The Death Knell

Chapter 5422 Violent shaking

"It doesn't matter whether I add more money or not. This is something only the police chief can decide."

The adjutant flipped up her long silver hair. She was directing the bionic people to carry out rescue and disaster relief, because the game land was also affected by the big changes just now:

"I'm not interested in money, and I've never carried any money with me. You'd better discuss it directly with him later."

"Tsk, I don't want US dollars now. The great voyage of space has begun. According to what I know about my cousin, exchanging currency will definitely be his next move." Deadpool took off his pants and wrung out the soup from his anus. He said with a professional look: "But it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what currency I can add 500. How is my cousin's situation now?"

Anyway, according to past habits, the extra money is 500, the same as before.

Five hundred dollars doesn't sound like much, but if converted into burritos with toppings, it can buy almost more than a hundred dollars, which can almost fill the big table in the Justice League conference room.

"He lost contact after entering the nightmare dimension. It was a relatively closed environment." The adjutant held his arms and turned away from watching Deadpool take off his clothes: "Our conventional communication methods have failed there. , I am asking the masters of the Sky Council to study the method of 'dream entrustment'."

The Sheriff is in a dream, so of course he can only be found through dreams.

But there is another possibility, that is, before the new communication method is developed, the Sheriff may have already fought his way out. After all, he has always been extremely efficient.

Most things can be done in one night. If there is a crisis of annihilation, it can take up to three days.

"Ha, is it true that the end of science is all about occult science?" Deadpool put on his wrinkled pants. He picked up his mask from the end of the sofa and put it on his head slowly and seductively like a stocking advertisement. : "But you moved the entire Diversity 1 to 40K, did you bring the nightmare with you?"

"No, but it is a dream, and dreams are invisible, so from a scientific point of view, the Sheriff should be regarded as disappearing into the material world."

That is, now that she has become a human, the adjutant has been studying a lot recently. If she had been in the past, she probably would not have been able to understand these situations.

To put it simply, the original multiverse 1 was transferred to Marvel's 40K multiverse, and its original location was replaced by the new multiverse created by the Hands of Creation.

Therefore, places such as additional dimensions and extra planes in the past have been grafted onto the new plurality.

It's a bit like planting a tree. Pull out the tree in the original pit, put a new sapling in the pit, but cover the original soil back. This is more efficient and safer.

Judging from the scene just now, the Hands of Creation are not completely without resistance. At least the future God Elaine is very unhappy with their actions. Those guys are at least afraid of long nights and dreams, right?

"Wow, that's so philosophical. You're really alone now."

Deadpool, who was ready, clapped his hands, which could be regarded as applause, and then he picked his butt and prepared to go:

"Then I'll go to Diversity 2 first. I'll leave it to you to take over Superboy. Oh, it's really a pity to say that. I haven't seen his stinky look after completing the plan. He looks really good now. Like a native of the motherland, I want to play Batman and ask him, ‘Can you drink milk?’ Hahaha!”

As he said this, Deadpool was rolling on the ground with laughter, and he didn't know why this joke was so funny to him.

"If you really ask, there is a high probability that you will get heat vision. Haha, okay, let's get down to business and start taking action. If you can also lead the creative hand to Diversity 2, maybe the effect will be better." Adjutant Gave a dark idea.

Because speaking of it, Diversity 2 was also completely corrupted by the Hand of the Void, and it was also extremely dark and chaotic there. If the Hand of Creation felt that it also had to be restarted, that would be a good thing.

Enemies of enemies, there is some room for cooperation.

However, the adjutant was just thinking about whom to cooperate with strategically, and what conditions to negotiate, which were also outside her scope of authority. At least, she couldn't control them without the special authorization of the Sheriff.

"How can I pull monsters with my short legs?" Deadpool waved his hands and turned away, walking up the wooden stairs leaving the basement with a lonely look: "Everyone who has played games knows that if you want to pull monsters, let them go. A prerequisite for flying a kite is to run fast, and I don’t look like those black people who are good at long-distance running, do I?”

"That's just a side task. You don't have to do it if you can't do it." The adjutant shook her head expressionlessly. She turned off the communication projection and only said: "Start the work. The adjutant is offline."

On the other hand, Deadpool, who walked out of the basement, scratched his scalp through his hood while walking, and said to himself in the air beside him:

"Old fellows, why do I feel that the adjutant's tone of voice when talking to me is becoming more and more like Gin? Is she trying to get a higher position or something? Hiss. Could it be that I will be the lowest status person in the family from now on? No, no, The future of the Wilson Dark Family is too hopeless! Do you think if I let my cousin use my anus to vent his animal desires, can I break this solidified class?"

"." The non-existent audience seemed to say something.

"What is impossible? A real man like Slade should fuck a man. Pfft, forget it, I can't make it up anymore. If you want to earn traffic by selling rotten food, you still can't get past your noble heart. Moral standards."

As he spoke, Deadpool couldn't help but laugh. He adjusted the teleportation belt that he had repaired at some point, determined the time and place he wanted to arrive, and then took a photo of the black and red portrait on the belt buckle.

In the nightmare, Deathstroke and others, who had just landed in an alley in the city, were also shaking left and right in the sudden violent vibration.

That is to say, all the buildings in this city were wrapped in thick flesh and tentacles, which were considered extremely strong. However, there was no collapse or other phenomena, but some unexplained sharp screams came from the distance.

"What's going on?" Diana stabilized her body. She quickly took her hand off the Leopard Girl and put it on her weapon. She looked around cautiously: "Is it some ancient person who has woken up?"

"Absolutely not." Zatanna shook her head repeatedly in response to this speculation. She looked like she had had enough: "Just the scenery I saw along the way was enough to give me nightmares for a long time. I don't want to do that now. I want to see the evil gods who created such a wonder."

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