The Death Knell

Chapter 5398 Zha Kang Miao Miao House

The light was very unstable, flickering like a light bulb with poor contact. Fortunately, Barry had the experience of mobilizing two powers at the same time before. Although the expression on his face looked very painful, the two colors of light were still slow. It slowly became richer.

There were some fluctuations in the surrounding space, which was caused by the different flow rates of time. Some places were faster and some were slower. This uncontrollable energy leakage made both the powerful woman and the psychic guest uncomfortable.

The power Barry now possesses is very dangerous. Whether it is a speed force storm or a stasis force storm, it may cause large-scale destruction. Once out of control, things will become very troublesome.

But now he can only rely on his own control. Maybe he is balancing an invisible scale? Moreover, this balance is also very sensitive, and a slight change will cause the balance to spin like a propeller.

Su Ming, who was sitting on the chair, couldn't take care of Xiao Shan for a short time because he was balancing the power and sage power in his body. These two powers were also enemies.

The confrontation between strength and intelligence may not be older than the confrontation between speed and stasis, but balancing them is relatively simple because the two are not completely opposite.

It's like a person who can be extremely powerful and wise at the same time. It's just that there are very few such people.

But since this is the first time I have come into contact with the power of strength and sage power, I still have to be more careful. Just like people are best not to mess up their endocrine system by taking medicine randomly, they should also be extra careful about the energy entering the body. That's it.

After being in DC for so long, Su Ming has the most direct impression, and that is - be careful when sailing for thousands of years.

By the way, Barry is now covered with a rich light and shadow effect. The red of the original uniform can no longer be seen. Now it looks half yellow and half green. It looks pretty good. Why is it that no one chooses it except the combat soldiers of Hydra? How to use this combination to make uniforms?

Well, there seems to be, Kite Man, but that's also a tragedy.

"Come on, let's help."

Su Ming had already seen that Barry had reached his limit. His willpower was very strong, but his physical fitness was far inferior to that of his iron-bone self. The two opposing energies clashed in his body, causing Xiao Shen to be in great pain.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have screamed and stopped as soon as he started. The feeling of having countless bugs gnawing at his bones is really one of the top pains.

But for the sake of his friends, The Flash would try his best every time. He was shaking like chaff, and even wanted to persevere when Deathstroke stretched out his hands.

This is not what he has the final say. Willpower is omnipotent when it comes to Batman, but it has its limits when it comes to others.

Su Ming, who had no intention of nagging, directly stretched out his hands and grabbed his hand. He guided the speed force with his left hand and the stasis force with his right hand, guiding them into his body like two wires.

The Speed ​​Force can be said to be the energy Su is most familiar with. Ever since he fell into Earth Minus 11 and stayed with Barry, he has basically been accompanied by speedsters every time he takes action.

Under that unexpected or not unexpected impact, he even became Barry's lightning rod, and his affinity for the Speed ​​Force was surprisingly good.

In addition, we had a deal with the embodiment of the Speed ​​Force's will yesterday, so when the golden lightning climbed onto the black and yellow armor, this energy became very docile, even if it came into contact with the Power and Sage Power, None of them went berserk.

The stasis force is a bit difficult to use. This kind of force feels very lazy. Trying to mobilize it is like using a straw to suck the asphalt on the road. You feel that you are exerting force, but It barely moved.

It's not a big problem. The quantum concept is activated and the cells containing stasis in Barry's body are transplanted from the physical level. As for the body's rejection caused by different blood types, they are dealt with by strangulation.

So in the blink of an eye, energy of four different colors flowed into Deathstroke's body, and gradually began to mix with each other, like four flavors of ice cream rotating.


"Yes, scumbag!"

"That's right, you big scumbag!"

At this time, in the dreamy forest of the Kingdom of Dreams, there was a small villa. In the dilapidated villa, three women were scolding a man.

If you were an ordinary person, you might still find it humiliating to be besieged like this, but the person lying on the sofa at this time has a happy expression, as if being scolded by women is a spiritual trick. .

I was drinking a small drink in my hand and smoking a small cigarette, but I didn't take it to heart at all.

"How could you hit our little Zaha on the back of the head?" Diana pointed at Constantine's nose and yelled angrily. She scratched her head frantically with excitement. She didn't know if she felt the same way: "Her situation is different from mine. I am a warrior. , has a strong ability to resist blows, but she is different, she is a spell caster, and her body is much weaker!"

Zatanna, on the other hand, looked weak, lying in Xiao Dai's arms, sniffing from time to time, looking very aggrieved.

But she was the first person to call Constantine a scumbag. Diana and Leopard Girl just followed her words.

"Hiss~fu~ I learned this from Deathstroke." Zha Kang was half lying on the sofa, turning over and shaking his windbreaker, blowing smoke rings from his mouth: "He has knocked you so many times, Can’t I just hit Zatanna once? Isn’t this just a slightly more intense sex game? Besides, I’ve known for a long time that I’m a scumbag, do you guys have any new words? It makes me sleepy.”

After saying that, he patted his mouth with his hand, looking like he was dozing off.

"That's right, Diana." In fact, there is nothing about Leopard Girl at all. She is just joining in the fun, and her position is very unstable: "What the hell detective said makes sense, it's okay to play wildly, as long as the results are good, You see, Zatanna actually doesn’t have any objections.”

This can be regarded as Leopard Girl's specialty. She is very good at observing details and can use her beast instinct to feel people's moods.

Just like the pet cats and dogs kept at home, when they find that their owners are in a bad mood, they are smart enough to come over to comfort them. Animals have some abilities that humans do not have.

She felt it anyway. Zatanna was not sad. It was okay to be knocked unconscious. However, it took a lot of effort for the two of them to find the two of them in the Kingdom of Dreams today. Zatanna took advantage of Diana's presence. , just making use of the topic.

Moreover, the sense of smell of cats is far superior to that of humans. The scent of love between men and women is very strong in these two people. They must have been very happy last night, right?

Now Zatanna just randomly picks a topic and scolds her boyfriend with her best friend. This may be part of their fun play.

She didn't want to participate anyway.

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