The Death Knell

Chapter 544 Fake God

For a moment, Loki was still recalling whether he had ever seen this man before.

But soon, he recalled all the residents of Valhalla, and found that this person did not exist.

Perhaps it was the eyepatch and the half-smiling expression that reminded him of Odin, so his heart suddenly felt a little familiar.

But it was only for a moment, and then he became alert. This was a stranger who happened to appear next to the burning World Tree...

It was hard not to think about this for Loki.

However, the man just glanced at them, then turned his head and looked at the thing on the drill in his hand.

Loki noticed that they were some Asgardian fruits, being roasted close to the fire and becoming steaming very quickly.

The skin has become charred and will catch fire if it is grilled any longer.

The man took back the fruit and took a bite. He didn't mind the impact of the high temperature at all, but nodded with satisfaction.

"Who are you?"

But the man who roasted the fruit didn't answer. He just asked calmly: "Are you here? Children."

Thor tilted his head. Why did these words sound familiar and awkward?

Loki frowned, and he began to prepare spells. He wanted to do an illusion first, and then prepare offensive magic.

"Stop it, Loki. Around the World Tree, all actions that mobilize magic power will pass through it. At this moment, it means that you may become a torch, which is very dangerous."

Loki's fingers behind his back stopped, he was a little surprised.

The other party knew he was casting a spell without even turning his head. What kind of level is this?

Loki rolled his eyes and immediately smiled: "I wonder who you are? Why did you come to Asgard?"

"Stop your polite tone and fake smile, Loki, you know I hate you like that." The man glanced at him coldly and stood up from the ground: "I won't be very good in Valhalla. Is it normal......"

As he spoke, he stood up from sitting on the edge of the cliff, plucked the fruit from the long spindle, turned around and threw it to Thor.

Immediately afterwards, the barbecue drill shortened for a while, and soon emitted a dazzling golden light in the red firelight, gradually forming a long spear.

The complex and gorgeous gun head is golden in color and looks full of solemn and intimidating power.

Gungnir, the Eternal Spear.

This weapon was held tightly in the hands of the one-eyed man. At this time, his aura was undisguised, showing supreme authority and self-respect.

"Because I am your father."

Loki opened his mouth and found it difficult to accept this statement for a while. Why did Odin become younger than himself?

But Odin is the almighty god. Not only can he change his appearance at will, he can even become a crow or a giant thousands of meters high.

No wonder neither he nor Thor could find him. It turned out that this bad old man had changed his appearance, returned to his former residence, and mingled with the dead people in the Hall of Valor.

Is this what the so-called Odin's Sleep means?

And the blind right eye is Odin's symbol.

Loki's doubts only existed for a brief moment, because Gangnir could not lie. That was not an illusion. He was a master of illusion himself and could easily distinguish any magic that affected vision.

Therefore, Loki's attention quickly turned to another aspect.

He bowed and looked at Thor with secret jealousy.

Odin just gave all the roasted fruits to Thor, why not give one to himself?

Odin's actions often contain metaphors. If these fruits represent Asgard that has experienced the fire, does that mean that Odin wants to hand Asgard over to Thor?

Why? Is he obviously better than Thor in every aspect? Why does Odin never look at him?

Loki was in a state of confusion. Although he kept smiling, he had fallen into various fantasies.

Thor didn't notice at all, he just smiled stupidly, rubbed the fruit on his chest and stuffed it into his mouth, while bowing slightly to express his greetings to Odin:

"Why are you baking fruit here? Father."

"I am the King of the Gods, and my country is on fire." Odin just nodded in response and motioned for them to level up: "Sons, look at the burning World Tree in front of you, what do you think? I just noticed that you want to put out the fire. .”

"Yes, father, just watch from the side and watch me extinguish the flame with a splash of urine."

Thor's mouth was full of fruits, and the roasted fruits were quite delicious. He heard Odin's question and answered without thinking.

Young Odin was noncommittal, and his one eye turned to Loki. Under the firelight, his body glowed with golden light.

"Loki, my youngest son, you answer this question."

Loki was awakened from his calculations. He first complimented Thor very gracefully, and then expressed his thoughts.

"I feel that a fire of this scale must not be an ordinary flame. We must first analyze its cause, and then find more people to come up with a solution."

Odin still didn't nod or shake his head. He just turned around and faced the direction of the fire.

"My sons, you have said a lot, and you have said it well...but the methods are wrong. The real way to put out a fire is to wait for it to burn out."


The first time Thor heard about this method, the half-bitten fruit in his hand fell off.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems right.

When all the things that can burn are burned out, won't the fire naturally go out? It's just that the World Tree is on fire now. Isn't it bad to just let it burn...?

Loki's eyes rolled. He felt that Odin was hinting at something. Was it time? Tell the two of them that time is the only process that leads to results?

In other words, does he still have hope of becoming a king?

So he didn't speak, just listened quietly.

The three of them stood on the edge of a circle of cliffs near the World Tree. This tree grew out of nowhere and passed through the ground of Asgard, as if it had been here from beginning to end.

But at this time it is like a giant torch, turning life into light and heat.

"Don't be surprised, sons. This flame is indeed not a mortal thing. Even I can't do anything about it, but today I want to teach you a truth."

Odin inserted the Eternal Spear into the stone slab on the ground, clasped his hands on his chest, calmly looked at the fire in front of him, and said in a steady voice:

"Wherever there are leaves flying, there will be fire burning, and the shadow of the fire will shine on Asgard, and then new leaves will sprout again. This is the will of fire..."

Thor didn't understand, but he thought it made sense. The World Tree seemed useless anyway, and it sounded like it would grow back in the future?

Then let it burn. No wonder Odin roasted the fruit so leisurely. It turned out to be no big deal.

"Father, I understand. Just wait a moment. I'll kill two cows and bring them over. We should have a feast for the Will of Fire."

After Thor finished speaking, he showed a simple smile, patted his chest and flew away.

Loki thought more, and he understood the implicit meaning. Odin meant that as long as the Asa clan was still there, it would not be a big deal even if Asgard was destroyed.

No matter how many times it is destroyed by fire, as long as there are people, it can be rebuilt. This is a metaphor about inheritance.

He is worthy of being Odin. He unexpectedly saw a fire that could not be extinguished, but his mentality remained calm. He could still think of educating the two of them through this. He was worthy of being the king of the gods.

But he sneered at Thor's incomprehension and evasion.

How can he be a king with just this kind of brain? It still depends on yourself...

So next, while Thor was looking for beef, Loki began to flatter Odin constantly. From the young face, it could be seen that Odin was very satisfied with him.

If he could make Odin so happy every day, his future would be bright.

Thor came back soon, carrying two headless cows on his shoulders. He casually hit the cow's head with Mjolnir, and the cow's head exploded.

Odin directly impaled a cow with the Eternal Spear. The weapon gradually extended and sent the cow to the side of the World Tree to be roasted. From time to time, he would take it back and Odin would sprinkle some seasoning powder on it.

Loki brought the drinks, and the three of them sat around and shared the roasted beef.

Odin got a hind leg, Thor got a hind leg, and Loki only got a smaller front leg.

Loki's expression was a little gloomy, but he quickly passed away as if nothing was wrong.

This meat is a bit old, and the World Tree has too much heat, but the World Tree is indeed a sacred object. The barbecue has a special aroma, which is spicy and irritating, making people feel addicted just by smelling it.

The three of them all ate very happily. In their impression, Odin rarely ate with them so cheerfully.

But isn’t it good to be nice? Do you still want to bear the wrath of the God King and feel comfortable being beaten by Gangnir?

Thor held up a leg of cow and said happily: "Father, we should eat together more often. It's great for the family to be together."

"As long as you still recognize me as your father in the future, we can have dinner together at any time, haha..."

Odin said with a pointed smile.

Loki couldn't help but feel nervous. Was this reminding him and the two of them that he was still the king, and hinting that they should not worry about the throne?

It seems that the God King has noticed his thoughts...

However, Odin is aging very badly now. Although he looks young in appearance, his tone and actions are old. He just needs to wait a few more years.

The thoughts in Loki's mind were gone in an instant. He smiled and poured wine for Odin and Thor before finally refilling his own glass.

"What did my father say? Of course you are our father, otherwise what else could you be?"

Thor still didn't understand. He gnawed on the leg of beef, picked up his cloak and wiped his mouth. After speaking vaguely, he grabbed the wine glass and poured it into his mouth.

Not to mention, having a banquet in a warm place is comfortable, and the old man quite enjoys it.


After eating for a while, Odin threw out the bone in his hand. When the bone touched the burning World Tree, it instantly turned into ashes.

He looked at the crowd that was gradually growing around him, but no one dared to get too close.

He had to leave, Frigga would be in trouble if she came.

"Sons, I am very satisfied with the banquet here, but the matter is not over yet. I have a task for you to complete."

"Say it, father."

Thor responded immediately, but Loki did not speak, but his eyes also looked at Odin.

"Your tasks are not the same. First, Loki, on my behalf, summon everyone in Asgard to have a banquet around the World Tree, teach them the principles of the Will of Fire, and ensure that everyone can learn and do it. Are you here?"

"I obey your will." Loki bowed slightly, with an evil smile on his face.

Is this a test? Does Odin want to see who can complete the task better, himself or Thor?

Odin's one eye looked at Thor again: "Your mission is to gather all the troops after the banquet, including the palace guards and dungeon guards, to attack Muspelheim. This fire was caused by Surtur. He must pay! Thor, my good son, bring me his crown, and I will adorn my treasury with it."

"Okay, Father, I'll put his crowned head in front of you!"

Odin smiled happily: "Go ahead, I won't be involved in this matter. Don't come to me until there is no result."

After saying that, Odin stood up with the Eternal Spear and walked towards Valhalla, passing through the bowing crowd, leaving only a strong back for the two of them, and gradually disappeared into the dark corner.

Thor and Loki looked at each other, their eyes filled with sparks of competition. They wanted to prove in front of their father that they could complete the task better than their brothers.

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