The Death Knell

Chapter 5648 Space War

In the solar system, a fierce battle is going on.

This is a duel between the Green Lantern Corps and the Ghost, a battle with bursts of light and shadow effects, and the stage of this battle is not far from the earth. Against the background of twinkling stars, the green energy of both parties is intertwined, and the effect is very exciting.

The Green Lantern Corps is composed of the most outstanding warriors in the universe. They may not be the most powerful, but they are certainly the ones with the strongest willpower.

They can use green energy to manifest the weapons or barriers the user needs according to the user's will. They can also be used as props, or simply become offensive rays.

Hal Jordan's fighting style is very American, and his large firearms and F22 fighter jets all reflect that history; Kyle, who is a painter, can create beautiful and gorgeous images; John, who is an engineer, can materialize the form. Equipment that looks realistic and has a realistic structure.

On the contrary, the power of the ghost comes from God. Although it is also green, it represents another kind of wrath that is completely different from the Red Lantern Corps, the wrath of God.

It was a cold and cruel aura that lingered in this space, giving people the feeling that they were using their noses to smell the torture instruments left behind hundreds of years ago.

There is no smell of blood, but you can feel its horror inexplicably.

Both sides use green energy. Occasionally, the ghost will slap its pale palms a few times, like humans driving away flies close by, but neither side has achieved results for the time being.

Even if Deathstroke secretly joined the battle, he only used the green light ring to manifest a cartoon-style energy pistol for himself, and kept pulling the trigger at the ghost, while saying "biubiu" in his mouth.

Such behavior made the ghost even bother to look at him. He completely ignored the alien lantern and focused more on Hal.

Yes, Hal doesn't remember what happened back then because the universe was restarted, but the ghost still remembers it. It knows that this guy is the biggest threat, because miracles may appear at any time.

The entire solar system became a witness to this battle. The planets watched quietly from a distance, as if they could feel the passion and determination surging on the battlefield.

Earth, despite being so close to the battlefield, has less of an issue with protection due to the Green Lantern Corps. When people look up at the stars and see the radiant energy, they might think they are watching fireworks, right?

But now the earth is also in chaos. After all, there are floods, earthquakes, toads raining from the sky, locust plagues, bed bugs, etc. People probably don’t have time to look up at the stars.

These are displays of God's power and show that He is angry with mankind.

So this battle is not only a battle between the Green Lantern Corps and the Ghost, but also a battle of courage and fear, hope and despair.

Because if the ghost wins, the people on earth will be "blessed". Now all human beings should be regarded as traitors by the old man God, right?

The best outcome is to turn into a cockroach, and in the future you can only eat cow dung scones every day, or the kind without seasoning.

It's quite interesting to talk about religion. If you don't believe in a religion, the gods may not be angry, but if you become a believer and then betray it, that's another matter.

From this point of view, Emperor Weishan is actually quite good. There are not many hard and fast rules. At most, he will not lend power to traitors, but he will not kill people. This is already very friendly to the god.

Su Ming, who was making up the numbers in the crowd, was slowly approaching the ghost and performing a hand around his back operation. He was even distracted to think about other issues.

"Ghost! Why are you like this?! Wake up! Didn't you and our Justice League get along quite happily before?!"

Hal started shouting again, and his mouth was not going to be idle. Maybe this was his cognitive method of psychological warfare?

It’s really full of military style. Attacking with a light ring in one hand and shouting with a green loudspeaker in the other hand, this can be regarded as giving a choice.

It's a pity that the ghost didn't intend to explain. Maybe he felt that the IQ of these Green Lanterns was too low and their vision was too small, so they couldn't understand even if he explained, so the giant cuckold didn't reply and just launched a counterattack.

"No, Hal." Kyle took a chance and flew to Hal's side, panted violently for a few times, put his hand on his old friend's back and patted him: "The ghost is crazy, can you ask Batman, in the end what should we do?"

Kyle Rayner can also be considered a member of the Zhenglian, but compared to Hal, he has even less cards.

Back then, as Hal's successor and a solid replacement, he was quite respectable, but in recent years, the replacement has been replaced by a black man named John, and Kyle seems to not have much of a role as a whole.

Anyway, what impressed Su Ming the most about him was the fact that his former girlfriend was killed, cut into pieces and stuffed into the refrigerator.

"I tried, but Batman just told me to do whatever I wanted and try to hold back the ghost by any means possible." Hal didn't have a good face. He actually didn't have any ideas. He just felt that Batman was irresponsible.

Deathstroke, who had almost finished circling his back in the distance, also heard the conversation between the two and raised his eyebrows slightly. He knew what Batman was planning.

According to the plan, the Green Lantern Corps does not need to defeat the ghost, it just needs to entangle it and then wait for the returning Deathstroke to take action. Naturally, there is no tactical or strategic goal to talk about.

Just wait.

And now that he has arrived, it means that Batman has calculated it correctly, what a clever little guy.

He should have guessed that Deathstroke must deal with God first before dealing with CAAT. After all, this is an 'internal enemy' and must be dealt with at a higher priority.

It's like when he was patrolling Gotham, if there was no Joker game or Riddler's city-wide puzzle that day, he would always clean up a few blocks around Wayne Tower before running further away. reason.

The family must first be stable before you can care about other people's affairs.

Maybe there are some superheroes who are not self-interested but specialize in benefiting others. They don't try to save their own homes when they are on fire, but first save other people's homes.

Unfortunately, Batman is not that kind of person, and he is also dark.

"We can't hang out with him forever, Hal."

The Latin Lantern passed by Hal during an escape and expressed his concerns:

"Everyone's situation is different from yours. The light ring needs to be charged. We can fight for at most three hours before we have to return. Otherwise, we will all die of hypothermia and suffocation in space."

Hal's Green Lantern ring was forged by himself, forged in the realm of death by force of will during the events of Blackest Night.

Therefore, unlike other lanterns, he can recharge 'Deng Jie' with his own willpower, which can be said to have unlimited battery life.

The rest of the lanterns are still the same. When the energy in the lantern ring is used up, they have to go to the lantern furnace to recharge. Not everyone has the habit of carrying the lantern furnace with them. They have to return to the lantern group's home planet.

"No problem, then you just have to hold on until three hours." Hal made the decision in one breath. He was quite a leader at this time, but then he added: "By then, Superman should have his hands free." Come, I will join forces with him, there should be no problem.”

This statement sounds a bit like "I and Kobe scored 60 points together".

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