The Death Knell

Chapter 5636 Reasoning and Gambling

The ground was a bit soft, but it was still supportive. Deadpool's boots only sank about a centimeter before he stood firmly on the ground.

There was no warm welcome ceremony, no massive ambush as Wade imagined, and there was no such thing as a broadsword anti-infantry mine.

In some places there is only deathly silence, and endless brown wasteland.

At this time, he looked up again, only to find that he could no longer see the huge planet. This should mean that the angle of observation had changed again.

But there was no rush. Since he had already taken the money, he had to complete the first task, so he squatted down, reached out and poked the ground a few times, and tried to use the knife to cut a few times like cutting a cake, and then turned around with a smile. explain:

"Haha, cousin, this is really shit!"

I don't know why, but after discovering this, he seemed even more excited.

"Oh, then I won't land." Su Ming also left the black smoke boat, took off with two animals on his shoulders, and floated next to Deadpool: "Although this should just make us think this is shit, I still Not going to walk through it.”

Maybe this is also a strategy to retreat from the enemy? Simulating all kinds of excrement at the 'city gate' to try to persuade yourself and others to retreat?

It would be easy if the Court of Origins only went so far.

"It's okay, cousin, the sewers you often walk in are not that clean." Wade chuckled, shook his samurai sword, and stood up again: "We'd better find the Court of Origin quickly, where is it? ?”

Speaking of which, this mission lasted a bit long, and I also made a lot of money. I had to finish my work quickly and go back to take care of the business of Vanessa's little sisters.

Some poor women have no other life skills at all. If they don't do business, how will they get the money to buy a house or a car in New York?

Thinking of this, Deadpool also showed a superhero version of his smile, with his fists on his hips, because he found that he seemed to have done this good deed.

"I don't know yet." Su Ming replied with a smile and looked around casually: "But I can feel that the Eye of God and the Court of Origin are spying on us, and those sights may provide information."

Yes, I'm still watching, and I don't come out to fight. I just hide from a distance and peek. It's really disgusting.

Still watching. Well, I’ll drink you up sooner or later!

"Oh ho ho, ha ha, I understand this." Deadpool shouldered the weapon again, scratched the dead skin on his butt, and said seriously: "It's like I was walking on the street, and a beautiful woman looked at me inexplicably. , then she is in love with me, I know the meaning of eyes."

"Ah, is this the so-called illusion of life, meow?" The cat covered its mouth and laughed. It spit out a puff of smoke to the side like spit, and tried to change the situation on the ground. You can see that a piece of feces turned into a green grass. .

Although he only tried to modify a small part of reality, it also gave the cat confidence. Obviously, in the seventh dimension, dreams can still do many things.

However, this is still the so-called 'reality' presented by the seventh dimension. The cat can feel that the nature of this area has not changed.

"Whatever you say, little kitten, you still don't understand a lot of things about humans, hahaha." Wade was not shocked by the cat. He stretched and looked around: "We still do business. Come on, cousin, where should we go next?"

“Going in either direction is not the right answer.”

Su Ming, holding his arms, floated on the spot, shook his head calmly, and then told his cousin a fact:

"In your eyes, what we are on is a huge satellite, but from another perspective, the entire satellite is just a 'point' in the seventh dimension. You use three-dimensional motion to find the direction in the seventh dimension. It’s like standing still, do you understand?”

Obviously not understanding, Deadpool just put his fingers into his mouth through the mask, acting like a fool.

"Give me an inappropriate example." The orangutan rubbed his nose and shed tears. It was choking, but luckily it didn't affect his speech: "It's like, have you ever seen the Colosseum?"

"I've seen it, but it was in a magazine, okay? I once had a beautiful Italian model. I forgot her name, but we have a set of photos that were taken next to the Colosseum, without clothes. Hee hee! I’m very impressed!”

I can’t remember other things, but when it comes to the beautiful Deadpool, I regain my vitality, and the name doesn’t matter. Who picks up girls just to know their names?

"Oh, forget it."

Even Bobo, a well-informed detective in the magical world, felt that Deadpool was a bit perverted, but after thinking about it, there was nothing to say. That was the way people lived, so he just sighed and continued said:

"When you stand on the ground, you see that the Colosseum is huge. But when you look down from space, the Colosseum is just a small black dot. That's pretty much the truth."

As expected of Bobo, after a few words of explanation, Deadpool understood.

This means that from the perspective of the seventh dimension, the entire Shitiao satellite is a point. Standing at this point, it is meaningless to perform simple physical movements, because it is a three-dimensional method.

If you want to move forward, you have to come up with some seventh-dimensional means, but what are the means that conform to the seventh-dimensional characteristics?

"So what do we do?"

So he couldn't think of a solution, so he decided to ask his cousin directly, which would save the most effort.

"Wait, let's wait for someone to open the door." Su Ming gave his answer. He gestured to the cat with his eyes to change the nearby environment, at least not so smelly: "The Court of Origin exists in the seventh dimension, but it does not It’s not the seventh dimension itself, it’s an outsider just like us, it’s just that it arrived earlier.”

"Well, your guess makes sense, Slade." Bobo touched his head and hung it on Deathstroke's shoulder with a paralyzed look: "Our target is not the master here. If there is a master in the seventh dimension, "

"Yes, I want to negotiate a deal with the master of this level, or the seventh dimension itself."

Seeing that the orangutan understood what he meant and the surrounding environment had been transformed, Deathstroke took off his mask, took out the "Code of Origins" from his pocket, raised his head and looked at the sky:

"I may not be able to find the next step, but if no one shows me the way, things will get ugly. I can remind you that I have the ability to destroy the seventh dimension."

This is actually a kind of gamble, betting that there is some kind of biological aboriginal, or conceptual entity here.

It is said that the ten-dimensional people ate all the way to the fifth dimension, and there is no record of her fighting the court. This means that the origin court was not here at that time. It was also an outsider, not even much earlier than everyone else. .

And none of the people in the fifth dimension have been eaten up by the people in the tenth dimension. So if there is life in the higher dimensions, they will certainly not be wiped out because they are stronger. There will definitely be survivors.

In this way, if the bet is right, there will be a leading party.

The local residents most likely don't like weirdos like the court, because the rules of that thing are too rigid, and the origin judges under them are more annoying than the other, which is very annoying.

Of course, the premise is that seventh-dimensional people exist and they have such a thing as emotions.

But, just give it a try. Even if the plan doesn't succeed, you won't lose anything, right?

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