The Death Knell

Chapter 5476 Strategic Adjustment

The vast void was pitch black and chilled to the bone.

There is nothing in front of him, but there seems to be a pair of cold hands, tightly grasping every life that looks at this empty place.

The thin powder flowed meanderingly in the darkness, and there was a rustling sound between the floats, which was horrifying, as if hearing screams echoing in the empty space.

Invisible undercurrents surged, and there was once a greedy mouth here that swallowed up everything.

There is no light in this dark space, they have disappeared, but at the same time, the darkness that was originally located here has also disappeared, which is puzzling.

Deathstroke, floating in front of this 'vacancy', tilted his head and sucked hard on the cat's head without answering it directly.

Did its previous speculation help the man narrow down the suspects? The answer is ‘like shrinking’.

Deathstroke himself also knows that in two different universe environments, when there is a certain concept that is interoperable, it will be easier for these conceptual entities to visit each other, at least without paying too much price.

So how many concepts are there in the Marvel Omniverse? How many concepts in the super-large universe are interconnected with the outside world? These are all unknowns.

Thousand Cats Dream is right. The opponent is most likely a conceptual entity, and the concept it represents is also reflected in this universe. However, there are too many concepts without entities, and the scope of this suspect is still terrifyingly large.

Even Deathstroke himself, who has strong control over the 40K system, dare not say that he fully understands it 100%, let alone the invisible and intangible concept of the universe.

Just like people can dream and realize the existence of the concept of dreams, but what about some things that are beyond the scope of human life and cognition?

"What's wrong, Meow? Didn't I analyze it for you correctly?" The cat rubbed its forehead with its two little paws, because its head was sucked into a cone-shaped cartoon shape again.

"Your analysis is very good. Don't analyze it next time." Su Ming stretched out his hand to rub its head and restored the cat's original appearance: "I can only say that it is somewhat useful, but not much. You are really not suitable for solving crimes or When it comes to investigating, just be a carefree thug."

"I'm Sandman, Deathstroke, you actually think of me as a thug? I'm so angry, I"

The cat began to wave his cat fist to protest Deathstroke's positioning of himself, because thugs are often brainless. But when a small box was handed to it, its tone immediately softened, and it stretched out its paws to hug the box, and dug its head in:

"Meow, it's actually catnip, so much? Hululuulu"

Yes, even if it is the dream of a thousand stray cats, it is still a cat. The cat’s habits and instincts, as well as everything in the subconscious, make it difficult for it to resist the temptation of catnip.

It immersed itself in sucking the green plants and made cute purring sounds, while the death knell was sucking in the smell of the void.

There should be no smell in the void, because this is a conceptual level. But now, after that mysterious black shadow appeared here, it left an aura of despair.

In fact, it is more like a residual feeling, which may come from the sixth sense and is not something that exists in the sense of smell.

"Intruders with unknown intentions should be treated as enemies first." The Supreme Mage touched his cat scarf and started teleporting away: "Adjutant, adjust the position distribution of the world and place 40K Earth and Earth 0 toward the center, like It’s the affiliated universes of 40K-1 that remain on the periphery as satellites.”

The existence of those universes was originally used to protect the main universe. Just like during the period of multidimensional integration, 40K-6 was used to crash into a parallel world and kill the earth for 40K.

Now, it's time for other parallel universes to play a role.

Among the remaining universes with numbers from 1 to 5, 40K-1 is used for biochemical experiments, and 40K-2 is used for supernatural experiments.

The other earths have no serious purpose for the time being. After the multidimensional convergence incident, they were used to house some survivors, those superheroes and their families who were rescued in the apocalypse after their home world was destroyed. .

Speaking of which, Su Ming wanted to do good deeds at that time, but today he encountered a strange monster. That monster was eating randomly like an enhanced version of Seth. When necessary, the Supreme Mage could only stuff those universes into the opponent's mouth. Here, it plays a delaying role.

Anyway, those people in the universe have lived for so many more years after being rescued. They were all picked up for nothing. If they are now required to sacrifice for the universe, those people should not object, right?

Of course, this was the worst-case scenario. Of course, Su Ming hoped to kill the strange intruder before it caused any substantial damage, so that no one would have to sacrifice.

"Okay, Sheriff, we are adjusting our position." The deputy began to work, her speaking speed also increased a little bit, and she also made another suggestion: "Do you need me to drag more worlds into our pluralistic system? ? There is never too much in the world of cushions."

"Don't do this for now. It's easy to get a lot of universes, but our current bowl is not that big." Su Ming walked out of the light and came to Sepulk's main control room. The red light shone on him. As if stained with a layer of blood: "If one of them doesn't play well, it will be troublesome to try the multi-dimensional integration again. This time is not good."

Whether it is a super universe or a multiverse, it is essentially a box or a matryoshka doll, and its internal volume is limited.

The individual universes are like soap bubbles floating in this box. If there are too many of them, they will inevitably collide and trigger a chain reaction.

Now is the time when foreign enemies are invading, and there are still internal problems. There are enough things going on, and if we try to create diversified integration, it will be trouble-free.

"Understood, Sheriff, what's the next plan?" The deputy sat in her chair. Her position was more like a dentist's table full of wires, but it was this thing that sent her orders to the Deathstroke forces. Every corner of the range.

"Notify Deadpool first and ask him to speed up. I must see the Hand of Creation and the Hand of the Void fighting immediately." Su Ming chose to deal with the affairs of those familiar people without even thinking about it.

The Hands of Creation are barely acquaintances, at least I have some understanding of their abilities, and now they seem to be the best ones to solve.

"In execution, the message has been sent. Wade has seen the text message." The adjutant nodded, and her silver hair fell from her shoulders like a waterfall: "If everything goes well, he can help us buy some time, and so does the Origin Judge. It may be delayed, so what do we need to do here?”

"Wait a minute, that huge black shadow has definitely not left. You should be able to see what it wants to do in a moment. Increase our efforts to monitor all universes, and let Xiao Fu keep an eye on us from a transcendental level. In the super large universe, in addition to the current 40K multiverse, there will always be other multiverses that act as unlucky ones."

Deathstroke's idea is to observe, feel, and think, and now it's just waiting for a kind person willing to sacrifice himself.

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