The Death Knell

Chapter 5463 Unreal Utopia

Looking up at the sky, there are not many stars in the dark night, and the moon is hidden behind the dark clouds. This is simply the best weather to do bad things.

The Hands of Creation did not come down. Maybe they have some kind of limitations within themselves, or maybe they didn’t notice Deadpool coming and going quickly. After all, on the level of the multiverse, one person plus a zombie is a small gain. The goal cannot be smaller.

But this is undoubtedly an opportunity. The mercenaries are not afraid that the enemy will look down on them. In other words, Wade prefers this.

"Aren't you coming? Why don't you give me face? If it were my cousin here, you guys would have panicked and come down to fight, right?" Deadpool touched his chin and dug a few more times. He lowered his nostrils and smiled evilly at the night sky: "But you will regret it. When I start to perform the exquisite tea art I learned from the green tea bitch on the Internet, you will understand how awesome Uncle Wade is."


Arriving in a strange environment and smelling the smell of living people in the air, the mushroom zombie began to become anxious, and the voice he made seemed to echo Deadpool's words.

Of course, as a 'tea leaf', it had no choice. After making a sound, Deadpool thought that it couldn't wait to get into the water.

"Okay, okay, you are very energetic! Don't worry, I will take you to the largest water plant in New York right now, so that your body fluids and spores can exert their maximum power."

Rubbing his hands together in anticipation, Wade picked up the zombie again and prepared to take a taxi from the rooftop:

"It's a pity that it's night now, everyone should be sleeping, and the water consumption won't be very large, but I wonder if you guys have ever drank cold brew tea? I'm brewing zombies now, and people can drink it in a richer way tomorrow morning It tastes good.”

With that said, he returned to the building, pressed the elevator, and successfully reached the first floor.

What kind of world is this new multiverse? The answer is a utopia created by the creative hands, where there is no crime, no superheroes and supervillains, and naturally there are no security guards or police.

People rely on extremely high moral standards and stable emotions as if castrated to control themselves. Society is established based on high moral standards, so laws do not exist.

Such a world is very unreal, but it is indeed the work of the creative hands. Perhaps in order to clear out the remaining influence of the original dark multi-dimensional 1, it seems a bit overkill here.

This is normal. Originally, there was a very dark polynomial here. They created a polynomial that was full of positive energy. Wouldn't it be nice to come over to collide and neutralize it?

But who would have expected that the death knell took away the 'black ball', and now only the white ball is left here, which seems very unreal.

Perhaps this is the problem that the creative hands are busy fixing now.

The house is not closed at night, and people do not pick up things on the road. This world is too positive, but this is a good thing. Deadpool successfully carried the screaming living corpse to the side of the road. He stretched his neck and then waited for the taxi to pass by.

"Hello, do you want to take a taxi?" Soon a yellow car stopped in front of the two of them. The black driver showed a gentle and friendly face and asked the dead assistant who was carrying the person on the roadside: "Your friend looks like he is doing well. It’s not good, you look very uncomfortable, do you want to go to the hospital?”

"Uh, no, he has a moss attack and needs a good wash, so we go to the water plant." Wade took out a pair of pink fluffy handcuffs from his trouser pocket, cuffed the zombie's hands, and took out another pair of handcuffs. He took out a few rolls of plastic wrap to cover the entire zombie and pushed it into the back of the taxi: "By the way, I don't have any money. Doesn't it matter?"

"It doesn't matter. When everyone is in trouble, we should help each other." There is no world of lies at all. The driver firmly believed in the bitch's words. Although he didn't quite understand why he had to go to the water plant to wash his hair, he was still very I enthusiastically agreed and even didn’t need the fare.

What a nice guy, especially for someone with this complexion.

Deadpool does not have any racial discrimination. He is willing to sleep with any race, even females from alien creatures, but he has to admit that African Americans are originally a group with a high incidence of crime.

At least he had never seen such a high caliber young black male.

"Thank you. After you send me there, I suggest you escape from New York quickly and go to Hawaii or some small island to hide." He is so kind, and Deadpool's originally hard heart seems to have softened a little, and he gave gave this suggestion: "Don't ask me why, I'm doing it for your own good, but I really can't say."

After starting the car, the driver nodded to express understanding and agreed calmly:

"You're right. I think I really need to take a vacation. I can't make enough money, but my body is the most important thing. I'll take a boat out to sea after I send you to your place."

People in this world now feel like Deadpool is a real psychopath. They are too obedient and will not doubt others at all.

This simply doesn't look like a human being.

The lights outside the window flashed quickly, and the car window glass was filled with light. The living corpse kept struggling. Deadpool covered his mouth, held him in his arms, and looked at the scenery outside the window quietly.

He has actually fallen in love with this world. If everyone here were good people and he was the only bad person, he would definitely be very comfortable living here, right?

Everyone trusts you unconditionally and everyone will obey you. No matter how outrageous your lie is, the other party will believe it and will be willing to do anything for you that they think is reasonable.

Simply, the paradise for the wicked is nothing more than this.

But in comparison, my original world is still more interesting, more real and darker.

And how to say it? Mercenaries still need to have basic professional ethics, especially when their cousin is the employer.

"How is your business today?" In order to cover up the whimpering sounds of the zombies, Deadpool took the initiative to chat with the driver, and asked if there was nothing else to say: "Is it convenient for dinner tonight?"

"This is New York, and business has always been very good. If you also want to drive a taxi, I highly recommend you choose here." The black man replied with a smile. At night, he could only see a floating white tooth: "Tonight's dinner I go home to eat, every day, and my wife and kids are always waiting for me.”

"If you leave New York to travel tonight, take your wife and children with you and listen to me. This will definitely be beneficial." Deadpool was silent for a moment, and he rubbed his face: "Wait until you see what the news says about everything. It’s peaceful, it’s not too late to come back.”

"Okay, what you said makes sense. Since it's a vacation, it's natural for the whole family to be together, haha." The black man agreed with a smile, and then he also enthusiastically invited Deadpool to go with him, and he could also bring this with him. Head moss' friends.

Of course, we couldn't take the mushroom zombie with us. It would be making tea soon. Wade declined the warm invitation and chatted with the driver about video games to change the subject.

The atmosphere along the way was very harmonious, and time passed quickly. About half an hour later, he arrived at the place.

After carrying the zombies and getting out of the car again, Wade said goodbye to the black driver. Watching the taxi's red taillight disappear into the darkness, he sighed:

"Oh, I don't know if what I did is right or not. How can a mercenary think about those things? Just do it and that's it! Here comes Ollie!"

Anyway, I have brain cancer. Maybe I will forget about this driver after a while. Only the credits on my account are the real things that will not be forgotten.

Shrugging his shoulders and holding the zombie more firmly, he turned around and pushed open the door of the water plant. The darkness behind the door quickly swallowed his figure.

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