The Death Knell

Chapter 540 Cosmic Cube

"This is not an Infinity Stone."

Gu Yi gently placed the glowing blue cube on the table in front of her. Her expression was calm, but she obviously attached great importance to what was in front of her.

Su Ming is at Karma Taj at this time.

The Red Skull is no longer a problem for now, so he still has some time before Howard finishes building the atomic bomb.

He immediately came to Gu Yi and asked her to help look at the Cosmic Cube and, if possible, take out the space gem.

But Gu Yi's answer was a little different from what he expected.

If this blue square is not a Rubik's cube...

Su Ming had long known that his world was not a movie universe. After all, it was enough to meet Kang the Conqueror during World War II.

Although the plot is a bit like MCU, it always takes a sharp turn in strange places.

Su Ming probably guessed what this was. If it was indeed the same as the new guess, then such a thing was indeed worthy of attention.

"Is this the cosmic cube?"

Ancient One nodded first, then shook his head: "I'm not sure what the tesseract you are talking about is. Maybe it's the outer shell that the space gem created for itself. But what we are looking at now is An incomplete Cosmic Cube.”

I can’t tell the difference between Rubik’s Cube and Cube. In fact, this is more of the influence of the movie universe.

Because in the comics universe, the Space Stone is actually purple and has nothing to do with the Blue Cube.

Now Su Ming's Earth-40k seems to contain all the elements of movies and comics, and there are many things that are specious.

The origin of the Tesseract is the Transcendent Protoss.

Because they can't leave the Marvel Universe, they feel that all life should have unlimited possibilities. Maybe someone can go out and take a look.

So they used world authority to open this backdoor to all beings.

Cube's ability is very powerful, beyond all human imagination. It can create new multiverses or reshape existing ones.

With the help of a complete Cosmic Cube, the holder can turn his or her desires into reality.

Controlling elements, manipulating time and space, modifying logic, erasing existence, all kinds of unreasonable ideas can be realized through it.

For example, if Su Ming wants to change Marvel into a fantasy world, he can do it, and there will be no problem if everyone can fight together.

The Tesseract is self-aware and has its own personality and thoughts.

There are four pieces of the Cosmic Cube known to Su Ming, the 'World Shaper' born in the world of the Skrulls, the 'Kobik' born from the Earth, the 'Transcendent' born from the fusion of the transcendent realm and the Earth, as well as the Transcendent and the Molecule. The fusion of humans forms 'kosmos'.

The question now is, is the Cosmic Cube in front of me a piece of it? Or the unknown fifth piece?

"It is only a prototype or fragment now. In short, it is extremely incomplete. It does not have self-awareness and does not have much energy. It only has animal-like instincts."

Gu Yi gently touched the Cosmic Cube, but Su Ming noticed that she was still very careful and had magic protection on her hands, as if she was stroking a hedgehog.

"How long does it take to grow?" Su Ming asked with a serious expression.

"Maybe one day, maybe ten thousand years, they are almost like extra world rules, and the type of energy they contain is unknown. I can't judge."

Ancient One replied, the cube glowing on and off in her hand.

"Originally I wanted the space gem to enhance my abilities, but I ended up with a hot potato that I can't use at this stage."

Su Ming shook his head.

"You want the Infinity Stones? Although it is very dangerous to collect those things, but... you are qualified to keep one. How about the Time Stone?"

Ancient One hinted.

"...Let's go, I have something to do at school."

Su Ming turned around and left. It would be a while if he could delay it for a while. He had already begun to think about ways to extend the life of the ancient master.

It would be better for the Supreme Mage to be in her presence.

Gu Yi watched Su Ming sneak out of the room and then rise directly into the sky. She thought silently for a moment.

But after a while, she picked up the Cosmic Cube and began to communicate with Emperor Weishan. She also needed some answers. How could such a thing appear on earth?

Generally speaking, if you want to create a Cosmic Cube, you must create a special and sufficiently stable energy field, and open a rift between the dimension where the 'Transcendence Gods' reside.

Afterwards, the energy from another dimension will enter this field through the cracks. After this energy field is filled with the energy of another dimension, this field will be transformed into a perfect cube, and the energy inside will provide this cube with unlimited energy.

This is the essence of the Cosmic Cube, the concept of higher dimensions formed by the intersection of dimensions.

Is this cube formed by the earth itself, or is someone preparing some conspiracy? Gu Yi must be prepared.


What happened next was pretty much what Su Ming expected. Howard did quickly create an atomic bomb.

But he got stuck on a problem he hadn't thought about, that is, based on his reaction equation calculations, he found that the atomic bomb was too powerful...

The military just wants to destroy some enemies, not eat a piece of the earth like an apple.

So he began to consider nuclear fusion methods, but he still couldn't control the energy.

He has recently begun trying to find a new element to replace the presence of uranium and plutonium, preferably one that is pollution-free and easier to control.

Anyway, Su Ming went to Stark Mahjong House several times, but Howard still didn't come.

This place was not open to the public. There were only Su Ming and a few servants in the entire mahjong house. It looked like a haunted house. Su Ming decided to go back to school and continue playing with the little girls.

And there's another problem.

If the Tesseract is on Earth, where is the Space Stone now?

How did Dr. Zola extract the energy from the cube and use it as a weapon?


In the end, the little devil was hit by two new atomic bombs, but the mushroom cloud was light blue and surprisingly powerful.

At this time, Wolverine, who was in Japan, suffered an unimaginable disaster. He could only hug a Japanese officer and shiver in a cell renovated from a dry well.

Japan surrendered and the world war ended.

Howard finally played mahjong. Now that the war is over, he sat at the mahjong table with Su Ming, Steve, and Bucky.

He didn't seem to care about the confidentiality regulations at all, and he said everything carelessly.

The new elements did not exist in nature and were created by him through a particle collider, with the help of other scientists.

For example, a young scientist couple named Xavier provided Howard with a lot of help.

In order to thank them in disguise, Howard spent a huge amount of money to buy a foam fire extinguishing technology from them.

That technology, while it has some value, is not worth that much money.

Howard has a very awkward personality, and his way of thanking others is often roundabout.

The couple used the money to buy a manor in suburban Westchester County, New York, and gave birth to a child named Charles.

I just don’t know if their son has looked a little different since he was a child because he was exposed to Howard’s experiments during pregnancy...

Steve is in a good mood recently. Not only is the war over, he also has a girlfriend.

The White House veteran also received him and, amid the flashes of countless reporters, gave Captain America a large medal.

It's just that Peggy's face is ordinary. Because the war is over, those rich young men who did not dare to go to the battlefield in the past have now entered the SSR through various connections.

Perhaps as a stepping stone to the CIA, or a stepping stone into the military and political circles, the SSR that defeated Hydra has now become so popular that it no longer seems like a secret department.

Perhaps Philip had experienced too much stimulation and had retired, and a new director was transferred.

She felt that she had begun to be squeezed out, and maybe she would be sent to serve tea and water soon. When the men returned from the battlefield, it was time for the woman to give way.

This is the case in this era. Traditional social values ​​believe that women can only do nannies or chores. Even if she is a secretary, she is often regarded as an immoral woman.

Although Su Ming could help her, it was not necessary.

What's there to miss about a broken SSR? It's better to retire from the army and follow Steve and Bucky, and the three of them live quietly together.

However, Bucky really retired. He planned to travel around the world, saying that he wanted to enhance his abilities.

According to him, it was because he almost lost Steve and felt powerless, so he wanted to learn more skills.

But Su Ming felt that it was because he watched Steve and Paige showing off their affection every day and couldn't bear it mentally, so he wanted to travel around the world.

After thinking for a while, Su Ming took away the relationship with Master Gu Yi and prepared to send Bucky to Kunlun through the back door.

After all, Buck should have an 'Iron Fist'. Although he has suffered less now, the mechanical arm is gone, and there will indeed be some problems with his combat effectiveness in the future.

I'm afraid just complaining is not enough, especially when there is no one around to pretend to be stupid.

Therefore, Su Ming planned to let Bucky become an 'Iron Fist' directly. He would also be able to save the need for leeches. Once the energy of Qi is mastered, he would live forever.

Anyway, it's November 1945, another winter, and their plan today is to play mahjong, have a dinner, and then see Bucky off.

Everyone drank and had fun together until very late, and Gin took Su Ming, who smelled of alcohol and cigarettes, back to the company headquarters.

Let's go to school tomorrow. I wonder if Xili will run around again.

She has made the same mistake as a witcher again. Now she wants to find monsters all over the world to fight, but in New York there is not only Su Ming, but also Michal, and the Holy of Holies.

Even though there are many monsters in the Marvel world, there seems to be no interest in New York right now.

Ciri went back to the wizarding world several times, and seemed to have also visited Geralt. It is said that Geralt also ran away to a different world for some reason and is now hunting dragons every day.

Su Ming has no intention of changing her nature. If Ciri doesn't hunt monsters, it wouldn't be Ciri. Now her purpose of traveling through different worlds is to hunt monsters, and that's what she wants to do.

Su Ming originally planned to live peacefully, but the next morning, his daily routine was broken by the sudden appearance of Master Gu Yi.

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