The Death Knell

Chapter 5657 Asking for the Horn

"You're right, Dream of a Thousand Cats."

Gabriel sighed and rubbed his hair:

"I didn't understand a long time ago that human beings have so many desires and are so greedy. Why did my brothers love them so much? But when I stepped on the earth myself, I understood Lucifer's thoughts. That It’s a kind of.”

He couldn't find a suitable adjective, so he just turned his hands over in front of him, as if he was tapping his brain power.

"Free? Solid? Or real?"

Su Ming gave several options. If the angels who lived in the clouds in the past did not see sin and darkness when they came to the world, they would probably see these.

It's ridiculous to say that because Gabriel had already seen through the dark side of human beings when he was in heaven. He guarded the gate of heaven every day with nothing to do, so he just stared at the human world to relieve his boredom.

So he looked at the worst-case scenario. After he arrived in the human world, he found that it was not as dark as before, and it seemed to be pretty good.

This is inevitable. There are a lot of bad things in the world, and there are indeed many dark things, but it doesn't mean that he will encounter all bad things.

As a human being, as an individual, you move in the story and come into contact with all kinds of people, and you will always meet some good people.

Yes, being a duck is a bit dark and quite unlucky, but the prostitutes he meets like him very much. He can settle the bill every time, never owes a debt, and even give him more clothes and food. Are these black men and Mexican illegal immigrants not heroes among prostitutes?

At least he didn't meet a serial killer who killed ducks indiscriminately, a gangster who controlled people on the street, or someone who kidnapped and cut their waists.

Now that you think about it, don’t you think things are not so dark?

He had not encountered many of the dark events he had seen before, so his sense of human beings had naturally improved. This was the difference brought about by the different perspectives.

"Well, that's probably it. Deathstroke's judgment is as accurate as ever. You completely expressed my thoughts." Gabriel looked at the humans around him. Although Deathstroke's aura was as powerful as God at this time, he I can feel that this is still a human being, with the sound of heart beating and blood flowing: "It's just that I'm used to being arranged by others. Now, is this also part of God's arrangement?"

"Which God?" the cat asked with a smile.

"That's the question, which God is it?" The angel also smiled when asked, but the smile was too bitter.

He obviously still wants to be arranged, but resists being arranged. Is he so entangled, or confused?

"Those are not things you should think about at all, Gabriel." Su Ming waved his hand to drive away the cats. It was fine that the Thousand Cats Dream didn't speak, but when he spoke, it made Gabriel think again. Isn't this adding chaos? ?

After interrupting the topic and letting the angel look at him again, Deathstroke continued:

"I only see one human being now, a human named Gabriel. He is an ordinary person working in Los Angeles, doing the same sales agency job as many others. So such a person should care about God's decision Well?"

"Ha, yes, this is another discovery I made after coming to the human world." The former angel shook his head and took another sip of wine: "In the past, I only knew that God didn't care what people think, but later I discovered that actually people don't care either. What does God think?”

People really don’t care what God thinks. When they pray, they just want benefits from God. Their thoughts are not important.

"That's it. You don't even understand how to be a human being, so don't think about God's things."

He lit a cigarette, took a puff, and gave the other party a little time to think. Su Ming smiled and patted the angel's back. Through his clothes, he could feel the outline of wings underneath:

"I have always said that people should return to people and God should return to God. Since you have decided to live a good life as a person, then stop thinking about God's things. It is better to work hard, find a boyfriend, buy If you want to buy a house and live by yourself, who is the God of the future, does it have anything to do with you? Do you still plan to go back to heaven to see the gate?"

When it comes to looking at the door, Su Ming has experience in this matter. Is it hard work? Definitely not, but as far as boring, it's a sure thing.

In my previous life, I was looking at the warehouse door and working the night shift. There was no sign of ghosts at night.

Not to mention heaven, no one may be able to enter it for thousands of years. Looking at the door will only make you look lonely.

It's so boring, plus there is no WIFI, no books, no toys, and no fun in heaven.

Lucifer, as the eldest son of God, and the deputy king of heaven could not bear the lonely, cold and boring days. How could Gabriel, a gatekeeper, endure it?

You must know that the former has the authority to go to the Garden of Eden to see the scenery and play with the flowers and plants, but the latter does not even have this right. He cannot leave his post at all.

Therefore, if I can do other jobs, I will not be a security guard, even though this is a shortcut to avoid forty years of detours.

"Wait a minute, cousin, I found something interesting." Deadpool raised his hand, but spoke without waiting for permission. He asked with a surprised look on his face: "Why are you looking for a boyfriend?"

Deathstroke didn't speak, but the cat gave Deadpool a look-'yes, it's what you think'.

"You're right, I got into trouble again. I should continue to live as a human being. Those things may really have nothing to do with me." Gabriel didn't know if he had figured it out, but at least he looked calm. More, maybe you really want to find a boyfriend?

This is not a big problem. Angels are inherently asexual. It is not difficult for him to become a woman. Archangel still has some power. Even if he can't do it, just say it and Lucifer will definitely be willing to help him. Do it.

The relationship between the archangels is quite good. Even if they fight to the death on the battlefield, they are family members in private.

It has been thousands of years since the Fallen War, and none of the archangels or archdevils died in the countless battles that followed. Isn’t this enough to explain the problem?

"No one else can help you with this matter. You have to think about it yourself. But if you need a psychiatrist at any time, I can introduce you to the best one at any time."

Su Ming picked up his bottle of wine and toasted with Gabriel, looking enthusiastic. He also brought out more dishes for him to enjoy together, and the atmosphere gradually improved.

However, after three rounds of wine and five dishes, Deathstroke asked with a smile:

"You still have the Judgment Day trumpet with you, right? Can you borrow it for me?"

What is mentioned here is a heavenly artifact. As the name suggests, it is a horn used to announce the arrival of Judgment Day. It is equivalent to the walkie-talkie in the hand of a security guard? Or the whistle around Policeman Asan’s neck? Anyway, that's what it is.

Its function is very simple, it is to tell 'all' angels that the Day of Judgment has arrived, and it has no other effect.

This is inevitable. If it were a super powerful artifact, it would not be placed on the guard.

That thing should look like a horn, but when Deathstroke hugged Gabriel just now, Strangler had already sneaked through it, and he didn't bring anything with him.

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