The Death Knell

Chapter 5388 Heart-to-heart talk under the moon

The combat process is lackluster, after all, this kind of thing can be solved casually.

Su Ming deliberately let the situation go so that Arthur could enjoy the fight. During this period, the two of them also conducted some small tactical coordination to cultivate a tacit comradeship.

But the vitality of the seahorse squid is average. Even if you stop it, it will still be killed in about five minutes. The death state is very miserable, just like the food you would see in a Japanese sushi restaurant.

"I have a question, Arthur." Deathstroke and Neptune, who had put away their long sticks, were arm in arm, telling cold jokes to the enemy's corpse: "Octopus can make sushi, and cuttlefish can make sushi, but why can't I?" Have you ever eaten seahorse sushi?”

As a native of the Celestial Dynasty, Su Ming knew that seahorses could be used as medicine and aphrodisiacs. But why not only are there no people who eat seahorses raw, but no one even cooks them?

"Well, you really stopped asking me." The strong man touched his hair that was like seaweed and showed a dumbfounded expression, but he soon laughed: "Maybe it's because it tastes bad when eaten raw? I I have never eaten seahorses. If fishermen catch them when fishing, they basically throw them back into the sea."

"You have no right to speak if you haven't eaten it." Su Ming asked Strangler, who was sucking the brains of the seahorse, to cut up the meat. Just cut into a small piece of the tenderloin: "Let's go to the water first and roast this piece of meat, and then drink it." One cup?”

"Okay, haha, then I will try this thing today." Arthur did not refuse, because in the sea, what matters is the way everything lives in whales and animals: "Strange, why have I never thought of trying it before? The taste of seahorse? I’ve eaten horse meat on land, but I didn’t think of seahorse.”

When the monster dies, its flesh and blood will be eaten by other fish, returning to the cycle of nature.

Of course humans can kill fish to eat, as long as it does not pollute or waste.

This is one of the contradictions between Arthur and many extreme ideological factions of undersea people. For those people, only undersea people can eat fish, and it is a crime for land people to eat fish.

The two of them held a large piece of meat and slowly floated to the surface of the sea. Su Ming took off his cloak and let it form a platform on the sea surface, and then they began to set up an oven on it.

After smelling it, the seahorse meat is a little fishy, ​​a little salty, and a little sweet. The taste is very complex. You need to cut it into small pieces and skewer it, and then add more cumin to the barbecue.

Because his family often eats barbecue, Su Ming always carries barbecue supplies with him, including all the seasonings.

Soon, the charcoal fire started burning, illuminating their faces redly.

There was a round moon above their heads, and there was nothing else on the dark sea. Only their small platform, which could not be called a small boat, the two of them drank wine together and looked at the tiny spots of moonlight on the sea.

"It's really a nice scenery, different from what you see on the shore." Arthur held a wine bottle in his hand and smoothed the water from his long hair with his other hand: "I haven't looked at the moon like this in the middle of the ocean for a long time. Alas. .”

"Are you still thinking about Atlantis? Actually, don't worry. At least Mela's extreme thoughts are not mainstream in your country."

Su Ming turned the meat skewers on the stove, 'injecting soul' into them one by one. The salt grains shining with moonlight fell on the sizzling meat along his elbows:

"And actually she's not that extreme. She just wants to make Atlantis strong, so she has to use racism to unite people. She can't even defeat you, so how can she dare to fight against the Justice League?"

"I'm not worried about this. It's just that I have been married to her for so many years and we still have no children." Arthur took a sip of wine and sighed uncomfortably: "Do you think I should go to the hospital for a checkup? ?”

It turned out that he was thinking about this.

He was the first person in the Justice League to get married, much earlier than Superman, but after so many years of marriage without children, he felt that this might have affected the relationship between the couple.

Su Ming didn't know what to say. In fact, Arthur had a son, but did that child disappear as the earth restarted after the major event of "Final Crisis"?

That matter has been in the past for too long, and it happened in the P era. Even if you mess with the timeline now, you can't bring that child back.

Besides, with that kind of effort, it would be better to have another one between Arthur and Mela. Anyway, the disappearing history has proved that both of them have no health problems, right?

"Relax, brother. There is an old saying in the East that sometimes fate must come. Don't force it if you don't have it." Su Ming patted the strong man on the arm and handed him a skewer of grilled meat: "Eat first, taste it. Taste, my wife is good at barbecue, I just barely learned a little bit from her.”

"Aren't you not married?" Arthur took the meat skewers, but showed a puzzled expression. He thought he was talking about Diana.

"Hi, I'm not married, but it's not illegal to call me that." Su Ming smiled and fooled him. He took out more drinks from his pocket and put them on his cloak: "Let's talk about you. We were How have you thought about what you said before going to the sea? Do you want to make more money and buy Meila some good things that human women like?"

"Forget it, let's continue looking for pets for her. Alas, she gets upset when she sees human things. When she comes to land occasionally, she won't even sit in a car. She's so stubborn."

Helpless Arthur shook his head. He was not stupid. He knew that there was something wrong with Mela, and it was not as easy as Deathstroke said.

But he couldn't think of how to solve this matter. When he was in office, he made some attempts to bridge the gap between humans and Atlanteans, but things were not that easy.

His full name, King of the Sea, is actually King of Atlantis and Emperor of the Seven Seas. People in the city of Atlantis do have a good impression of human beings now, but there are six other countries under the sea.

Excluding the completely crazy Haigou tribe, there are still five countries. The hometown of Seastorm Garth, the Kingdom of Idilist can be considered a lineage close to humans, and this kingdom is also a die-hard supporter of Arthur, but there are also four kingdoms.

After the division and sinking of ancient Atlantis, the lineage that inherited the city and name of Atlantis was of course orthodox, but the feudal system was like this. Arthur was equivalent to the Emperor of Shinra, and those other kingdoms And he has his own king.

They were all his vassals in name, but he really couldn't issue political orders directly to those countries.

"There is still a lack of external crisis." Su Ming also picked up a skewer of barbecue. He took a small bite and felt it was just average. He said, "Maybe there will be some more powerful aliens invading the earth, and specifically targeting the people under the sea. For example, some more aliens." Enemies like the Star Sea God will know how to deal with their fellow human beings when the time comes."

"Yes, we all live on the earth, so we should be compatriots." Arthur opened a new bottle of strong liquor and drank half of the bottle with one tilt of his neck: "I just don't know how to make all the people under the sea Everyone realizes this.”

"Maybe I have a way." Su Ming patted his thigh, as if he had just thought of a good idea: "The answer is free trade."

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