.

"I will persuade her. Maybe she has figured it out during this time. Anyway, I think she will be happy." Wally activated the Speed ​​Force, waved goodbye to Deathstroke, and then disappeared instantly.

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