The Death Knell

Chapter 5618 The debate continues

"Don't fight, don't fight. Whatever the benefits of Jin Gaola, give it to whoever is right!"

Once two fifth-dimensional people start fighting, even a small fight may cause serious damage to the third-dimensional reality, such as making everything soft like noodles, or all the clouds in the sky turning into marshmallows.

That's what the power of the fifth dimension can do, especially since Troublemaker regained his drawing board and he should be able to spend the whole day with the Bat.

The critical moment still depends on Deadpool. I don't know where he got a rocket jetpack, and he used it to rush between the two of them. He looked like a good old man trying to break up the fight, and separated the two sides with a smile.

"Ugh" X2

Yes, so Su Ming said that only Deadpool can do something efficiently. His 'disgusting' is obviously also useful for these two fifth-dimensional people, and the mechanism of action is very reasonable.

The current time is when the old man God and the girl God are wrestling on a level invisible to the human eye. The reality is very fragile. It is best not to play anything too extreme, such as a battle between five-dimensional people.

If it were a Pokemon battle, it might be okay.

"Come back and stay away from them. I'm still waiting to hear what the bat spirit has to say." Su Ming asked his cousin to come back and stop standing between the two of them, let alone rub his nose with his armpits.

"Okay, actually I want to have a good chat with them. Last time I was in such a hurry that I didn't have time to study the body structure of fifth-dimensional people carefully. Uncle Wade wanted to check whether their physical development is normal. hey-hey!"

Even though he was greeted by his cousin, Deadpool still refused to come back and showed a lewd expression.

"Be careful, I will deduct money." Su Ming could only use the method of deducting money to restrain his disobedient and mentally ill cousin: "Don't waste time, get the Court of Origin as soon as possible, there will be a series of tough battles ahead. "

"Okay, okay, don't deduct the money." After hearing this, Wade immediately flew behind Deathstroke and raised his hand to salute, looking like a good soldier, but the words he said were a bit inconsistent with his physical performance.

After being disturbed by Deadpool, the Troublemaker and the Bat Spirit naturally stopped making trouble, or in other words, they temporarily lost their mood.

What they want to do most right now is to quickly help Deathstroke and his team achieve their goal, and then rush home to take a shower and rub them with disinfectant and detergent.

"Tell me, Bat Spirit, you just said there is a way, now tell me." Deathstroke lit a cigarette and said to the dwarf who was kneeling in pain in mid-air.

Yes, he was much tougher than the troublemaker who was writhing in pain.

"Hoo, ho, it's such a powerful smell. I seemed to see my deceased great-grandmother for a moment. Is this your plan, death knell." The bat spirit stood up straight with his strong willpower, but he was still weakly Panting, he squeezed out these words through his teeth.

Whenever he felt like he couldn't hold on anymore, he would ask himself, 'What would Batman do if he encountered this situation? ’, and then strength will arise from the heart. This is the positive effect of role models.

Of course, Batman is not a good role model. He is mentally ill.

But there is no need to emphasize this matter. She is a crystal powder of Batman. She even knows the brand of her idol’s underwear.

Deathstroke's understanding of Batman is nothing in front of others. This little guy should be able to compete with the Joker for who is Batman's number one fan.

But if you really want to place a bet, Su Ming is optimistic about the clown anyway, because some things require the same mind, and what you see in comic books is not comprehensive.

"This is just an accident." Deathstroke threw a piece of chocolate frog to the bat spirit in the air, letting him calm down after eating it: "Hurry up and find a solution. You must know that you have been contaminated with my cousin's scent now. After a long time, This smell will soak into your body and it will be difficult to wash it off."

This isn't that serious, it's just to scare them. After all, these two people don't know Deadpool's abilities, right?

Sure enough, after listening to Deathstroke's words, even if he guessed that it was a lie, the bat spirit still shuddered, and suddenly felt that his body became greasy and slippery, and he also exuded a stench like durian in his armpit.

He immediately replied:

"It's difficult to go from the third dimension to the seventh dimension, but it should be much easier to go from the fifth dimension to the seventh dimension. All I need is this little bald guy and I to work together to bring you all into the fifth dimension. You will always be able to find a way when the time comes."

Speaking of which, the principle is relatively simple, that is, taking the steps four at a time may cause the egg to be broken, but if you divide it into two steps, two steps at a time, there are some possibilities.

It's not 100% safe. After all, conceptual entities like A Thousand Cats' Dream are quite special, but the two humans, Deadpool and Deathstroke, are definitely fine, and that's enough.

"Okay, let's use this method. Let's do it. What do you need? I can get it for you." Su Ming agreed immediately. There was nothing to hesitate. The bat spirit is a serious person, maybe a little mentally ill, but at least I don't joke casually.

Compared to a troublemaker, he lacks some sense of humor and is naturally more reliable.

"You don't need anything." The bat spirit dug into his bat belt and took out a pile of Batman posters. Then he looked at the troublemaker who was still covering his mouth and retching: "I just need Deathstroke to persuade that guy who doesn't A guy who knows the current affairs, let him cooperate with me."

These Batman posters are his trump card. They are similar to a troublemaker's drawing board. There is nothing much to say. Anyway, when he has nothing to do, he will take out these posters and look at them to draw spiritual comfort from them.

Whenever Batman publications stop publishing or restart, he can only rely on this to support his hobby, which is also a kind of thinking about people after seeing things.

"What do you mean you don't know the current affairs?" The troublemaker readjusted his position in mid-air. He rubbed his face vigorously and went to the side to pick up his floating hat: "The death knell came to me first, which means I am better than you. , is more aware of current affairs, and Superman is stronger than Batman."

"No, I'm calmer and smarter than you, and Batman is stronger than Superman." Bat-Elf immediately retorted. Everything else is easy to talk about, but when it comes to Batman's strength, he won't give in!

"You fart! Superman is strong, strong is strong! He can push the earth to reverse time and swim in the sun. Can Batman do that?"

The funny-looking troublemaker also has his own perseverance. Although he always makes trouble for Superman, he is also a fan of perverted fans with twisted psychology.

"You are lying to yourself, because you know, Batman is stronger. The biggest difference between humans and animals is that they have brains. In terms of brains, Superman is just an ordinary superhero."

Bat-Elf was very calm. He imitated Batman's speech and continued to refute his old enemy's statement.

Seeing this scene, Su Ming shook his head speechlessly. He raised his hand to touch the cat on his shoulder and said:

"Stop arguing. If you continue to quarrel, I will let the Thousand Cats Dream turn Superman and Batman into Catmen and let them meow together. You don't want to see a story like that, do you?"

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