The Death Knell

Chapter 5651 Sparks and Lightning

Compared to the battle between the Green Lanterns and the Ghosts, the two sides fighting here did not talk nonsense at all. Asmodeus was just swinging with an axe, while words were struck with his fists.

This is the funny thing. It is clearly called the word of God, but among the many clones of God, it is the one with the least words.

A series of simple words like 'death', 'trial' and 'guilty' seem to be the entire vocabulary of it.

The physical resistance and energy resistance of both sides are similar, and they are evenly matched in a short period of time. Unfortunately, it can only be a short period of time, because this is the main dimension, and Asmodeus, as a demon, is not very adaptable to the environment here.

The devil is also a kind of creature, a hell creature. As long as it is a creature, it will have feelings, thoughts, and physical strength limits.

The power of hell will also be greatly damaged when it is transmitted to the main dimension. If this battle took place in hell, he could spend more time with words, but the current situation is that sooner or later he will be possessed by concepts. The body is consumed to death.

This is actually not a strict statement. You will never die if you die. Even if a demon dies in the main dimension, his soul will just return to hell. There is no danger to his life.

However, Su Ming couldn't just watch all the time. By observing the battle between the two sides, he had basically seen some clues. Not only the weaknesses of words, but also the weaknesses of Asmodeus were noted down by the way.

Yes, the big devil is on his side today, and it seems to be quite useful, but he may stand on the opposite side someday in the future, so gather information as early as possible to avoid suffering any disadvantages.

"Come on, let's take over." Su Ming left the cat and Deadpool waiting in place, while he flew over the sea of ​​fire and came to the huge demon. He stretched out a hand: "Do you know me? Big guy, come on. High five.”

"Do you know, the Death Knell of another world?" The big devil was slightly distracted during the battle, which resulted in him being punched in the face by Ci, and he immediately took several steps back: "Lucifer mentioned you, I and I He is a good brother."

Hearing this, Su Ming, who was moving along with him, was almost amused. Good friends of farts and plastic brothers are not considered friends, right?

Asmodeus had no idea. Lucifer was the son of God, and his brothers were all archangels. How could this guy, a wild demon, have the qualifications to join in the fun?

Moreover, he was always so swollen that he would try to usurp Lucifer's Satanic throne every once in a while. Not only was he beaten violently again and again, but the key thing was that he slipped and fell to his knees again and again.

He was full of confidence before the fight, and after the fight, he knelt down and begged for mercy, talking about brotherhood. This is the only shame in hell.

After Lucifer leaves hell and no longer wants the throne of Satan, do you think Asmodeus can take over? There is no hope at all, he can't even beat wheat, and he is still sitting firmly on the throne.

Regardless of Maggie Kend's background, she was also born as a little devil, but if the Queen of Pain, who usually seems to have low self-esteem and perversion, really wanted to take action, she would be crazier than any mad dog.

She is excited when her enemy is in pain; she is also excited when she is injured.

As long as someone is in pain, her power will continue to flow, even in the main dimension, which is completely beyond the reach of Asmodeus.

The advantage of this demon warlord is that he has thick skin and thick flesh, but he lacks some brains.

Constantine opened a portal, but so many powerful demon kings didn't come up, but it was the first one to get through. Didn't he realize that someone else was trying to use it?

"Now that you know me, it's easier. Let's go up and rest." Su Ming stood in front of the devil, using the lightsaber in his hand to steadily block the punch of Ci, and forced the opponent back with a wave of his backhand. : "The Word of God is more restrained for you. Your ax is not a magical weapon and cannot kill it."

This is the truth, and Asmodeus's martial arts are so rough that they are not even considered martial arts. They rely entirely on brute force.

At least Su Ming had seen many lumberjacks before, and those people were more skillful in chopping wood than this big demon was in chopping people.

The Demon Warlord's ax is not bad. It is made of hell black crystal and is enchanted with hell flames. It can attack the enemy with some magical effects. Every time it is swung, it can splash a large amount of flames.

It should be good for killing humans or angels, but against a clone of God? Just a little bit different.

At least Lucifer's Seraph Sword, Maizi's Flesh Sword, or the Shadow Blade in Bobo's hand are needed. Such magical artifacts are probably enough, at least with conceptual attacks.

Of course, the lightsaber in Su Ming's hand can also be used. After all, this is a conceptual killing weapon.

It can be seen that just when he blocked it, a small gash appeared on Ci Zi's fist. Although the wound was very shallow, it had already broken through.

"Impossible, let me do it. I have to chop it to death today!" When the big demon saw the reinforcements arriving, even though he knew in his heart that he would lose if he continued, he would not admit it. Instead, he shouted: "This God Zhiyan is no match for me at all, do you want to steal my prey?"

Many demons are like this, and vanity is also a hellish virtue.

"Ah, yes, yes, if you have any objections, please talk to Lucifer later, okay?" Su Ming was too lazy to argue with a demon. Arguing between humans and demons often does not bring any good results. It is unlucky: "I just want to rob him." Take away the prey you got, what's wrong?"

If people are willing to paralyze themselves, then let them think whatever they want. Ever since Su Ming became the Supreme Mage, he has been cared about by many bad demons. Isn't it still a big deal?

A great demon, he is still inferior to the dimension demon. Asmodeus doesn't even have his own hell dimension.

If this were in the Marvel Universe and there was no hell of his own, such a demon king would have no qualifications to talk to the Supreme Mage.

"Uh, it's okay." Asmodeus picked up his ax and touched his head with his big blood-red hands. He was a little timid when it came to Lucifer, because Satan could definitely guess that he was no match for words. Ah: "Then I'm leaving and going back to hell, despicable human being."

After scolding the human to save face for itself, it quickly jumped into the lava pool and ran away, as if it was afraid that Deathstroke would chop him down.

In fact, this is a villain's heart judging a gentleman's belly. Deathstroke didn't pay attention to it at all, but had already started chasing the words to chop.

It's just that he is wielding a sword in one hand and holding a small notebook in the other, which makes his image a bit strange.

The strangulating tentacle is holding a pen, scribbling in the notebook while the host is killing people. The rich dark green light is getting brighter and brighter. It is obvious that something is happening.

The Word of God obviously felt something. It was constantly retreating, or running for its life. However, in terms of speed alone, it was no match for Deathstroke.

After all, Su Ming had borrowed some electricity from Xiao Shan before. At this time, he was surrounded by golden light and had temporarily entered the speed force state.

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