The Death Knell

Chapter 5390 Intense Discussion

After fighting monsters, chatting casually for a while, eating barbecue and drinking wine, the night was not too difficult.

As for the pet that I was looking for for Mela, it could actually be said that I just scanned the earth using quantum concepts, and after eating, I swam in that direction purposefully, and soon I met it by chance.

The elemental creature I chose was an elemental creature that looked a bit like an aquatic slime. It was blue in color, soft and bouncy to the touch, and felt very good.

Elemental creatures can also be used as pets. At least they look pretty good. This kind of creature can transform and understand English, which is much better than ordinary pets.

Two men came out to choose gifts. The things they chose must have a straight male aesthetic, but Su Ming thought it was pretty good, so that was it.

Mela is a sea witch who uses water magic. Her hard water magic is very unique. As a spell caster, she has a good impression of pure energy bodies such as elemental creatures.

The status of the Parliament of Life and the Parliament of Elements on the earth is not bad. Among fire, water, earth and wind, the water element ranks second. If the water element is well raised, it is not impossible for it to develop into a flood demon later.

Some people may think that slime-like creatures are disgusting because they have mucus on them, but if you keep them underwater, that problem won't exist.

This was a group found next to an undersea volcano. Su Ming selected a relatively small one, probably a larvae, and the two of them caught it and prepared to call it a day.

Because Arthur had to rush back to Cien Port, it was dawn, and the headlights on the lighthouse had to be turned off, otherwise the mayor would have to argue with him over the electricity bill.

"Haha, I'm back!" Climbing onto the dock, Arthur changed out of his armor and hid in the boat like a thief. Thanks to the small dock next to the lighthouse, no one usually comes over: "Thank you, Slade, I think Mela will like this gift."

As he spoke, he shook the light blue soft jelly in his hand. It did not disintegrate after landing ashore, indicating that this water element does not actually rely on sea water for survival, as long as it is a humid place, it should be fine.

Moreover, it looks crystal clear under the sun and looks good on land. Arthur himself likes it very much. At least it looks better than a squid and a seahorse, right?

"You're welcome, Arthur, we are good brothers." Su Ming punched the other person's chest lightly and laughed loudly: "You go turn off the lights first, and then go back to Atlantis. I have to go to Zhongcheng, I have an appointment today."

"Okay, then I won't be nagging. Anyway, if you have anything to do, just come to me. I will definitely support you."

The bearded Arthur said this very simply. Seeing the death knell instantly turning into a black light and disappearing in front of him, he showed an expression of admiration and said to himself enviously:

"It would be great if I could fly too. If it rains and the raindrops are particularly dense, can I swim through them in the air? Hey, how did I think of such a thing? Sure enough, I have been with Slade for a long time, and my brain is full of It’s turning fast.”

While muttering happily, he walked towards the lighthouse with his new pet in his arms. Turning off the light was one thing, but he was also planning to make a beautiful gift box and put the water element in it.

Gifts also need to be packaged. He still understands this, but he doesn't know what water elemental creatures eat? Forget it, Meila usually takes care of her anyway.

At dawn, Su Ming returned to Midtown and did not run directly into Barry's new home. Instead, he made his cloak invisible. He secretly stuck himself on the outer wall of the tall building and peeped at the situation in the room through the floor-to-ceiling windows on the three walls. .

How should I put it, I came at the right time, and now the atmosphere in the beautiful living room of this new house is as lively as a dead person.

The expression on the face of Death Knell, who was hiding against the glass and eavesdropping, suddenly changed into a funny look, and he listened even more enthusiastically.

Some people may wonder, what does it mean to be as lively as a dead person?

Then we have to mention a kind of death situation called Baixi, which means that when an old person reaches a certain age and dies naturally and happily, this will be the case.

When this kind of thing happens, the family members usually throw a banquet for the guests. If they are rich, they will also invite people to come and play music to make it lively.

This is the situation in Xiao Shen's house now. Barry's expression and face are as pale as death; but the four women are quite lively. They are sitting or standing, chattering something, and they are talking. Everyone is fighting openly and secretly.

There was a smile on his face, but what he was thinking in his heart was probably another matter.

Patty is her current girlfriend, so she obviously has an advantage, but she only has one mouth, so how can she prevail over three ex-girlfriends?

What's more, when she woke up in the morning, she suddenly found that Mina, who had been missing for a long time, was still in the same bed with her and Barry. She still didn't figure out what happened.

In fact, she herself knew that she couldn't figure it out. Mina disappeared into the Speed ​​Force, so when she came out and where she appeared was completely beyond her control.

This was the embarrassing thing, because strictly speaking, Mina and Barry hadn't broken up yet, and people's memories had stopped at that time. In Mina's view, the others among them were all mistresses.

Green Lantern Jessica is the most open-minded about this matter, because her identity determines that she is not suitable for conventional marriage. She is afraid that she will not be hanging out in the universe for 350 days of the year.

Either he is on duty at OA, or he is maintaining law and order in the sector he is responsible for. How many divisions does the Green Lantern have? I'm afraid I can't control the crime on just one planet, let alone a sector.

So she is usually very busy, which is destined to prevent her from living on earth for a long time. In such a situation, if she finds an ordinary man, she will get divorced sooner or later.

If a good person like Barry engages in polygamy, he doesn't have to worry about that situation. Anyway, he can come to reunite with him when he returns to Earth, and he can just pretend he doesn't exist when he's on a business trip.

After all, Jessica prefers the responsibility of Green Light to her personal life. It is her career, and her willpower is as strong as steel!

As for Iris, she looked like she hadn't slept well, and she spoke very humblely, as if she didn't have any confidence. After all, she was an ex-girlfriend.

In the past, she was spoiled and coquettish, always wanting to talk to Barry, but now, with competition, she didn't dare to play that trick, which seemed oddly pleasing to the eye.

Fortunately, Iris on Earth 0 is not the fat black guy in the CW universe. Otherwise, Su Ming would never allow her a second chance.

Wouldn't that spoil Xiao Shen?

Mina's situation is still the same. She is indeed the smartest one among them. Now she insists that she was put on the bed by the Speed ​​Force, without even mentioning that Deathstroke knocked her unconscious.

Whether anything happened is another matter, but when the three of them woke up naked in the morning, Barry couldn't explain.

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