The Death Knell

Chapter 542: Put out the fire and save people

"Water can't do it, and snow can't do it either..."

Thor flew in the air, and Mjolnir in his hand was rotated rapidly by the belt behind the handle. The heavy rain in the sky formed a column of water, pouring directly on the roof of the burning house.

But it was useless. Apart from generating a large amount of steam, it had no effect. Those flames burned in the water unnaturally.

The villagers gathered in the open space. They didn't even have time to take out some clothes from their homes as they fled.

There is something indescribable about the feeling of being in Scandinavia on a cold winter night wearing nothing but your underwear.

However, compared to their friends and family who were burned to black ashes, I don’t know whether to say they are lucky or unfortunate in their current state.

Almost the entire village was burned to the ground, exposing the soil under the snow. At this time, the most intense flame was only the church in the village.

It's not because of God's blessing, it's just because this building is the largest and uses the most materials, so like a candle, it burns longer.

Some older people recognized Thor, and they saluted the figure in the sky with the highest etiquette of ancient Vikings, praying to the God of Thunder to save their village.

But more people are silently watching everything they once owned turn into ashes, and their life and hope are all gone.

The strong winds and blizzards made their hearts sink to the bottom. The house was gone, and the storm caused by Thor was taking away the heat from their bodies. Everyone's limbs gradually became stiff and their lips were blue.

The accumulated water formed ice on the ground, and people who could not get close to the fire would soon freeze to death.

"He won't put out fires. It's God's church. If the one flying in the sky is really Thor, he would like all the pagans to die."

"He's killing us, Thor's wrath..."

"God, save us!"

Some people chatted in low voices, and looked at Thor with eyes full of fear. However, first the village caught fire for no apparent reason, and then the gods brought disaster.

They suspected that Thor was the one who set the fire. After all, thunder and lightning can bring fire, and he appeared here just to torture the pagans for fun.

In ancient times, the war god Tyr once encouraged the Vikings to cross the sea and go to England to chop off the heads of the monks and plunder the money of the Catholic Church.

Hacking Catholic believers to death was merit and honor, that was the ticket to Valhalla. The money plundered was the lifeblood of the Vikings.

Things have changed, and now the belief in God is spread all over the world. Even in Northern Europe, many people have given up their ancient beliefs.

But now, are the Norse gods finally going up against it?

Thor heard these whispers, and his anger became even greater. He was really bored in the fairy palace, and responded to the prayers of believers and came down to put out the fire!

Why should all Asgardians be blamed for what Tyr did?

Odin forbids anyone from interfering with matters in the courtyard. Tyr was the only one who violated the rules, and he is also dead.

Tyr's soul was not in Valhalla after his death, but completely disappeared. What does it have to do with Thor?

However, as a god, Thor does not need to retaliate against mortals for their comments. On the contrary, if these people think that he cannot extinguish the fire, then he must extinguish it for them!

Thor roared angrily, and Mjolnir flew out, making a big hole in the ground.

He turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed directly into the fire.

Since storms and snow don't work, use swatting to put out the flames.

He raised his fists and began beating the flames as if they were frost giants or other monsters.

He kept swinging his fist as big as a casserole, making a continuous sound of banging on the ground.

"I asked you to be burned! How dare you resist? I'll destroy you!"

While he was beating every flame in sight, he kept roaring. Some of the flames spread to his armor and helmet, and he also struck them out with a single blow.

After a while, the flames were all extinguished.

But the church was also beaten to powder, and a basin formed in the center of the village under the continuous heavy blows of Thor.

Thor stood up from the ruins, showing a victorious smile. He raised his charred hands and made a loud voice: "Believers, I - Thor, the God of Thunder! I helped you extinguish the strange flames! Cheer!"

Villagers: "......"

They did not cheer, their eyes were numb and sad.

If before, we could still hope to find any surviving items from the ashes, but at this time...even the ashes of relatives may...

"Huh? Why are you unhappy?"

Thor showed a puzzled expression. Everyone should be happy when the fire is out.

"No, great God of Thunder, we are happy, happy... everyone said, right?"

An old man with a long beard came over, knelt down in front of Thor, and forced a smile, but tears kept flowing down, forming white marks on his face.

The villagers who were reminded burst into tears and smiled. The village was gone, but they didn't want to die yet.

"Yes, great God of Thunder, thank you. We will always remember the kindness of the gods."

"Yes, look at us, how happy we are...but now there is no wine or women to entertain you."

"Our place is a bitter cold place, please go back to the fairy palace quickly."

People knelt down in the snow and thanked Thor with tears and runny noses.

Thor was satisfied.

This is the way to spread the glory of Asgard and fulfill the wishes of believers. Odin doesn't allow him to wander around in the atrium. Don't these humans really admire him?

He used to often come to the atrium to help some villages fight against wild beasts or enemies, and then slept with all the young women in the village.

Drinking wine from large bowls and eating large pieces of meat, the spouses of those women also hoped that their women could give birth to demigods with Thor, because in the age of the gods, that would be endless glory.

Isn’t the woman who is favored by the gods the best woman?

If he really has a child, wouldn't he be the father of a demigod?

It was a chaotic era, and the fire of civilization had not even come to this land of ice and snow.

But suddenly one day, Odin ordered that the Asa protoss be prohibited from coming to the atrium again, saying that a strong person appeared in the atrium and needed due respect.

Thor didn't believe it, he would slip down from time to time, sometimes with Loki, sometimes with the Three Warriors.

If Sif doesn't take her with her, if she takes her with her, neither this nor that is allowed, what else is there to do?

He has never seen any human being who can be called strong.

But as time goes by, there are fewer and fewer villages that can provide women to entertain them.

Loki doesn't care much about this. He is satisfied as long as he has a few fruits or some beef. He prefers to prank those mortals. For example, he will laugh when they suddenly fall into a mud pit.

It's just that Thor feels a little regretful that he can't prove his strength to mortals in bed.

Freed from memories, Thor looked at the humans kneeling before him, nodded with satisfaction, picked up Mjolnir from the ground, and hung it on his belt.

"You can live a good life, and I should leave, Heimdall!"

The Rainbow Bridge opened in response, and a bright light flashed, leaving only complex patterns, a large area of ​​charred powder, and villagers looking at each other in shock.


On the Rainbow Bridge, Thor saw Heimdall holding a sword in both hands. This tall man wore a full body of gold armor, and his orange pupils could monitor any place in the Nine Realms.

The ever-awakening guardian, the most loyal friend.

"No one noticed I left, right?"

Thor clutched his waist, staggered a few steps, and asked the warrior what happened when he left.

"Queen Frigga asked me later and I told her."

"Mom? It doesn't matter, as long as my father hasn't woken up yet."


Heimdall shook his head.

Thor was a little confused, why did Heimdall hesitate to speak when he looked at him?

But now his whole body hurts.

The flames seemed to be able to roast his bones until his hands were almost cooked. He had to deal with the wounds first.

"Excuse me."

He patted Heimdall's shoulder armor, causing the golden armor to become red and black, the color of blood and ashes.

The God of Thunder signaled that he would talk about it later, then raised his hammer and flew quickly along the Rainbow Bridge towards Asgard.

Why else could Heimdall sigh, of course it was because of Odin's stupid son.

His eyes can see almost every corner of the Nine Realms, and his long life has given him an extremely wide range of knowledge...

But who has ever seen someone put out a fire with their fists?

He is worried about the future of Asgard.

In Asgard, Loki was resting in his palace. He was leaning on the soft bed, drinking wine and admiring the scenery outside the window.

The night in the fairy palace is also very beautiful, especially the Rainbow Bridge, which is even more colorful and dazzling.

He listened to the magpies chirping happily under the eaves, noticed the water splashing in the waterfall, and joked with the birds sentence after sentence, and sometimes he was amused.

Loki shook his head and rubbed his belly.

"Gee, the joke about the three giants is so funny. How could I make up such a funny story? What a genius, isn't it, little bird?"

"Chirp chirp..."

"Let me tell you a new joke about my brother and two women. Remember to tell all your friends this story."

Loki showed a smug smile, dipped his finger in the wine glass, and then used wine and magic to construct the image of Thor and the woman.

If there are Asgardians here, you can tell just from the armor of the woman's image, it is the female warrior Sif and the enchantress Amora.

Loki is going to tell the magpies a very disgusting story, the sexual part is completely beastly, and the ending is very tragic.

By the way, he made up this story, and it’s not a joke either.

He just wants to deceive the magpies for fun and see if they will think of the tragic fate they may encounter when they hear that Thor and his corpses were eaten by cats...


Suddenly Thor's figure sounded at the door. Loki immediately flicked his wrist, the wine returned to the cup, and the magpies flew away.


Loki stood quietly for two seconds, prepared himself, and then turned around with a smile on his face, as if he was very happy to see his brother.

However, when he saw Thor's body was charred and his armor and cloak were in tatters, he still faced him with a little doubt.

"Come help me."

Thor put his arm on Loki's shoulders without any politeness at all, causing Loki to shrink down.

He finally regained his composure and dragged the God of Thunder onto his soft couch.

"What did you go to do?"

Loki took out the medicine from his cabinet and began to bandage Thor's hands while asking curiously.

His curiosity arose after he discovered that Thor was not seriously injured, because Thor was filled with a strong meaty smell, like barbecue.

The only drawback is the combination of fruits and seasonings, Loki thought to himself.

"Extinguish the fire, atrium."

Thor replied, taking off his helmet and throwing it on the table nearby, knocking off Loki's wine flask and spilling the wine on the floor.

Then he changed the angle and lay down completely, letting out a comfortable sigh. Loki's bed was the softest, and he was happiest here to rest.

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