The Death Knell

Chapter 5396 Come to Congratulate

The relationship between the two of them and Barry is also very good. It can be seen from both words that they are worried that The Flash will be tricked by Batman.

Although we still don’t know where the pit is, who doesn’t know how dark the bat is?

They didn't know that it was Deathstroke who was secretly planning all this, but at least they were half right. Their sense of the darkness was right.

Of course, they didn't care what they thought about Su Ming, so they just talked about the general situation, and then the three of them chatted about these things and waited silently.

What is said here needs to be kept confidential. The two of them cannot tell this matter, and they should not say anything in front of Barry. It is best to act like they don't know anything.

By the time Barry returned to Midtown, it was already two hours later. There was no dew smell in the air in the park that was originally early in the morning, and there were many more cars and pedestrians on the streets in the city.

It's time to go to work. Ordinary people still have to live after all. The pressure of life here is not as high as Gotham or the metropolis, but it is still considered one of the major cities in the United States, so the prices are not low.

If you don’t work, you won’t have money, and if you don’t have money, you won’t be able to live. No one really expects to receive the unemployment benefits from the US government and then eat hamburgers every day, right?

People still have to rely on themselves. Although the income from working is not as good as stealing a battery car, in Zhongcheng, ordinary people will not easily turn to crime. There is no such dark environment.

When Su Ming came to the house with two people, the Barry family was busy packing their things. Because the house was big enough, except for Patty, the other three women's belongings also had to be moved in, so it was quite busy.

The Speed ​​Force is very useful, but when faced with various demands from women, it becomes less useful.

"Barry, I want to put the chromatograph in the corner. It's a bit awkward. It's better to put it next to the window. Why don't you put it next to the door? Well, it still doesn't look good. Otherwise, why don't you go out and buy another one? Is the cabinet back?”

The power of speed is to do things very quickly, but it cannot withstand the demands of others and keeps changing.

Doing endless tasks at super fast speeds will never end. This is just a small request for Mina to decorate the laboratory, because this site belongs to her and Patty, and the two of them share it. There are some secret confrontations going on here.

Patty is an expert in blood stain analysis, while Mina is a master of all subjects who is 14 years behind. The projects are different, and the instruments and equipment required are naturally different, and the two of them seem to be relying on whose equipment in the home laboratory More, to determine who Barry loves more.

Iris and Green Lantern went to choose and decorate the bedroom. It was also a lot of requests that they would constantly regret, but it was not as serious as the laboratory.

So after Deathstroke entered the door, what he saw was a red figure wrapped with yellow lightning moving quickly in the room. One moment he ran to that room to do something, and the next moment he ran to another room to move something.

But how can I put it, from Barry's expression, it can be seen that he is in pain and happy.

But Su Ming had to pretend not to know about this matter. He bought Barry a new house yesterday, but forcing Xiao Shan to marry four wives was not good-looking and needed to be covered up.

"Hey, Barry, I'm here to help you." Deathstroke stood at the door, holding a pot of flowers with a sign saying 'Congratulations on the housewarming', and asked with a blank look on his face: "What are you doing? Why is the house like this? How many people?”

Lightning stopped in front of him. Barry touched the back of his head, took the flowerpot gift, and said a little embarrassedly:

"Well, some unexpected things happened. Overall, I got married and married them all."

Surprise, fear, disbelief, suspicion, and sudden realization, this series of expressions appeared on Deathstroke's face one after another. He acted as if he had just learned about this and took a big breath:

"Hiss~~~~Although I have known for a long time that you have several ex-girlfriends, I didn't expect that you are actually a Mormon? Amazing, marry four at a time. I, the death knell, would like to call you the strongest. If God doesn't give you lightning, Xia, marriage is like a long night!"

While talking, Su Ming raised his thumbs with both hands, punched like Ip Man like crazy, and praised Barry at high speed.

"What?!" Barry covered his forehead and dug his feet into the ground in embarrassment: "What kind of words and phrases are you talking about? Are you talking about the same thing? Stop talking. I don't even know what I'm doing right now. No, alas!"

He was very embarrassed when an acquaintance saw him like this.

Deathstroke gave himself a new big house last night, and he coincidentally married four wives today. Doesn't it sound like he was waiting for his house to be ready before getting married?

It's not shameful to hide a beauty in a golden house, but it's a bit shameful to use the golden house given to you by someone else for this kind of thing. At least from a superhero's perspective, it feels a little guilty.

"What's wrong? Let me tell you, this is right!" The back of Flash's neck seemed to have a magnetic force, Deathstroke's arm hooked up immediately, and the two of them walked to the living room arm in arm: " I am a non-marriage person, but I support free love. You just happened to fall in love with all of them, what's wrong with you?!"

"Really? Is that what you think?" Barry gained support, just like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw. He took Deathstroke's hand on his shoulder and said movedly: "With your support, I feel better, and there was a moment when I felt like I wasn’t qualified to be a superhero anymore.”

"No, as long as it is legal and compliant, how many wives you marry is also your private matter. You have to believe me and your friends in the Justice League. Everyone will support you and bless you. No one will point fingers in this regard. "

It's hard for others to say, but at least the Big Seven won't say anything. Haven't they analyzed it before?

As for the other second- and third-tier heroes of the Justice League? Are you talking about Nightwing's Titans team? Or is it Damian’s Teen Titans? Or the Young Justice League where Superboy is a member?

Those children are not bad at strength, but it is a pity that they have no right to speak in front of their elders.

"Thank you, Slade, you are so kind to me." Barry's eyes filled with tears. He sniffed hard and invited the three of them in: "Come in, and you, Bashir and Alexa, we have been together for a long time. Missed, but I know Deathstroke said he would look for you last night, and he will definitely find you."


The powerful woman walked in and gave Barry a bear hug, making the latter's legs lift off the ground. She laughed and patted the man's back, making a sound like a drum:

"Don't worry, I won't come to Midtown to rob supermarkets in the future. Deathstroke and I have some cooperation. After today, I will devote myself wholeheartedly to the cause of rebuilding the motherland."

Xiao Shen looked at Deathstroke and then at his old enemy. After confirming that this was true, he nodded happily:

"This is the best thing. If there are bad guys oppressing the people of your country, just call me. The Justice League will always stand on the side of justice."

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