The Death Knell

Chapter 5578 The incident was not sudden

The wind in the city is still the same as before, at least for Washington, DC. The night is getting darker and the air pressure is a little lower, as if a heavy rain is coming.


In the square in front of the Hall of Justice, right next to the fountain, the sound of a lighter suddenly came, and a cigarette was quickly lit, which also brought some light.

"How long have I been asleep? Why do I feel like the world has changed since I came here?"

While speaking, the man gently touched the back of his head with his hand. There was a bulge there, which made him couldn't help but twitch his mouth while holding the cigarette.

"It didn't take long, probably less than a day." The woman next to him replied. She sat on the edge of the granite pool next to the fountain. She stretched her legs forward and tried to use magic to connect the broken threads of the fishnet stockings. .

"So now Elaine has finally fallen out with the old man. Oh, it's really troublesome. I originally didn't want to get involved in the household affairs of going to heaven. This is not something we should be involved in."

There was some annoyance in his tone, but the man still had that cynical and ruffian smile on his face.

"I promised Batman." The woman glanced at his face and reached out to touch her knees. There were some bruises there. She didn't know if she had fallen somewhere: "I didn't ask you to come, God's Voice, I'm alone. We can deal with it, you can leave now if you want."

"Oh, I won't leave." The man pulled on his dirty brown windbreaker as if relying on it to fight the cold wind at night: "I also promised your father that I would cover you up, how could I let you face me alone? To that pervert in Little Red Riding Hood?”

Hearing what he said, the woman smiled happily, but she quickly raised her head to cover up and looked at the dark sky.

There is no moon or stars to be seen today. For mercenaries, this is really a night suitable for killing people.

"Tell me, why did Batman decide that the Voice of God would attack the Hall of Justice?"

After a moment of silence, she changed the topic, as if chatting in riddles.

"Because he is Batman?" The wizard exhaled a large puff of smoke. The pungent smell of British tobacco always reminded people of the slums in India. It was a faint spice mixed with the smell of burning dried cow dung.

However, he himself laughed after saying this. The recognized joke within the Dark Zhenglian was to make fun of the seven giants of the Zhenglian except Diana.

Excluding Green Arrow to be exact, sometimes people don't think of him.

That's the way it is when telling jokes, otherwise after you finish telling a lot of jokes, the audience will ask, 'Who is that about?' There's no point in laughing anymore.

"Let me tell you something serious. If you don't want to wait here with me, then get out of here." The woman glared at him, obviously unhappy. She wanted an answer, not a nonsense word.

"Okay, don't be so serious in your studies, you'll get wrinkles easily."

Seeing that the joke was not fooling him, Constantine had no choice but to take a puff of cigarette. He swirled the smoke in his mouth like mouthwash and was thinking at the same time. After a few seconds, he spit out the smoke and the answer:

"I guess he probably got some kind of prophecy from Elaine or Lucifer. That girl is the God of the 'future', remember? And now the future has arrived, probably."

After he finished speaking, he took out a bottle of cheap liquor from the pocket of his windbreaker, poured it into his mouth with his head raised, and made a "ha" sound after drinking it, as if he said a few words, which is equivalent to doing something. Same as heavy physical work.

In fact, he left something unsaid, a guess.

How did ‘Destiny’ die? On the surface, he was killed by the real Darkseid, but if you look deeper, it's hard to say that that guy was actually the victim of a rivalry between big bosses from all sides.

Maybe it's God's arrangement?

"I'm a little confused now. John, what do you think our future will be like? Elaine, as a human being, is only sixteen years old. Can she really handle this?"

After taking the bottle and taking a sip, Zatanna's eyes became a little melancholy. She reached out and touched the water in the fountain, as if there was something in it.

"We actually have no choice but to accept this, believe in God, love God, and wait for God. Haha, at least Elaine is a human being."

After twisting his brows a few times like an earthworm, Constantine stood up. He held the cigarette in his mouth and took a sharp puff. In one breath, he smoked the cigarette to the filter position, then dropped the cigarette butt and stamped it out:

"Get ready, people are coming. If we die here, there will be no future to talk about. It's more important to stay alive first."

As soon as he finished speaking, a red light suddenly appeared in the sky, dyeing all the clouds in the sky a blood-like color, like boiling and rolling magma.

In this red light, there is a small figure falling slowly. He is not big, his skin is as gray as a dead man, and he is wearing a red hooded cloak. He is suspected to be a couple with the 'Wrath of God' Pack.

This is why Constantine likes to call him Little Red Riding Hood, but he is disrespectful when he talks about it. When he really faces the 'words', he still has to be extra careful. This guy is a ruthless killing machine, and he also specializes in doing dirty work for God. The strongest clone alive.

"The trial has begun. Sinners, hand over those two children! I will grant you a peaceful death."

The Voice of God, also known as the 'word', had no other nonsense after he landed and directly stated his request. In other words, now that the dog in the Voice of God died, he also began to repeat God's oracle.

Constantine lit another cigarette and winked narrowly:

"Are you stupid? You'll kill us whether we hand over or not. Is this your way of negotiating? Or do you think you've got us?"

"Then I will find the answer myself from your souls!" The words appeared in front of Constantine in an instant, and the two people's noses were almost touching. Even the cigarette in Zha Kang's mouth was in this clone. With his face wiped out, he continued to say grimly: "It will be very painful, and I like to see sinners like you suffer."

"But I don't know what crime I have committed. How about you remind me?" Constantine didn't panic at all. He spit out the broken cigarette and looked at the other party with a smile: "I just woke up not long ago. I’m still a little confused now, you want two children, what kind of children?”

"Huh, stalling for time? Die!"

Originally, talking nonsense was Constantine's old tactic for dealing with demons. The so-called victory sword of words was to use his best deception to trick his opponents into a trap.

However, the Voice of God did not accept this trick. He raised his hand and punched Constantine.

"No effect!"

At this time, Zatanna also shouted almost at the same time. She activated her reverse magic, extracted energy from the Upside Down who was now trapped in Sepurk, and told what would happen next, a simple Reality has just been modified.

I saw Little Red Riding Hood's fist hitting Constantine's face, and his head was dented like plasticine. But when the fist was retracted, the man still stood there with a mean smile on his face. It could be said that he had no hair. No harm.

He also mocked this God's avatar. He grinned and showed his yellow teeth:

"That's it? That's your level? Come on, try to kill me. You are very brave. Neither God nor Satan dare to kill me, but you dare to do such a thing that destroys the balance. You really feel that you are the world's best." Invincible?"

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