The Death Knell

Chapter 5471 Variable Story

"But I suggest you stop playing with dolls in the future. Throw Barbie, Transformers, Gunpla and the like as far as you can."

After awakening Monaco by playing Macabaka in his mind, Deathstroke smiled and said the next words to Wanda. She was mainly lonely, so she developed the habit of playing with dolls.

When you are alone at home, you can play house with yourself. This is indeed very girlish, but it is not suitable for the holders of chaos magic.

You must know that chaos magic is almost equal to the wishing spell, and it is also one of the advanced methods currently known that can directly give life to dead objects. If she is having fun and accidentally activates chaos magic, the world will be in chaos. .

Don't think this is impossible, the characteristic of chaos magic is that it is uncontrollable.

When you don't want it to start, it starts by itself; when you want it to go east, it just goes west to circle the earth for you; if you want to use it to save people, it may kill people first. Resurrection.

Relying on chaos magic to fulfill wishes, sometimes it is better to make wishes to the ancients. The level of danger is almost the same anyway.

"I see."

Wanda blushed, lowered her head and twisted her fingers. How could Deathstroke know that she was secretly playing with Barbie dolls at home and having a tea party with them? Has he been paying attention to me? But, will it matter in terms of seniority?

The more she thought about it, she no longer knew what to say, so she just sat at the end of the sofa with her head down and snickering.

And because of the angle of view, her expression was fully visible to the cat lying on the sofa, so the cat's face bulged, and the cat's eyes moved back and forth, and it felt like it had discovered something.

"Hey, I'm really old." Monaco had recovered by this time. He touched his mustache and lay on the sofa shaking his head: "Accepting so much new knowledge, let alone the spirit, even the heart It’s a bit unbearable.”

"Stop making excuses, old man, you are just sensitive inside and need desensitization treatment." Su Ming patted his old friend on the shoulder and handed him a box of chocolate frogs: "Eat it, and don't get involved in the next thing. Because it will only be more dangerous than before."

"Yes, times have really changed now. In the past, the so-called enemies would stand in front of us, holding submachine guns or fireballs in their hands that could threaten life intuitively. That would be considered Even after death, it’s clear.”

The mage was not polite. He took the chocolate and opened it. He first pulled a frog leg and put it into his mouth, feeling the sugar heal his heart:

"It's better now. I didn't even see the shadow of my opponent. I just shared a little memory from you and some truths about the universe that were beyond my knowledge. I almost died inexplicably. It was like my original destiny. It’s like being killed by those materialistic aliens.”

Having said this, the mage with his mouth full of chocolate sighed, as if he was very emotional. This was recalling his high spirits when he fought against the German Nazi Warlock Stormtroopers.

In the past, it was indeed difficult to deal with those perverted lunatics who had an MP40 submachine gun in one hand, a lightning beam or a fireball in the other, and were followed by monsters or undead creatures, but at least they still had physical flesh and blood creatures that they could actually see. Only those who can be killed are called opponents.

Unlike now, when one side was crushed.

"So you saw your own death? Hey, why should I take this seriously?"

Su Ming probably understood. As a human being, even if you dream about your own death, you will feel uncomfortable for a while after waking up, let alone seeing the "story setting" that you will die. It seems that Monaco is leading I got too deep into that story, so I almost actually died:

"Don't worry, old man, not to mention those alien aliens in the Materialistic Empire are already dead. Even if they come back one day pretending to be corpses and really kill you, I can still resurrect you. This is just a trivial matter. "

While talking, Su Ming hooked Monaco's neck, and slapped the mage's thin chest a few times with his other hand, making a loud popping sound. This is the so-called chest-slapping guarantee.

Franklin on the side also nodded. The boy did not speak, but he agreed with his uncle's statement, because he could also do this kind of thing, isn't it just to resurrect a person? Wanda can do it too.


Monaco had a hard time describing how he felt after being slapped on the chest. He was indeed a little moved. After all, Deathstroke saved him;

But he is not a mage trained under the formal education system like Karma Taj, and regular spell casters do not have the kind of physique that can break a big stone in the chest. Although Death Knell moved very lightly, he was also photographed so that he could not speak, and only left Coughed.

It took him a long time before he broke free from Deathstroke's strong arms and managed to speak:

"Don't hit my chest. Are you playing the drums? You also played the World Cup theme song, right? When did you like music as much as Star-Lord?!"

When he first started speaking, it was a bit reluctant, but after he gained the strength to complain, his speaking speed became faster and his breathing seemed to become much smoother.

Huh? Why did he feel so energetic all of a sudden? Is it the same way Deathstroke used to distract him?

The Magic Prince seemed to have realized that he could still calm down his emotions in this way?

"I have always been a music lover, but I just prefer to listen to the screams of the enemy, haha."

Seeing that he had achieved his goal, Su Ming retracted his hand and picked up the kitten lying on the sofa beside him. At the same time, he did not forget to ask Strangler to take the "Code of Origins":

"Then let's get back to business. The question of the origin has basically been solved. We will wait and see whether the Origin Court and the Origin Judge will come forward and hunt them down from the DC system. If so, I will inform you. Xiaofu, and Wanda, you are ready to fight at any time."

Yes, it is the book that was snatched from the recorder's hand, and now I know its name.

Some books, like stories, originally had no names. Human beings gave them names. In fact, everyone has such books and stories, but usually no one records them.

Not to mention diaries, who the serious person writes a diary?

"I hope they can come." Xiao Fu raised his hand and touched it, and the small eyepiece on his eye shattered into a piece of glowing particles: "I just want a few test subjects to test some new ideas."

"I can do it at any time." Wanda also raised her head and accepted the task seriously. After all, she is a user of chaos magic. She actually doesn't need to prepare anything, as long as she stays here.

"Okay, then I will take the cat to do some errands first, mainly to appease my friends in the DC universe." Deathstroke put away the book, lowered his head and took another sip of the cat, and looked at the Magic Prince: "Old man, do you want to go? Where? I'll send you off first."

"Me? Let's go back to London on Earth 40K first. I'll talk to Master Merlin in the Holy of Holies." Monaco touched his hair, and the rise of his hairline seemed to have intensified.

"Let's go." Su Ming imitated Thanos and snapped his fingers, and the two men and the cat disappeared immediately.

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