The Death Knell

Chapter 5646 Recruits

"Aren't you willing to give up?!"

Hal, whose hands were numb from the shock, did a backflip to distance himself from the ghost. Although his hands were hidden behind his back and kept shaking, he spoke very harshly and asked the ghost to surrender.

He also doesn't know what disease the ghost has committed and why he hurts humans indiscriminately. He only knows the little bit that Batman told him.

Bat contacted him through the sonic blast channel not long ago. He didn't say anything else, he just said that the ghost was going to destroy humans, starting with Gotham, and asked Hal to help him get there and prepare quickly.

Then it disappeared. No strategic intention or tactical purpose was mentioned at all, as if it was ignored.

Poor Green Lantern Hal has been away from the earth for a long time, probably when Sarah Lance got married, and came back for a trip. At that time, he was a little uncomfortable with the changes on the earth.

But I didn’t expect that Batman actually said that the ghost wanted to engage in indiscriminate massacre? What the hell is this?

He used to be a ghost host, but he lost that memory because of the restart of the universe, but he always felt that he had a vague connection with the ghost, but it was attributed to the fact that everyone likes to wear green.

Even though it was just like this, he still didn't want to fight you to death before the matter was figured out.

Unfortunately, things didn't develop according to his ideas. He originally planned to talk to the ghost's host, the former Gotham police detective, but who knew that as soon as Green Lantern appeared, the ghost broke apart and died on the spot. came out, and the battle broke out instantly.

Fortunately, before setting off, Haldo invited some friends to come over, and after being surrounded and beaten, he managed to stabilize his position.

Because they didn't want to cause too much damage to Gotham, everyone worked together to force the ghost into space. The current scene was like a swarm of bees, rotating around a large green flower, touching it from time to time.

But no matter which Green Lantern it is, there is no effective way to kill the ghost.

Hal just wants to try his talk. His skills are actually not bad at talking. Although he is not as insightful into human nature as Batman, he also has his own advantages.

That is frankness. What Hal says gives people the impression that he is very frank and an upright person. Such people are generally not bad, and others are willing to consider what they say.

It's a pity that today's ghost is not able to get in. Hal was still preparing to persuade a ceasefire, but he came over with a punch.

The speed of the ghost is not slow, and he can move in space like a ghost. Mastering the wrath of God makes him extremely painful, but because of this, he always strikes lightly.

Hal, who was unable to dodge, was sent flying by the punch. If it had been another Green Lantern, he would have been blown up by the punch.

But Hal's willpower greatly strengthened his defense capabilities, and the battle in the vacuum environment of the universe was still more or less his home field, so he folded his hands in front of his chest, and after being knocked several thousand meters away, he still Survived.

A strong alien caught him from behind, and a gentle green light spread over, soothing his pain.

"Hal, are you okay?" The standard British English, the head like a brown cocklebur fruit, and the green lantern uniform all explained the identity of the visitor.

"I'm fine, friend." Hal only felt that the two were no longer his. He kept shaking his hands and glanced at the reinforcements: "Are you a new member of the Lantern Corps? Why haven't I seen you before?"

Aliens look the same in the eyes of most humans, but Hal is different. He can see subtle differences in aliens of the same kind, and thus identify individual alien creatures.

It's a unique ability. You know, even Batman can't do this. If you put two little green men in front of him, he will definitely not be able to remember the names of the alien monsters.

After all, remembering the names of every alien creature is far less useful than remembering the common weaknesses of their species.

Hal is indeed the leader of the Green Lantern Corps. He is familiar with everything about the Green Lantern Corps.

"Yes, Hal, I am the new member of the group." The alien with the yellow rooster head raised his fist and lit up the light ring to prove his identity. The green ring projected a small screen, which was equivalent to obtaining certified information.

Hal turned his head and glanced at the other side of the battlefield. Kyle and the others could still entangle the ghost, so he glanced at the identification. Even though the other party showed the green light ring, he already believed it 90%.

"Responsible for sector 9527"

Hal was silent. He touched his chin, his expression became very complicated, and he stared at the face of the chicken-headed alien for a long time. Just when Su Ming almost thought that he was cheating on the gang, when the man recognized him, he heard him continue:

"If I remember correctly, sector 9527 is on the other side of the Milky Way, far away from the solar system. Thank you for coming to support me, comrade!"

He believed it, actually believed it. Isn't this too simple?

"You're welcome, just call me Little Chicken. Let's go. Don't think I'm just a new recruit, but I'm actually quite strong."

Deathstroke, pretending to be an alien, looked polite on the surface and flew towards the enemy with Hal as a Lantern, but he was laughing wildly in his heart.

Speaking of which, Hal and Oliver are collectively called the two-green duo of the Justice League, but obviously in terms of IQ, he is far behind Green Arrow.

If it were Green Arrow here, maybe he would have noticed something was wrong if he hadn't seen Deathstroke's alias, and then see through this cold joke, right?

It's a pity that he can't change it. Oliver is a "free-range chicken" and stays on earth most of the time.

"Strong or not is just a relative term. Be vigilant, recruits. The ghost is not the wanted criminal in the universe that we faced in the past. He is the wrath of God. Well, you may not know what God is, but as long as you know that God is a very A powerful cosmic god will suffice, Darkseid knows, right? Compared with God, he is like an ant, uh, you may not know what an ant is, hiss, ah, how to explain this? "

Hal is indeed quite humorous at times. He originally meant well to explain to the aliens what ghosts are, but the examples he gave all required further explanation.

This caused him to talk like a tongue twister.

"What are ants? Hal." The alien lantern beside him showed a clear and stupid expression, and his ignorant little eyes were full of desire for knowledge.

"Ant. An ant is an insect on the earth." Hal's flying speed slowed down, and he scratched his head.

"What are insects?" the recruit asked again, as if he really didn't know what insects were.

"Uh, this is a small animal, um, a very small animal." Hal thought hard and finally found the explanation: "You are a Slyggia, and there are insects in sector 1418, um ,that's all."

He remembered that insects in the conventional concept did not exist on the home planet of the Salinga people, because their race was a kind of insect!

But from their own point of view, they are ‘human beings’, which is really hard to explain now! How to explain that humans are insects!

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