The Death Knell

Chapter 5502 The Cross Floods the World

I don’t know why Gouzi appeared, and Su Ming doesn’t want to know, let alone take the initiative to contact them.

However, there is an answer to the current matter. The 'observer' of this world is Lucifer. The 'mystery' is in front of him, using his concept to show what an apocalypse should look like.

Cross, Lucifer is really obsessed with that thing. Everyone doesn't know what it represents, right? God was betrayed by Judas and nailed to the cross, and now these people are betrayed by their own shadows. How different but similar.

Su Ming could only understand this level. After all, the gods were full of nonsense, and he didn't want to understand. What's more, now that we have the answer, that's enough.

Let's eavesdrop on what Lucifer and the dog are saying first.

The Dark Supreme Mage fell silent. He listened intently to the conversation between the angel and the dog. To be more precise, it was the voice of God that had been speaking, while Luci was a bit indifferent.

Yes, Lucifer has always been friendly to Su Ming in the past. There is a key factor in this, and that is because Deathstroke is a human being.

Lucifer loves everyone, so he is always warm and considerate when talking to people, but the Voice of God is a dog. It should fully understand the virtues of the eldest son of God who has 'arrogance' as his original sin. ?

The Voice of God is the weakest of the seven clones. After all, it is a microphone. Its abilities are all focused on running away, and its combat power is just that of an ordinary dog.

If it possesses a bulldog, its fighting ability is that of a bulldog; if it possesses a Chihuahua, then it is a Chihuahua.

The strongest dog on earth should be the Tibetan Mastiff? Or a Czech Wolfdog? I don't know, and Su Ming, as a cat party member, doesn't care. Anyway, as long as I know that the Voice of God has no right to speak loudly around Lucifer.

Originally, Lucifer, who had his wings clipped after falling into heaven, could crush it with one finger and at least banish it back to the Seventh Heaven. Not to mention that Lucifer is now blessed by God in the future and has regained the power of Seraph. ?

But he really didn't cherish his wings. When he squatted at the door of the dirty church, his wings drooped to the ground, covered with dust like a mop.

That's right, Lucifer didn't want to be an angel in the first place. He now wants to be a human being. Opening a nightclub and having sex with all kinds of men and women is what he wants.

Sure enough, God still doesn’t understand Lucifer. Or is this deliberately going the other way?

"Morning Star, let's go. This world is hopeless. God has taken away his believers. They will enjoy glory and freedom in the beautiful heaven."

The dog's tongue was hanging out of its mouth. Even if God wasn't paying attention, it was still a clone of God. But when it opened its mouth, it licked God again, as if it had memorized lines countless times.

Lucifer didn't want to pay attention to it before, but when he heard this, he couldn't hold back anymore and replied with a sneer:

"Stop being silly, I don't know what Seventh Heaven is like? There's not even a hot dog stand there, let alone an online video chat room and APP where you can meet handsome guys and beauties. Not to mention it's boring as hell. , the soul is taken there, and it will not be long before it is thrown into the angel reincarnation pool and becomes a soldier in the hands of the old immortal, right?"

Lucifer has long stopped accepting God's tricks. You must know that he used to be the deputy king of heaven and could give orders on God's behalf. This matter cannot be hidden from him.

Speaking of believing in God, if the deceased was pious enough during his or her lifetime and received the title of "Holy", he or she can go to heaven after death, live a good life and enjoy happiness, reunite with his deceased family members without any worries, and live in the kingdom of the Lord forever. .

The results of it? It's all a lie. Seventh Heaven is more like a settlement, or a reserve barracks. The so-called good days are limited, and they last at most until the next time God needs new recruits.

It's okay to keep them at ordinary times, but when they need to be used by devout believers, their souls will be thrown into that pool. When they go down, they are human beings, but when they come out, they are not. They become tools, with no self-awareness and no awareness of life. Only instruments of God will be obeyed.

The writing angel, pronounced as miscellaneous fish, looks clean, but is born from a dark plan.

"That's also God's arrangement. He always has arrangements." After Gouzi was choked, he was silent for a moment and finally found a reason: "Lucifer, don't talk about your father behind his back. This is wrong."

The puppy sighed, Lucifer was still the same devil in his heart and had not changed at all.

"Oh, if I could choose, he wouldn't be my father." Lucifer's chin was raised high. Not only did he want to speak ill of God behind his back, but he also wanted to spurn him: "Even if I choose someone with an innocent fortune, Ordinary people are better than that old beast like him. Also, I said, don’t teach me how to do things!”

After saying that, a long sword made of flames condensed in his hand, and he stabbed the dog to his heart with one backhand.

But the dog exploded, and a new dog walked out of the dark corner in the next second. This was the Voice of God changing its host again. It was easier than changing clothes.

However, the King of Hell seems to have been affected by something. Whether he curses God or attacks the Voice of God, there will be a large stain on his wings.

Su Ming, who was peeping, seemed to understand a little better. This should be the process of falling. After all the feathers turn black, Lucifer will fall to heaven again and repeat what happened back then.

But these have nothing to do with me as an ordinary human being. Continue to listen to what Gouzi plans to say. Although the voice of God is weaker, it is the talkative and loudest among the clones.

"I apologize, Morningstar."

The dog came closer again and licked Lucifer's hand:

"I just don't know why you insist on looking at this ruined world here. Its fate has entered a countdown, and even for us, being targeted by the power behind it is still a trouble. We need to leave quickly, you take Shall I go find Deathstroke?"

"It's ridiculous. I'm here. What are you afraid of?"

Lucifer stood up and wiped his hands on his clothes in disgust. The dog drooled too much:

"Don't underestimate Deathstroke. We are in a strange universe system now, and he is the leader here. If he senses that there is a problem with this single universe, he will most likely want to investigate. Maybe he is there now. You might even be able to spy on us.”

After saying that, the Satan turned his head and looked around, especially the dark corners and the sewer manhole covers on the road in the distance. He seemed to think that the death knell would be hidden there.

Yes, he had a feeling of being spied on, and as a demon king addicted to the games of human flesh and emotions, his feeling was never wrong.

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