The Death Knell

Chapter 5659 Almighty Master

There was no furniture in the simple hut. The so-called living room only had a sofa, an old TV with a big butt and a small screen, and then nothing else, not even a coffee table.

But what kind of bike do you need in a living room of ten square meters? It's enough to seat a few people.

There is a landscape oil painting hanging on the wall nearby. It depicts a green field. There are only grass and blue sky in the picture. It looks very simple.

Gabriel is still different from Lucifer who likes extravagance and waste. He seems to like a more elegant and simple style, while everyone's predecessor, Satan, is not as luxurious as he is.

"It seems that not all angels can live well when they come to the human world."

Deadpool, who was wandering around the room, did not sit on the sofa because the furniture with springs sticking out was not very friendly to someone like him who also has cancer on his hip:

"Isn't this too painful? It makes me want to protect him. Well, this is just an exaggerated rhetorical device. I personally don't help a man who has made a mistake."

In fact, Gabriel is also very beautiful, but it is a masculine kind of beauty. Unlike Lucifer's demonic nature that shows different perfect images in the eyes of different people, he gives people a kind of beauty that only women or gays can have. Appreciate the beauty.

"That's because Gabriel has a bottom line."

The cat saw it very clearly. It rubbed the death knell's neck and circled it again, hanging there like a scarf:

"Although he lost a lot of combat effectiveness after falling to heaven, after all, he is still the Seraph he once was, with some abilities that are very scary to humans. If he does something like zero-dollar purchase, no one in the Justice League except Batman will Being able to beat him one on one.”

Even a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. The seven archangels are all God's creations. It's no joke. Putting aside their uneven strength, each of them is as good as Mother Night in terms of personality. Or Prolaya is almost the same, and is equivalent to the Court of Origin.

This unshaven salesman looks a little downcast, but what if he really spreads his wings and takes a look? They are still angels.

Deathstroke had said so much to others before, wasn't it just to exclude Gabriel from the war, to prevent him from siding with the old man, even if there was only a slight possibility, it should be avoided.

The mean Deadpool can't even see this? Or is it obvious that he is still pretending to be cute?

But having said that, I used to sleep in the Kingdom of Dreams every day, so I really didn’t pay attention to some things.

God has seven great angels and seven great clones. Their combat power is another matter, but the rank of these creations is there. This power is so huge that it’s scary.

That's why Deathstroke came up with the inference that Taixu and Origin teamed up to set a trap for the old man and have been secretly and continuously weakening him? It makes sense to think so. What the two of them want should be the stable balance of the triangle.

But these things are too troublesome and have nothing to do with cats, so just lie down and watch.

"But he chose to sell it, which is a more 'fair' transaction." Deadpool didn't know what the cat was thinking. He just shook his head speechlessly. Anyway, he himself didn't rob banks, even though the reason was that the robbery had some technical content. None: "But why Batman? Do you think so highly of him?"

The soft, boneless cat looked at his cousin as if he were a fool, then opened his mouth and said:

"Because...he's Batman!"

After saying this, it even laughed, probably because this joke is really funny. No wonder Deathstroke keeps saying it, he really knows how to play.

Retrieving things was originally a very simple matter, but it was a bit difficult to find a small, palm-sized horn in the messy basement, so it took Gabriel some time to come out.

He was also very straightforward. After going upstairs, he put the thing in Deathstroke's hand. Because there was a lot of dust on it, he wiped it clean with his sleeve.

"This is it, the Judgment Day trumpet you want."

"Very good, this is it. It looks a bit ordinary. Are you sure it hasn't been swapped?"

After weighing the prop in his hand, Deathstroke turned it over and over again, activated the concept and felt it, no matter what, it was an ordinary horn.

The legendary horn of Judgment Day should be made of gold, inlaid with precious stones, and filled with the power of heaven. Once it sounds, it can be heard by all the angels in the nine heavens and ten earths.

But what he has in his hand now is just a small horn, so simple that it is even worse than Asgard's horn wine glass. At least that one has an iron handle inlaid in it.

"This is it, and you don't have to worry about someone swapping it. After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is just a small decoration, worthless at all, and not as good as the souvenirs sold in Indian reservation stores."

The angel made a "please" gesture and asked Deathstroke to try blowing it himself. He guaranteed that it was true.

"Hey, do you know about the Indian reservation? Have you ever traveled there?" Su Ming was not in a hurry to blow the horn, but continued to wipe it with his hands, especially the part opposite the mouth.

It's not that I have a mysophobia, after all, the things used by the angels are not dirty at all. It's mainly due to some psychological factors. I feel weird using an instrument played by a bearded man.

"Ah, last time Lucifer took me out to relax, he showed me the history of the massacre of Native Americans by the Angsa people. You know, he is a bit perverted sometimes. He thought that showing me those things would help Showing his love for me, but I still don’t understand what he thinks.”

Having said this, Gabriel showed that constipated expression again.

It had been like this for the past thousands of years. He felt like he could never understand Lucifer. The eldest brother was too difficult to understand, hundreds of times more difficult to understand than the straight-laced second-in-command Michael.

He didn't understand, but the other two people understood instantly. Lucifer was teaching him about the law of the jungle in human society, so that he could live better among humans, instead of being stupid and believing everything others said.

But why we have to teach like this? Let Gabriel understand this truth by himself. What outsiders have to say about the two brothers.

"Okay, let me give it a try. This can be considered an antique musical instrument, right?"

In this case, Deathstroke stood up with the horn and took a deep breath. At that moment, he seemed to be possessed by the soul of some great artist, and strong confidence emerged from his body:

"I will blow a large sedan chair for you first, so you can taste it."

"No, cousin, isn't that a suona tune? Do you really know how to play a tune? Are you planning to make another noise prank? Also, even if you play a tune, Lucifer will know what it is. Do you mean it?"

Deadpool raised his hand and asked a lot of questions. The two small white eyepieces on his mask blinked, looking very confused, because there were too many flaws in this matter. Even a mentally ill person would think that his cousin's thinking Some jumps.

"Haha, I am also the supreme mage of Kama Taj. Don't you know it is the hometown of folk music?"

With a slight smile, Deathstroke raised the small horn in his hand. The principle of this thing is similar to that of a trumpet. It relies on the flow and friction of air in a small space to produce sound, so just blow hard, maybe?

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