The Death Knell

Chapter 5407 Borrowing props

Deliberately, you can tell at a glance that Leopard Girl did it on purpose. Diana would feel uncomfortable if she didn't tease her a few times a day. It's like a house cat. When you play with it, it always likes to slap people's hands with its paws.

Being cursed by the weapon of the Hunting Goddess gave her a powerful hunting instinct and leopard form, as well as an instinct for fighting.

She had been shopping these past few days without fighting with Diana, and she felt itchy again.

However, as a traditional martial arts fanatic, Diana also likes to fight with others. This is how the relationship between the two developed over and over again.

But today Xiao Dai was very calm. She glanced at Leopard Girl's yellow-haired appearance and Slade's innocent face beside her, shook her head and said, "We have to do business today. When it's over, we'll find you again." Let’s discuss it somewhere.”

"Hehe, okay." The leopard orc licked the hair on the back of his hand and stretched with satisfaction: "We haven't played against each other for a long time. I wonder if you have made any progress."

"You'll know when the time comes." The heroine also smiled. She had been practicing the global fighting skills she learned from Deathstroke recently.

"Oh, I want to ask someone to fight again, Wonder Woman, is this kind of thing really that interesting?" Barry is not a martial artist, and he even avoids violence to solve problems many times, and cannot understand the lifestyle of warriors.

"Just like you like to invite friends to have dinner together, Amazons regard martial arts competition as a kind of meal." Diana answered Barry, with a proud expression on her face, as if this was some glorious tradition.

The group of people chatted like this and flew towards the Sandman's castle. In fact, they arrived within a short time, and the chat quickly stopped.

Standing once again in front of the castle with its tall spire, which looked like a princess imprisoned in a fairy tale, Su Ming sighed, reached out and grabbed the laughing door knocker, and started knocking it rhythmically.

Soon the castle door opened a crack, and a head poked out of it. The panting man was Lucien, the Sandman's butler. This tall and thin middle-aged man's face was as white as paper, which showed that he was weak. Very.

There are not many people who can enter and leave the castle freely. Apart from the housekeeper, there are only the gardener Pumpkin Head Marvin, and the brothers Abel Cain who are responsible for raising horses and doing chores. On the contrary, it is the Sandman's four nightmares who want to enter the castle. Communication is still needed.

Seeing the death knell outside the door, the housekeeper sighed helplessly and raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead:

"As soon as I heard someone knocking out the melody of "General's Order" at the door, I knew it was you. It was a good knock, but don't knock it next time. If you keep knocking it, I will have to pick it up from the big library. Run to the front door, I don’t have the physical strength like you.”

Lucien's situation is more complicated. As the steward of the Dream Castle and the guardian of the big library, he has very high authority in the Kingdom of Dreams. His status can be said to be lower than one person and higher than ten thousand people. That is to say, there is no position of prime minister here. .

But he is just an ordinary person without any superpowers. He is just knowledgeable and knows more things.

"Hey, isn't this helping you exercise? Just cleaning in the castle is so relaxing. It would be great to run around." Su Ming pointed to the hall inside the door with a smile, and then pointed to a few people behind him. : "We want to meet the monarch in the dream. Is it convenient for you?"

Yes, there is not even a maid in the castle, so the housekeeper has to do the cleaning work himself, which is very similar to Alfred's situation.

"Oh, this is really unlucky. Deathstroke, you should also know about the marriage of the Night Goddess, right? My Majesty went to attend the wedding and never came back."

Pushing the small round glasses on the bridge of his nose to prevent them from slipping due to sweat, the butler said this, but still stepped aside and invited everyone into the castle to drink tea.

It doesn't matter to others, it's okay not to give face, but the situation with Deathstroke is different.

This person is not only extremely powerful and evil-minded, but he is also kind to His Majesty and needs to be treated with courtesy at all times.

"Isn't he at home? It seems that Mother's Night's wedding is a big event." After saying this, Su Ming glanced at Barry and walked in through the crack in the door: "It's okay. It doesn't matter if Daniel is not here. I'll borrow it." His mask is also the same, okay?"

The Sandman's mask is technically a powerful artifact, but because it is a gas mask, it is very uncomfortable to wear. Therefore, its owner will not wear it unless he is sure that he needs to fight. Just hanging on the corridor wall of the castle like a decoration.

In other people's castles, what is hung on the walls are nothing more than portraits of ancestors, animal specimens obtained from hunting, and the like.

On the walls of the dream castle, there are pictures from the story, passages leading to the dream, and some artifacts that appear in the dream. This place is originally a dream.

"Well, if His Majesty is not here, I can't make decisions for him, let alone lending out the crown."

Lucien led everyone to sit in the living room on the first floor. In the luxurious room, a cartoon teapot automatically flew to pour black tea for everyone. After hearing the death knell's request, he seemed very embarrassed, but as a smart man, he continued explain:

"But Deathstroke entered the castle and took away the mask. Even if I wanted to stop you, I couldn't stop you."

Yes, he had no authority to lend out anything in the castle, but what others took away was none of his business.

Besides, this isn't the first time this Deathstroke has borrowed a mask. His Majesty didn't say anything the last few times, as long as he remembers to return it when the time comes.

"Haha, that's fine. In fact, I'm not going to take the mask out this time. I'll just use it in the castle." Su Ming stood up from the soft red velvet sofa and said to everyone, "You guys go first?" Have tea here, I’ll go find something and come back.”

The Sandman Mask is needed to conduct some investigation into the voice from before, and this is where quantum and concepts fall short, because everything here is a dream, and it's not even strictly speaking real.

Only dreams can be used to deal with dreams.

"Go ahead. If I had known better, I would not have turned into an animal form first. It turns out there is no fight to be fought." The leopard girl said with her orchid fingers curled up and holding the small tea cup with her paws. The sharp nails made drinking tea very inconvenient.

Diana glanced at her. She should be the one to respond to such words, right? Why does Leopard Girl act like a hostess?

But Deathstroke didn't care about these little things. He bypassed the butler who was serving everyone and walked straight into the dark and deep corridor. He walked into the seemingly endless long passage and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

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