The Death Knell

Chapter 556 Capture alive

The flame beast is huge, and the flames in its body fly everywhere when it moves, with an astonishing momentum.

The heat and solid shell make them terrifyingly intimidating, while the unknown power gives them great strength and speed.

But the Maid of Destruction is not bad either. They have experienced so many battles, and how to deal with large enemies is very familiar to them.

However, Su Ming found that they seemed to have no intention of dealing with Odin. Many of the maids of destruction just glanced at him and turned to deal with the giant beast.

It's a bit strange, because although they look like humans or ghosts on the outside, they actually have perfect thinking and tactical thinking.

It was their choice to deal with the behemoth instead of Odin. What does this mean?

Seeing them holding swords and shields, slashing and jumping around the monsters, Su Ming quickly evacuated the battlefield. He had no idea how long these guys would fight.

On one side is a flame magic perpetual motion machine, and the whole body is covered in Uru metal with a ball of fire. There is no fatal weakness in sight, and it is difficult to be damaged by ordinary weapons.

On the other side is a half-undead, half-demon creature. Not only is it highly skilled in martial arts, it can also turn into flames or black smoke, and it cannot die at all.

I'm afraid it won't last until Ragnarok.

But let them fight. The more chaotic the battlefield, the better. Su Ming's second goal this time is to help Asgard reduce its military by more than 50%.

There is nothing wrong with weakening other forces by the way.

Now Su Ming was riding on the back of the eight-legged Pegasus, with his red cloak raised high, and his weapons slashing left and right, chasing towards the retreating direction of the Warner Protoss.

But soon Warner cavalry came to stop him.

"Stop! Odin, if you want to hurt the queen, you have to pass our level!"

A skinny little leader of Warner shouted to Su Ming in a decent manner. The Warner protoss were all slender, probably due to malnutrition.

The bloody smell and thick smoke of the battlefield enveloped everyone, and Pegasus scratched the ground with his hooves uneasily.

Su Ming shook off the blood on his gun, and stood astride his horse with the tip of the gun pointed at the ground. He looked at the rear of the opponent's cavalry line. It turned out that Gurweger was over there...

"Thank you." Su Ming shouted to the Warner protoss and patted Sleipnis on the neck: "Fly over."

The hooves of the eight-legged Pegasus stamped the ground at the same time, soared into the air, and flew directly over the heads of Warner's front.

The cavalrymen looked at their horses and then at the spears in their hands, feeling like they were crying.

This is to bully them because their horses are bad, they can't fly, and they don't have long-range weapons. They can only raise their heads below and watch Sleipnis turn into a white shadow and pass by.

The flying boat in the distance was not as fast as it, and it was too late to react.

Although some fireballs and water magic tried to attack targets in the sky, all these magics were scattered with a wave of the cloak.

"Cloak, see if anyone is hiding with invisibility magic."

The natural magic of the Warner Protoss is water and wind. After Su Ming witnessed the wizard battle at Kama Taj last time, he knew that the water system was good at creating illusions.

Loki's talent is ice, but he can also use water. Frigga taught him the illusion magic of the Warner Protoss.

As long as magic is used, the magic floating cloak can detect it.

So on Su Ming's back, the red cloth cloak raised a corner, sniffing back and forth like a dog, and soon formed an arrow shape, rubbing against his shoulder.

"Very good..." Su Ming pointed his finger, and the Pegasus immediately swooped down and landed on the top of a hill in the distance: "Gulweger, I'm here to negotiate terms."

There are some sparse trees and a few large rocks on the top of the hill. The war has not affected this place. The grass on the ground is soft and thick.

He got off his horse and motioned for Pegasus to play.

But no one answered Su Ming's call. Warner's cavalry and flying boats were coming, like thunder and dark clouds covering the sun.

Su Ming was not in a hurry, he just sighed: "Cloak, catch her for me."

The cloak separated from his shoulders, stretched out his body and rolled up to the side, as if it were covering something that didn't exist, and then rolled up layer by layer, floating in front of Su Ming like an oversized cigar.

The magic floating cloak then absorbed the magic from Gurweger. The queen recovered from her transparent state and looked at Su Ming angrily, still holding a weapon in her hand.

It's just that everything from her shoulders down is fixed by the cloak, which is now the meat filling of the spring rolls.

"You are not Odin!" she struggled.

"Then who am I?" Su Ming smiled. The surrounding Gurweige guards all broke away from their invisibility and were surrounding Su Ming. He patted his chest and said, "Strangle!"

Black creatures emerged from his body, and countless greasy tentacles directly entangled the guards. A big mouth full of fangs grew out of the tips of the tentacles, as if they were about to eat in the next second.

This question stumped Gullweger. Yes, who is it if it’s not Odin?

But with this weird cloak and the ability to grow tentacles all over his body, he doesn't look like Odin, but there is no such person in Asgard.

Anyway, Su Ming wasn't worried about being discovered far away from the front battlefield. The Pegasus would not complain to Odin. Besides, it was very happy when it entered the battlefield, so it shouldn't care about these details. It hasn't yet So smart.

He stuck the God Killer on the ground, looked at Gullweger's face, and continued to ask questions without waiting for her answer.

"So, Queen of Vanaheim, what are you going to do with the Vanna clan in Asgard?"

"Of course we must overthrow Odin, even if we both die together." She was still twisting, but the cloak held her firmly.

Su Ming reached out to touch her face and lifted her chin.

"So you weren't afraid of death, but you ran away because you were afraid of being eaten by demons? Interesting."

Gullweger turned away hard and spat at him: "You are not a fairy. If you knew that if something in the Golden Palace fell into the hands of demons, the multiverse would be destroyed, then you wouldn't be like this. Relaxed. The private feud between Vanaheim and Asgard cannot be paid for by the entire universe."

She gave time for Asgard to deal with the demon army first, and then fight the Vanir Protoss.

"Hmm... So that's it. This makes sense. The mission of the demon army is to go straight to the Golden Palace Treasure House and destroy and devour all those who stand in the way. What Mephisto wants is probably the Wizard's Eye. Right? All them hell lords want that.”

It was a huge yellow eyeball, fixed on a metal tray. The eye seemed to be alive. Whenever someone entered the treasure house, it would stare at the visitor.

His eyes were like looking at a grain of sand.

Along with it are the Orb of Agamotto, the Monument of Life and Time, the Box of Ice, the Infinity Gauntlet, and a lot of other things in the treasure house.

These things are extremely powerful and dangerous and can only be kept in the treasure house.

However, most of the Hell Lords' eyes are on the Wizard's Eye. In the comics, beings such as Seratok also want that thing.

It is said that if used properly, it will reduce the dimensionality of the entire multiverse and turn it into a large plane of hell.

Gullweger did not answer. She did not know which treasure the demons were targeting. Even if it was the Monument of Life and Time, it was something extraordinary.

It records the evolutionary direction of all life. In a few seconds, a group of slugs can evolve into a higher intelligent life, and it also has a powerful physique like the gods. If the devil relies on it to evolve itself, it is impossible to imagine what it will become.

"Frey and you are both good people. Even in the process of revenge, you can think of the universe. I admire you very much... but this is also the reason why you lost to Odin. War is unscrupulous. Maybe you did Being the queen for too long has given you the illusion that you can be a general or commander, but in fact you have seen that you have almost no talent for commanding an army, and you have no determination to destroy everything."

Su Ming sighed and touched the queen's head like a small animal. Not to mention, Gullweger had thick blond hair and felt pretty good.

"Don't touch me, dirty shapeshifter, I'm determined, but that doesn't mean madness!"

"That's because your father didn't realize how crazy Odin was before, and you still didn't realize that only a madman can deal with a madman." Su Ming withdrew his hand and sat cross-legged on the grass under the murderous eyes of the surrounding guards. .

The large spring roll formed by the magic floating cloak also lowered its height, so that the queen always faced Su Ming.

"Even if we die in battle, we will die with honor. The existence of death is to prevent us from becoming people like Odin. If you want to kill me, do it quickly!"

Su Ming shook his head. When it came to glory, he couldn't explain it clearly. This thing was too idealistic, and everyone had different views on glory.

"Don't get excited. I'm from Midgard. I sympathize with your experience and understand your motivation for resistance, but I'm afraid you were deceived by Surtur."

Su Ming turned around and looked around. There was fire in the eyes of those soldiers. This parasitic situation was obviously not good.

"He is one of the Lords of Hell. Of course I know that there is no free wine." The Queen replied calmly.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to die by then." Su Ming signaled for strangulation and dragged a guard over. He rolled the guard's eyelids like he was inspecting an animal, then opened his mouth to look at his teeth and throat, and gave the guard some relief. He drew some blood and finally gave the inspection conclusion: "This power is elementalizing the Vanaheim people. I'm afraid you will eventually become the flame itself and become a component of Surtur's power. This is nothing to talk about. Glory.”

Gullweger was silent for a moment. She saw the guard's blood leaving the body and making small flames when it touched the air, and knew that this was true.

Surtur regarded them as a pathfinder. Even if the Vanir Protoss were completely wiped out, he could still pick up a world for nothing, add a bunch of humanoid flame monsters, and also severely damage Asgard. It was simply a pleasure.

The magic floating cloak not only took away the magic she used to become invisible, but also the power that Surtur lent them. The influence of the flames disappeared, and Gullweg gradually calmed down.

She began to wonder whether the anger and desire for destruction in her heart were hallucinations, because at this time, her heart was very calm, and she no longer had any thoughts of dying together.

It was those flames that drove their thoughts to extremes.

"Put me down and face me with your true colors, we need to talk."

"As you wish, you actually don't have many choices now, but forming an alliance with me is a good choice. I am very willing to provide you with a method that will cause the least damage but the fastest results to make Warner and Asa equal."

The strangulation faded away, revealing Su Ming's original appearance, with a smile on his face.

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