The Death Knell

Chapter 5629 Flashback Plan

"Suddenly I feel my nose is a little itchy and I want to sneeze."

Deathstroke, who was smoking, drinking and eating delicious food in the sewer bat cave, rubbed his nose. There was nothing strange about the skin there, so he showed a strange expression, shrugged and said:

"Maybe someone mentioned me behind my back just now. This is very effective."

"Is this called a feeling from heaven?" The cat squatted next to a plate and ate the honey lotus root inside: "Since it is your feeling, there should be nothing wrong with it, so who is talking about you?"

Although the Bat Cave is located underground, the air quality is not bad. There should be very advanced ventilation equipment in invisible places, making it more suitable for ordinary people to live.

From a certain perspective, this high imitation version is more suitable for humans than the original version from Earth 0.

When fifth-dimensional people are in the fifth dimension, they are just ordinary people. If you insist on saying that they have something special, it is probably that they can travel to lower dimensions at will, right?

"Eh~~ It's possible for anyone, our friends, our enemies." Su Ming replied while smoking, his face blurred in the smoke: "But it's too soon."

By learning the knowledge in TOAA's blood and figuring out new ways to attach the concept of darkness to quantum technology, I can indeed 'see' a lot of things, haha.

Just listen to the so-called "ubiquity" of quantum. Based on his personal experience during this period, Su Ming discovered that this is false propaganda. For example, the dream of a thousand cats around him is not made of quantum, it does not exist. Dream, there is no quantum existence in its belly.

But even so, 'like being' is almost enough. There are places where you can't see it, and naturally there are different ways to deal with it.

"Oh? Are you leaving now?" Bobo looked down at the deer leg he was holding in his paws, and said a little hesitantly: "Can I take this with me to eat on the road? I have never eaten anything so delicious. venison."

Eating venison has a very long tradition in Europe. From princes and nobles to hunters and farmers, everyone has the opportunity to taste this gift of nature.

But compared to China, the way Westerners cook venison is still a bit monotonous, so Bobo is particularly interested in the venison in the Manchu-Han Banquet.

He's not that kind of greedy little animal, he just doesn't like to waste food.

"Is this about to take action? Let me out first!" Deadpool shouted from the darkness in the distance. Because there was a dinner party before, everyone unanimously decided to give Wade two plates of food and let him go to the bat by himself. Eat in the bat cell far below the cave, so as not to disturb other people's appetites.

Su Ming didn't care, but he had to think about Bat Spirit and Bobo. They might be resistant, but they were far from being able to sit and eat with Deadpool.

"It's not departure time yet, please wait a little longer, the meal hasn't been finished yet." Su Ming turned to answer his cousin, his eyes once again scanning the door of the Batcave leading to the sewer.

"Oh, okay, but I have a question. Why is there a dungeon in the Batcave of the bat spirit? There is no clown in the fifth dimension to lock him up, so is this also a kind of sex room?"

After eating, Deadpool began to think wildly again, and it seemed that he only had yellow waste in his mind.

No one answered his question, and obviously no one wanted to talk nonsense with him, which was meaningless.

At this time, Su Ming felt a strange cold breath, as if something invisible was blowing gently behind him, so he knew that the 'road' he had been waiting for had finally come.

The next second, something slammed into him from behind, and the world began to spin, his vision began to become narrow, and everything in front of him began to go away.

But that's it. Su Ming's mind seemed to suddenly float into the air during the fall. He kept his mind and clarity.

"So this is how it feels, haha." He nodded towards the cat, and motioned for Bobo and the bat spirit to stay away: "Now."

"Hehe, you are still smarter. As long as the process of our discussion and planning is erased and does not appear on the narrative level, even God will not know what we talked about."

The cat was talking happily, and at the same time, a large amount of gray mist with starlight was sprayed out from its seven orifices, wrapping itself and the death knell.

Everything went as planned, and the old man God really sent the last piece of the puzzle that everyone had been waiting for.

The plan is simple to say, that is, Deathstroke has learned something from TOAA, and the stories that happen in the known narrative layer may be spied on by God. After all, that is the God who claims to be omniscient and omnipotent.

Since they were hostile, Deathstroke had to be on guard. He decided to use the "flashback" method in the narrative layer to explain the process of discussing the plan between himself and the cat "later".

About five minutes ago, when Deadpool was carrying a plate to the cell and the monkey and the dwarf were drinking together, Deathstroke wrote down what he wanted to say by stroking the cat's back.

He said that it is difficult for people like him to find a way to go to the seventh dimension, but perhaps they can use the authority of God to achieve the effect of "walking on earth as if walking in heaven."

God has a strong desire for revenge. Deathstroke had promised the dog before that he would not intervene in the dispute between the old man and the girl.

Because the contract was not signed, it is not considered a breach of contract now.

But in the eyes of God, this should not be the case. This would be considered betrayal. So if he could see Deathstroke's current situation, stuck in a key place, then he would definitely take the opportunity to obstruct or launch an attack.

To take revenge, you have to take advantage of others' danger. This is common sense.

It is impossible for him to appear in person. After all, he is still wrestling with Elaine, so there is a high probability that a creature with the ability to 'travel to higher dimensions' will be sent over. Therefore, the plan is to capture that creature and let Strangler or Cloak eat it to copy this ability. Or analyze the mechanism of action.

In this way, there is no need to find any way to go to the seventh dimension. The enemy will send them, and everyone just needs to wait for work.

Killing an old man's men is equivalent to weakening him in disguise, which can also have some effect on Elaine who is far away. Even if it is a slight advantage, it is an advantage.

Sometimes it's the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

What the cat has to do is very simple, that is, when the death knell nods to it, immediately cover him with a dream to prevent the thing from running away, and just in case, use the dream from the first dream.

The use of X metal and familiarity with the energy flow of the fifth dimension are all lies and deception. However, in order to deceive the enemy, one must first deceive one's own people, including Bobo and Bat-Elf.

Deadpool? Deadpool doesn't have to worry, the non-existent studio veteran is also in the dark, and Wade still relies too much on external intelligence.

Manipulating the narrative layer with one hand would make him blind, wouldn't he?

That's what happened. The narrative returned to the current point in time. The cat activated the dream, and Deathstroke's mind dragged the black shadow that broke into his body, and fell into the dream full of corruption and madness.

During the fall, he also saw the huge celestial body like a red moon. Even in the red light, the black figure he was holding and struggling in his arms could not see clearly. He could only feel that it seemed uncomfortable. .

now it's right.

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