The Death Knell

Chapter 5666 The Foot of Heaven

As a model of behavior for all angels, Michael did not get angry even if someone spoke ill of him in front of him. He just stared at the sky calmly and continued to maintain that vigilant posture.

"A Thousand Cats Dream, you are getting too close to humans, and this is not good."

He also found that the cat was not doing it right. Obviously, the ability to dream is too dangerous for humans, even if this person is Deathstroke.

"Don't mind my business and concentrate on dealing with the enemy, evil angel." The cat's tail spun in the air, leaving an afterimage of firelight. It tilted its mouth and said, "After all, we live together with humans. It’s not me who gave birth to the baby.”

Although Taixu and Origin may have intervened behind the scenes, it is an indisputable fact that Michael entered the human world, had a relationship with a human woman, and gave birth to a daughter, Elaine.

If it weren't for him, the old man's position as God would still be very stable today.

"Wuhu! Take off! Hey, fly!"

After hearing this, Deadpool began to sigh. He turned his head and looked to the side where there was no one around him:

"The cat killed the archangel with just one sentence. Did you see it? Old guys, after following me for a while, the eloquence of Thousand Cats Dream has improved a lot. Hey, it just took off. I Think about it, do you think I should sell classes?"

Just like what he said, Cat sank the Michael with just one word. The handsome blond angel was blushing at this time, obviously extremely ashamed.

He had always been strict with himself, and he didn't know if he was distracted by something at the beginning. Anyway, things just happened, and there was no possibility of explanation.

"Okay, Mimi, stop teasing Michael. A serious person like him doesn't know what joking means." Su Ming intervened in the conversation in time to prevent the situation from getting too tense. After all, this angel is still Elaine The father wanted to give the girl some face from God: "Let's get down to business, Michael, are the feet of God in the sky?"

"Yes, Deathstroke." The angel gave a hidden look of gratitude. He pursed his lips hard and tightened the burning Seraph sword in his hand: "It is high in the sky, just like the past, just like now. Can you feel it?"

"Well, it has no form for the time being." Su Ming nodded, but then told some bad news: "The concept represented by the feet of God is 'action'. When it does not act, it does not exist. See Gotta give it some intensity."

With that said, he was ready to write in the small book again.

Soon enough, just when he was about to write, the enemy started moving, obviously trying to stop him.

A huge foot almost replaced the sky in the main film, broke through the turbulent sea, and stamped down from the air fiercely.

It felt a bit like a five-finger mountain pressing down on the top, and everyone was just a hairless monkey head. For a moment, there was a feeling of inevitability, as if they were destined to be stepped on.

This concept of 'action' obviously also involves some causal power. If God takes action, he will inevitably obtain results, which is probably the case.

But Michael, who had always been vigilant, came in handy. He didn't care what humans planned to do, but jumped up, flapped his wings and rushed into the sky. He raised his sword with both hands and slashed at the soles of his feet.

Talk less and do more is his rule. Gabriel is already a man of few words, and Michael doesn't like to say much in battle.

From a visual perspective, the little angel is probably not even a speck of dust in front of the huge feet.

But in fact, the two sides should be evenly divided. After all, they are all creations of God. The so-called angels are called the sons of God, but in fact, everyone understands what is going on. It is just a saying.

The result was almost as expected. The angel's sword collided with the enemy's soles in mid-air, and then became stagnant in the fierce friction with sparks flying, just like welding in the air.

"Meow~ As expected, Michael's strength is not much worse than that of Lucifer." He stretched out his paws to show a 'fingertip universe'. The Dream of Thousand Cats was no longer lying on his back. In such a battle, he still had to give some points. I was respectful, so I knelt down and looked: "What do you two think?"

"Me? I remembered the scene where Amuro drove the Gundam to push the asteroid. I don't know why it came to mind." Deadpool scratched his ear and accidentally broke half of the rotten ear. He could only slow down Slowly squeeze it out from under the hood.

"I'm relatively happy. The worst case scenario I expected didn't happen." Su Ming put away the small notebook. This was originally a means to force the other party to show up. He had no real intention to write anything in it.

Because the existence form of God's feet is somewhat different from other conceptual entities, if the origin is rewritten at will, it may not affect Michael's judgment.

Since Angel is confident and takes the initiative to fight, Deathstroke doesn't mind watching the excitement first and collecting intelligence on both of them.

"What is the worst-case scenario?" The cat was curious. It had already determined that victory was within easy reach and that its side had a complete advantage, so it started asking questions again, even though it knew that Deathstroke's answer was probably a joke.

“The worst that can happen is that God’s feet have athlete’s foot.”

Just as it thought, Su Ming had no intention of saying anything serious. He slowly took out the lightsaber from his hand and let out a sinister laugh:

"Think about it, if this foot stinks, sheds skin, oozes yellow water, has large pieces of athlete's foot like cauliflower, and there is black mud under the ingrown toenail, and the lower leg is covered with black hair, well, it won't happen anyway. If that's the case, I don't want to have a close fight with it, it's too unhygienic."

Athlete's foot, as we usually call it, is not actually beriberi.

Athlete's foot is a fungal infection of the feet, more of a skin disease. Beriberi is caused by a lack of vitamins, causing damage to the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

However, in daily life, there is no need to distinguish them too clearly, and it is not necessary to take the postgraduate entrance examination.

Fortunately, nothing like that happened. God's feet were very clean, the skin was like white jade, the nails were perfect, and the soles of the feet didn't even have any calluses, not to mention corns.

That is to say, this foot is a man's foot at first glance. Otherwise, Wade would definitely be able to jade it.

"Ugh! So disgusting, meow." A Thousand Cats Dream showed a disgusted expression, but its body rolled happily on the man's shoulder. It liked to hear jokes: "But what you said does make sense. If there are really any bacteria It’s a very scary thing if fungi can infect the embodiment of a concept.”

Concept entities, as the name suggests, are the embodiment of a rule of the universe. Naturally, they will not be infected by so-called bacteria and fungi, but there are exceptions to everything.

The hand of nothingness in Multiverse 2 can corrupt a multiverse with its evil thoughts, and all the conceptual entities in it are finished.


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