The Death Knell

Chapter 5419 Take a look at the scenery

Nightmare Dimension, Nightmare Realm, Dark Dream Kingdom, you can call it whatever you want, just know that it is what it is.

Dreams are layered, but they are not just nesting dolls. If you had to say what they looked like, Su Ming would say they were a bit like the so-called eighteen levels of hell in the East.

Different levels do not necessarily have an inclusive relationship, but are more like being connected together by invisible and tortuous lines.

But no matter what, the nightmare dimension should be at the bottom, just like throwing garbage into the water, they will eventually sink to the bottom.

There are silt, garbage, and all kinds of strange creatures on the seabed. It is far from the coral reefs and beautiful fish schools that people see in travel promotional videos. In the real dark depths, there is often only a dead silence, and there are animals lurking in it. Unknowable danger.

After receiving part of the guarantee from the First Dream, Su Ming led everyone into the nightmare through 'regular' channels, or in other words, sank to the bottom.

The place where I landed was a desolate land, but on the contrary, it was full of the breath of life. Everything nearby seemed to be alive, like the crawling ground under my feet and the twisted building debris beside me, all with their eyes open. Staring at everyone the same.

They do have eyes. Even the broken wall that Su Ming reached out to touch was covered with dense blood-red eyes.

Maybe the touch made them feel the danger, so their eyes closed instantly and they retracted into the wall. When they looked at the broken wall again, they saw that it was just ordinary bricks and cement.

The silent forest not far away was shrouded in thick fog. With Su Ming's perception of darkness, he could see that the trees in it were like twisted skeletons. The branches stretching toward the sky were covered with dry flies, rotten fruits, and fleshy fallen leaves. They piled up like mountains on the ground, and the disease gave off a foul smell, as if the breath of death was filling the air.

But there will be no death here. Within the scope of the power of the ancients, the degree of overflowing vitality is indescribable. Even dead objects in human common sense will develop sarcomas and hyperplasia, becoming strange and deformed.


The leopard girl bent over and vomited. The bit of fish she had just eaten was vomited out before it was digested. The smell of her stomach acid was certainly unpleasant, but in the stinking environment around her, it was nothing. On the contrary, it made people feel uncomfortable. It feels a little fresh.

This is not a joke, this is true.

Because vomit is a smell that can be smelled in the human world, it represents a certain connection with reality, but the surrounding environment is completely different. That kind of rotten sweetness is what the ancients A unique, strange feeling that does not exist in the material world.

Compared with things in the human world and things in the underworld, living people most likely prefer the former, right?

"Hold on, Leopard Girl, don't let me look down on you." Diana helped her old enemy up and patted her soft fur back.

"Ugh, that's easy for you to say, little princess. Don't you know that my sense of smell is hundreds of times more sensitive than yours?"

Trying her best to control her body's reaction, Leopard Woman answered Wonder Woman's words intermittently. She closed her eyes to avoid receiving more additional stimulation.

Because the smell of vomit not only attracted Deathstroke's attention, but something seemed to come alive in the forest not far away. She felt many eyes, cold and gloomy eyes.

Barry's resistance is pretty good. He probably gained new insights after playing with Deadpool not long ago.

Zatanna was in the best condition, which was a bit unexpected. The witch was currently studying the cut-off wall that Deathstroke had just encountered with great interest, as if she wanted to see the process of the eyeballs growing out of it again.

"We just came in, otherwise, Slade, can you send her out?" Diana asked her boyfriend. She didn't want to see her big cat die here. Leopard Girl is both an old enemy and a friend. In this situation, Not to mention her fighting ability, she couldn't die in a twisted and crazy dream.

"No! I won't leave!" Leopard Girl struggled to stand upright and shook off Diana's hand: "I can do what you can do, and when you vomit, I will send you out. Woolen cloth."

"Huh, tough talk." Diana laughed. She was sure that Leopard Girl was not a big problem, at least she was quite strong: "But who calls us sisters? I will not abandon you."

"Why don't I leave you?" Leopard Girl wiped the corners of her mouth with her palms. This is the problem with her hairy body. When she vomits, the hair is easy to stick to dirt: "Just wait and see, when I get used to it, then It’s my turn to hold you up.”

The two of them started talking to each other, leaving Su Ming with no chance to interrupt. Only then did he finally speak:

"You two, stop fighting, let alone the Ancient One. We haven't even seen the Familia yet. Just seeing some scenery and taking a breath will make you feel sick. I'm afraid you won't all have to lie down on the cloak next time." go."

One person and one leopard looked at each other, and then they all became nervous.

Yes, Deathstroke is right, everyone has not seen the living creatures living in the nightmare yet.

"You'll get used to it if you vomit often, Slade, let's move on." The Flash joined the conversation. Barry's face was not particularly good-looking, but he was in good condition. He raised his hand and pointed at the tree not far away. Forest: "I feel like something is staring at us over there. This is not a place to stay for a long time."

He felt something crawling in the darkness.

Su Ming nodded. Barry's feeling was correct. With the concept of darkness, he perceived those things very clearly.

They are all things that are not very lethal, but very disgusting. It is better not to watch them.

But in the direction of Luther. Well, I feel it. The bald man is in pretty good condition now. At least he doesn't have any arms or legs. It's just that his mental strings are tighter.

The first dream seemed to be a nice person and gave him some help, at least allowing the darkness in this dream to be controlled by Deathstroke.

"Let's go, let's fly in that direction first, take a look at the scenery at high altitude, and get used to the environment here."

Deathstroke took off his cloak and invited everyone to ride. He was actually quite lazy, and of course he couldn't walk if he could help it.

The magic floating cloak once again entered the invisible state, leading everyone to fly away at low altitude and speed.

Because you want to see the scenery, you can't fly too fast, as long as you have supersonic speed.

Fly over an old abandoned church that stands in the wilderness, its walls peeled away by the erosion of time, exposing broken stone bricks and decaying wood.

The door of the church is twisted and deformed like a cracked sore, as if some evil force has awakened inside the building. There is a row of ancient stone statues in front of the door. Their faces are also distorted, and the stones are covered with rot. Tomato-like sarcoma.

Flying over a blood-red river, you can smell a fishy smell permeating the water, which makes people put off. Countless deformed corpses are scattered along the river bank, and the eyes covered with mushrooms seem to be telling the tragic fate of the past.

Next is a desolate land, where a large number of deformed plants grow. Their branches and leaves are as sharp as sharp blades, and they are constantly dripping with bright red blood. From the breath they emit, people can feel the pungent spicy smell, which may be some kind of toxin, which is also interesting.

Then there is a misty swamp, where the vegetation is dead and dark driftwood floats on the water. In the water are some fish covered with thick sores and sarcoma. They sing noisy songs, tempting nearby The monsters head towards the abyss, as if this is how they hunt.

Everywhere in these landscapes is a taboo place, and dreams are shadows that transcend time and space. But the most terrible thing is that there are vague whispers echoing in the wind, and dark forces gather in the sky, making people feel a kind of Biological discomfort.

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