The Death Knell

Chapter 5542 The past is not the future

"This is actually the best choice. When that day comes in the future, I will replace him. There will be no hatred between heaven and hell, and a complete end to the endless bloody battle for thousands of years. Don't forget one thing, Whether they are angels or devils, they were still human beings when they were alive."

The girl wearing a dark blue school uniform said this while patting the angel she had made with her own hands. I don’t know what method she used, but after turning the creation hands into angels, they did not resurrect or create new creations. The hand appeared and she continued:

"I don't know about others, but I know your cousin's position. He has always been helping similar people because he knows that there is strength in numbers and that everyone needs similar people. I am also a human being. Helping me means helping you. Own."

Those tall, stooped human figures have now been transformed into people with wings.

Yes, the angels created by God in the past, even the miscellaneous soldiers born in the angel reincarnation pool, were all beautiful in appearance and full of charm that could shock people's hearts.

Either elegant or glamorous, people will remember their beautiful appearance firmly in their hearts as soon as they see it.

But at the same time, it's obvious at a glance that it's not human, because humans can't be that perfect.

But the angels created by God in the future look a bit cut corners or perfunctory. They look like office workers or construction workers that can be seen everywhere on the road. Not to mention their ordinary appearance, there is no holy light or other light and shadow effects on their bodies.

For example, the person Deadpool relies on is a middle-aged man with a big belly, wearing a wrinkled suit and holding a briefcase in his hand. If it weren't for the 'Victoria Secret' style hair on his back With huge wings, Wade would never even look at such a person on the street.

Because according to Domino, such people are very weak. This is a mid-life crisis. If you get close, your good luck will be sucked away. It can be said to be a black hole of misfortune.

"Holy crap, why does this guy look like an unlucky banker on Wall Street, or a Jew?" Deadpool reached out and touched the fat man's belly. It was full of fat, just like a real person.

But the five newborn angels didn't care what Deadpool was doing. They just looked at their God with admiration, as if they were waiting to hear the holy voice.

"How could they be Jews?" Elaine rolled her eyes and waved her hand to signal the angels to do something: "They are the descendants of the traitor Judah, sinners who can betray anyone for profit. I don't like them."

"I thought they were betraying Jesus." Deadpool scratched his head, but the frog hood made him lack some of the itch relief.

"Judah could betray God in the past, then his descendants can betray me in the future." Elaine said with certainty, without any hesitation: "I have foreseen it, but I am not Jehovah, and I will avoid it."

"Okay, but I still haven't figured out why you're looking for me. Why don't you look for Slade?" Wade didn't intend to continue listening. He was not interested in the future: "To be honest, I think your family The matter is very complicated, it involves the past and the future, it involves a high-level struggle, and it happens to be a family. What kind of Korean-style ethical drama is this?"

The girl God looked at him calmly, as if looking at a bottle of stinky tofu. There was no disgust in her eyes, only calmness:

"I'll add money."

"Actually, I am very experienced in dealing with family conflicts. I am indeed a more suitable candidate than my cousin. Mercenaries can also be assassins. A husband wants to kill his wife, the wife wants to kill her husband, and the children want to be killed. I’ve lost my parents, I’ve received too many similar orders, and I just like to help people solve their family problems.”

Upon hearing the word "add money," Deadpool's words immediately changed. He looked reluctant at first, but now he is eager to give it a try.

But while he was talking, he was secretly rubbing his first three fingers with one hand, as if he was hinting at something.

God must be rich, right? If she wants money, can she just say "I want money"?

"I'll give you the deposit first, and the rest will be calculated after the completion."

Elaine reached out and pointed to the side. The big pit suddenly turned into a basin full of singing birds and fragrant flowers. The mouth of the cave where the lava was still rising turned into a spring, but what came out was not water, but milk and honey.

Among other things, she created a golden apple and threw it to Deadpool as a deposit.

Gold may not be valuable now, but the added value of golden apples made by God is very high, so Deadpool also became serious. He stuffed the apples into his underwear for easy carrying, and made a wisecrack:

"So am I an Assassin or a Templar now? And the spring you created actually spurts out honey milk. Are you Irish?"

"No, American, and Los Angeles on the West Coast."

Elaine rolled her eyes speechlessly. She turned around and opened the Dream of Heaven, a door set off by clouds and rainbows that looked a bit cartoony and dreamy:

"Also, if you are literate, you will know that the phrase 'the earth flows out is honey and milk' comes from the Bible. This is the power of God and has nothing to do with Irish goblins."

"Okay, but where is behind this door? You're not going to take me to confront the old man with the white beard in the past, are you?" Deadpool followed the girl, but he still kept chattering: "How about that?" Let’s take that evil powerful man with us, and he might be able to help carry a bag or something.”

"I would have forgotten about it if you didn't tell me."

The girl stopped and turned to look at the mushroom-headed zombie on the edge of the ruins. A rich white light fell from the sky, and the zombie was resurrected on the spot.

The original mushroom head disappeared, the human head grew back, the growths and tumors on the body disappeared, and the suit became as smooth as new.

Obviously he didn't fully understand the situation, but he knew he was saved and was overjoyed.

Only then did Elaine put down her hand and led Deadpool towards the white staircase falling in the sky: "I created him and named him Adam. Now the evil powerful man in the past is no longer him. He will live in this world." A new Eden.”

"Envy. God, can you create Eve and let me take a look before leaving?"

Deadpool held his finger in his mouth and kept looking back as he walked:

"You know, although I have known this mushroom-headed zombie for a short time, I am his brother. I want to see what his future wife looks like and help him check it. By the way, the newly created human being is You have no shame, right? That means you are naked, right? Wait, if there is only one leaf, it seems to have a different flavor, hehehehe."

However, in addition to her identity as God, Elaine is also a high school girl. In a place like the United States, high school girls know everything they should know, so she reached out and grabbed Deadpool's ear and led him to the gate of heaven. He dragged her back, causing her buttocks to bump on the stairs, and cursed:

"Are you trying to help your brother? You are just greedy for Eve's body. You are despicable!"

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