The Death Knell

Chapter 5606 Interrogation Expert

"It said we made a mistake, Deathstroke." The cat walked out of the grass, its tail swaying, and raised its head to ask the man: "Do you want to know more about it?"

A simple cat is still not as good as a fox in coming up with tricks, so it has fallen into a trap.

"No, even if it is really wrong, I don't plan to change it." Su Ming picked up the cat, put it on his shoulders, and touched the fur on its back: "You may not have interrogated others, so you are not familiar with it. This business process, Wade, tell Maomao what we should do?"

"Hey, of course, hit first and then ask questions, and ask questions while fighting." As a lone mercenary, you have to know a little bit about everything. After all, you have to do things by yourself when you go out, and there is no one to help.

Things like blasting, hacking, posture, interrogation, and disguise are all useful skills.

You don’t need to be proficient in everything, but you need to be a little bit good at it, at least to the extent that you can copy what the gourd is like. You can’t just look up the standard answer on Google and copy it, right? It's difficult to deal with it if you don't know anything about it. It can only be said that this situation is not suitable for a person to make a debut.

"Yes, this is standard procedure for torture."

He nodded with satisfaction. Although his cousin often left his weapons in the taxi when he went out and never carried explosives with him, he still had the basic skills of a mercenary:

"This Origin Judge had no entity before. It was just a ball of energy, so it shouldn't have experienced the pain of flesh and blood, right? I specially created more neurons in its body to amplify its perception. We will know it in a moment. Is your mouth tough anymore?”

"That's right, cousin, I'm not bragging to you. Let me interrogate it. Although I'm not very interested in the butts of animals, I know some Mexican friends who like to fill puffs with them."

Deadpool smiled evilly and reached out to pat the fox's butt, completely ignoring the latter's frightened eyes. It seemed that it also understood something and was afraid of such a humiliating thing happening.

When interrogating a person, of course you have to exploit the other person's psychological weaknesses, but

"Don't forget that you still have to fight for the NC-17 film rating. If you really find a group of veterans to do something like that, your movie will be ruined." Su Ming motioned to Wade to get out of the way, and said Don't always reach out and touch the fox's butt. This is not good. The police will come to you: "Let's go through the traditional process and be sentenced. Do you have that person's mobile phone number?"

"Who?" Cousin's brain circuit is different from that of normal people, his thinking is a bit jumpy, and Wade sometimes can't keep up.

"Who else could it be? Maggie, when you and she were so high, I don't believe you didn't leave her phone number." Deathstroke said the name of the Queen of Pain very naturally, and in the super-time flow of the entire DC universe No one in the system knows sadism and pain better than her.

"Ah? You're done." The cat's mouth opened wide, like a small black hole: "You dare to touch Lucifer's woman, be careful he drags you to hell and makes your soul suffer humiliation."

Cat knows that many people think Lucifer is a good man and he always loves humans deeply.

But don't forget, he will always be a devil, and to become a devil, you don't just have to be 'sinful', but you need a truly evil soul.

So when the devil really shows his claws, it will be too late to realize the danger.

"It's okay, that woman and I were just playing around, it was nothing. Besides, she didn't think she was Lucifer's woman. What she said was 'I am His Majesty's toy', so I just played with Lucifer's Toy, for my cousin’s sake, the former Mr. Satan wouldn’t want to fuck me, right?”

In the end, he was still a little unconfident, because Lucifer was really a vegetarian, and he loved as long as they were human beings.

Maybe His Majesty usually eats too much luxurious meals, but suddenly he wants to eat stinky tofu one day? Wade felt that in the eyes of others, he might just be stinky tofu or snail noodles, the kind that smells bad and tastes delicious.

Of course he is very popular, otherwise why would so many women love him? hey-hey!

"Stop talking nonsense and get your phone quickly."

Lighting a cigarette and smoking, Su Ming rolled his eyes speechlessly. Deadpool's mood has changed too much. This is what mental illness is like. He was a little worried just now, but he started laughing in less than a second. This is not mental illness. What else could it be:

"You can't die anyway. Even if you are dragged into hell, you will still be able to enjoy life and drink there. No one else will tell you, but I'm sure Beelzebub will like you very much."

As the Lord of the Flies, Beelzebub likes smelly things. The smellier the better. Feces and vomit are commonplace for him. It would be a surprise if Deadpool appeared on his dining table.

"That's true. I heard that Lucifer can change from male to female, and can also show the image that people like the most and think is the most beautiful. Is this true?" After hearing his cousin's comfort, he still I got a little interested, but I can only say that my brain is still not normal.

In response, Deathstroke, who had grabbed his cousin's cell phone, was too lazy to answer. He opened his cousin's cell phone address book and looked for Maizi's name in it.

It can be seen that Deadpool's mobile phone address book is full, and many women's names are fake names at first glance, such as 'Jane Eyre', 'Princess Sissi', and other names that are liked by high-end prostitutes. Pseudonym used.

Like Lily, Tiantian, Dabo, these are all street girls, or they may be Vanessa's little sisters.

How should I put it? Generally, a mercenary's mobile phone will have some customer contact information stored in it, but Deadpool is acting as a customer, and there are too many of them.

But this is his private matter. Even if they are brothers, Su Ming will not interfere. Each person has his own way of life.

Quickly finding the corresponding phone number, he dialed the number with a flick of his finger. Don't ask how Marvel's mobile phone can be connected to Marvel's multi-dimensional 1 through DC's new multi-dimensional dialing. Anyway, as long as it is reasonable, it will be fine.

The phone is originally used to contact others. How can the story proceed if the contact cannot be reached? How can the plot continuity be maintained?

Soon, the call was connected, and a strange voice came from the receiver, like something out of body:

"Hi~ah~~~ It's you, how dare you call me? Haha, do you want to be skinned?"

"I'm Deathstroke. I'll use Deadpool's phone number to contact you, Maizi." Before this perverted female devil could say more sarcastic words, Su Ming interrupted her, first explained her identity, and then used a serious tone. Prove that you are serious.

"Oh, heh, oh, um, it's you, Slade." Maizi was obviously a little embarrassed. She also knew that she had made a mistake just now, but this feeling of social death made her enjoy it very much. This kind of being The more shameful the feeling of human contempt, the more comfortable she felt.

So she stuttered not because she was shy, but because she had reached a certain peak.

And this also made the cat listening to the phone with its ears perked up look disgusted. What kind of monsters did Deathstroke know? The Queen of Pain is so perverted that I never noticed it before.

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