The Death Knell

Chapter 5417 The First Dream

After temporarily leaving his teammates, Deathstroke took the big cat to the depths of the forest and found a place to take shelter in the slightly dark air.

"Diana should understand what you are saying, but she is too competitive. The more you say that women can't do it, the more she wants to prove that she can."

Touching the cat's head, Su Ming sighed. This was why many times, he could only knock her unconscious with a pan.

Because she is very stubborn, I don’t know how much saliva and time it will take to convince her, so it is better to use the simplest and crudest method.

"I know Meow, but I'm a cat. It's impossible for a cat to coddle a human Meow." Thousand Cats Dream's tail shook twice, and it let out a purring laugh: "Let's start here. , come on, get on my back."

As it spoke, it increased its size and tilted its head to signal Deathstroke to ride on it.

"The last time I rode a feline was in Azeroth. The night saber is indeed a good mount." Su Ming was not polite and turned over to get on the cat. Because there was no saddle, he could only hold the cat's rear. Jingpi: “I’ll take you riding next time too.”

After hearing what he said, Thousand Cats Dream rolled its eyes. Although it usually squinted its eyes, now it widened its eyes instead.

"No, meow, even for a human, it's weird to ride someone of the same kind, right?"

"It depends on how you ride it. Ahem, forget it. Halfway through, I realized that it's not appropriate to talk to you about this." Deathstroke coughed a few times and swallowed back the erotic joke he was about to say: "Probably it's the reason I've been Tian has been in contact with Deadpool a lot, and he was infected by the yellow waste in his mind. Let’s not talk about it anymore, let’s set off.”

"Hehe, okay, I probably understand what you are talking about, but for us animals, estrus and mating are very common things, and there is nothing to avoid." The big cat moved his paws, and then started his dream With the power, the surrounding scenery became hazy and unreal.

Originally they were just ordinary glowing forests, but in Deathstroke's sight, they seemed to turn into brown and green noodles, and then these lines began to flow again, forming new pictures.

And these pictures are constantly changing, just like people sitting in a movie theater while the scenes on the curtain are running.

The big cat still stayed in place, not taking a step at all, but the environment around him, or the space where one person and one cat lived, was changing rapidly.

From the forest at the beginning, it turned into the bottom of the waterfall, then into outer space, and then into the interior of the volcano.

In different places, you can see, smell, and hear the characteristics of different environments, as if you were really in that environment. This is the power of dreams. Sometimes the things you dream about will appear to be extraordinarily real.

And this was just the beginning. The big cat stopped talking and took him seriously through the layers of dreams, neither falling nor floating, neither moving forward nor retreating.

It is the heart that is moving, not the shadows, and the world becomes different.

About three minutes later, the cat took him to a space completely filled with blood. The surrounding environment seemed to be inside the body of some giant organism. You could see the muscles that were constantly moving, as well as the blood vessels and nerves covered under the mucus.

You can hear the pounding of your heart, but there are also inexplicable screams and laughter. All kinds of noises come at extremely high decibels, making your brain dizzy and very uncomfortable.

"We're here, how's it going, Slade, can you still hold on?"

The big cat turned its head, stretched out its barbed tongue and licked Deathstroke's belly, and asked with concern:

"If you can't hold on anymore, don't force it. The First Dream is the dream of the ancients. It is a phantom projected by their collective subconscious. It even brings double the ideological pollution to mankind."

"It's not a big problem."

The calm Su Ming jumped off the cat's back and landed on the soft fleshy ground like a tongue. He stuffed a chocolate frog into his mouth as preparation, and then poured a few drops of the elixir of happiness:

"I feel the ultimate chaos of disorder, the madness hidden in the unknown, but it doesn't matter. I have seen many ancient ones before. I am not even afraid of their bodies, so why should I be afraid of their dreams? "

Okay, actually it has a bit of an impact, it has a suffocating feeling that makes you breathless, but once you eat the chocolate, you’ll be fine.

The direction from which these feelings came was right in front of the two of them, behind the squirming flesh wall.

Just like a grenade wrapped in intestines exploded, Su Ming could feel that there was an explosive energy source behind the flesh wall, which was exuding the aura of chaos all the time.

This kind of atmosphere is very familiar to Su Ming. It is the sense of barbarism at the beginning of the universe. It had this kind of smell at the time when everything started when TVA existed.

"Okay, anyway, if we really can't make it, just tell me, and I promise to take you out of here safely." The cat nodded. It walked towards the wall with its tail raised, stretched out its paws, and put it on the wall. superior.

The cat's claws sank in, and the next second, the surrounding flesh and blood opened like petals blooming, directly exposing one person and one cat to the vacuum environment of the universe!

It turns out that where they are now is in a starry sky, and what they are stepping on is a huge floating sarcoma.

And just now the cat sent out an invitation to meet, and the first dream accepted it, so the last barrier between madness and reason disappeared.

The huge first dream was suspended in front of me. It was slowly rotating under the bright starlight. The dance of its tentacles carried some indescribable special training. The three-petal red lips slowly opened with a slimy sound. A triangular eyeball squeezed out.

After turning a few times, his eyes locked on the position of the death knell, but no emotions or thoughts could be seen from it, only emptiness.

Its size may be the largest among the many Sandman, it is as big as a planet, especially the feeling of a foreign body that does not belong to this world, which makes people feel sick.

If it were an ordinary person, he might throw up at the first sight, but after Su Ming recalled Wade's face in his mind, he felt that the first dream looked quite cute.

Whether it's the deformed eyeballs or the slimy squirming sound, it's only 50-50 compared to Deadpool.


The first dream spoke first. The lips that made up its body did not move, but the loud voice resounded throughout the world. Unfortunately, the syllables it produced were almost close to the limit of human hearing threshold, and they were also sounds that human vocal cords could not produce at all.

But Su Ming felt relieved. As long as the person didn't speak English, it wasn't considered an alien. It didn't matter if he couldn't understand what it said. Aren't there still big cats?

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