The Death Knell

Chapter 5410 Well-informed

The living room was very quiet, everyone was waiting to hear the sound. As for when Luther would send out his second call for help, no one could say, but the first time he heard it was in the Kingdom of Dreams, the death knell in the main dimension. But he didn't hear it, which means that the place where he is trapped now is related to the dream.

So instead of running around looking for clues, wouldn't it be better to squat in the Sandman's castle, with food and drink, no wind or rain, and no chance of getting wet?

Therefore, for the next period of time, the group of people entered a state of silence, with only the occasional collision of teacups and trays, as slight as water droplets hitting the Tianling lid.

At the same time, on the Origin Earth located inside Multiverse 1, in a rural town in Kansas, a previously neat basement had turned into a pigsty.

Wearing a red and black uniform, Deadpool looks like a human but is actually a dirty pig.

"Wait a minute! Why is the narrator attacking him personally? Who is he calling a dirty pig?"

Wade's face, which looked like rotten cow dung mixed with spoiled durian, wrinkled up. He jumped up from his chair, waved his fist toward the sky, and shouted at the top of his lungs:

"I'm suing you. You slandered me. You slandered me. If a handsome boy like me doesn't clean up, he won't be called dirty. This is called freedom of nature."

He seemed to have forgotten how to pronounce the word slander, so he invented a slander himself. However, he had not graduated from elementary school, and he also had amnesia caused by brain cancer. Isn't it normal for his words to reveal his illiteracy?

"Tch, I won't tell you anymore. I found out that you are just jealous of my beauty."

Deadpool rolled his eyes. It was indeed a fact that he was uneducated, but even so, he still believed that he was a handsome illiterate. He turned to the direction where no one was around and said to the air:

"Old guys, don't worry about what the narration says. This is a movie. It doesn't have much to do. Let's continue arranging Superboy's affairs. I found that Superboy-Prime is full of energy and doesn't need to rest at all at night. My cousin originally The plan also left time for him to rest at night? It’s totally unnecessary! So I arranged for a bunch of followers to attack him last night, just in time to add some video material to the documentary. Am I very smart?”

Actually, Su Ming didn't arrange a task for Superboy at night because he wanted him to go home and get close to his girlfriend. After all, after the young couple resolved their 'misunderstanding', it was the time when they were in love and had more time to do things. Well.

The dignified Supreme Superman, whose combat prowess is at the forefront of the multiverse, is still a virgin. It's so pitiful.

But after Deadpool took over this game, all he could think about was rushing to get things done here, and then going to investigate the Void Hand in Multiverse 2 to make money from his cousin as soon as possible.

So Superboy's night rest time was completely filled with dramas in order to catch up on work.

Not to mention, Superboy is too busy to go back to the mountain cabin. Laurie is also making good progress in investigating the so-called 'truth'. Those things without love and love will indeed speed up the progress of the plot a lot.

"." The non-existent audience seemed to say something.

"What? My cousin left in a hurry, saying he was going to do something big, but he ended up buying a house for The Flash and finding him four wives?" Deadpool, who was listening attentively, opened his eyes wide, and he was surprised. He covered his mouth and said in a pretentious manner: "It doesn't make sense. Why is he so nice to Barry? Is it because he likes Xiao Shen's anus? Obviously I can do it too, quack!"

He started dumping the yellow waste in his mind again. Anyway, he could probably guess why his cousin did this. Thanks to Barry for his continued help.

But this does not prevent me from talking nonsense and creating some show effect.

To play live broadcast, you need to be able to do effects. People who don’t understand comics always struggle with whether the plot is reasonable and whether a character is strong or not. But people who know the art understand that only popularity is the last word.

If you are popular, then whatever you do is reasonable and you will not die no matter what.

If it's not popular, it deserves to be used as a backdrop, waiting to be sacrificed at any time to complete the continuity of the story.


The audience seemed to be interacting again, and the frequency should have become higher, because Deadpool's little eyes moved faster, probably in order to keep up with the intensive barrage.

"Oh? My cousin also asked me to take Flash to a bachelor's night? It's easy. Just go to Margaret Sisters Bar. If Slade reimburses me, I will give Barry Vanessa. Those little sisters are all wrapped up."

Having obtained new information, Deadpool gave his own thoughts. Although he was wearing a mask on his face, he still couldn't hide his obscene smile. The outline of '√' appeared on the corner of his mouth under the mask:

"Speaking of which, those sisters have already had sex with me, and if they have sex with Barry again, then do we count as having sex? Since we are of the same kind, do we want to have a relationship or something?"

The more he talks about it, the more outrageous it becomes, but this is Deadpool's style. Now that the overall situation on Origin Earth has been decided, Superboy, who is working overtime, has brought the incident to a close.

There are only a few hundred Masters and Servants left in the Holy Vat War, and the earth has become tattered. There are still deformed monsters created by Deadpool's imagination wandering everywhere. For example, as long as they eat The Japanese man who can emit powerful light waves from his feces is said to have mutated and acquired abilities after drinking too much nuclear wastewater.

That’s not a bad thing, after all, after the Warring States Period, the servants over there have to have some new tricks, right?

Judging from the current progress, the Holy Jar War will end today, and Deadpool can set off by then. However, the basement may need to be cleaned again.

But it doesn't matter, it's just a matter of asking for cleaning. After experiencing such a big and nonsensical event, every household needs to be cleaned when they return home.

As for how to make Laurie the president of the United States, that is not something Wade needs to worry about. The adjutant has follow-up plans, and many key positions in the U.S. government have now been replaced by bionic people.

Not to mention a reasonably courageous reporter, even a dog can push him to the presidential throne.

After all, Superboy-Prime is now generally considered a superhero. His girlfriend becoming the president is a relatively safe choice for many people, right?

Although the position of the President of the United States is more like a puppet of the plutocrats, in official situations, she still represents the rights of all citizens. If she becomes the president, then if there are still people who are worried about being persecuted by Superboy's superpowers, they should Very relieved.

In addition, the adjutant can manipulate public opinion, so that is not something Deadpool needs to worry about. He only needs to continue playing as he likes.

For example, let's arrange a group of alien-looking androids to invade, clear out most of the participants in the Holy Vat War, then have a beautiful ending battle with Superboy, and finally decide on a winner, and then It’s time to call it a day.

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