The Death Knell

Chapter 5670 The collapse of a dangerous building

It’s a good point to discover that God’s feet can feel pain.

The next step is to pluck out its remaining toenails one by one. If it's not enough, use quantum to help it reshape its toenails and pull them out again.

Eliminating a conceptual entity is not a tactical purpose. The key is to find where the old man behind the scenes, God, is. Otherwise, it will be useless to kill many clones of God or his angels.

People can make a lot of them in minutes.

Whether it's kneading with mud or piecing together with sticks, isn't it a similar process when God wants to create something?

If you want to create a god, you only need to give the god ‘thought’, ‘consciousness’, ‘spirit’ and its corresponding ‘embodiment’. This is the information TOAA told Deathstroke not long ago.

Are the feet of God considered God? Definitely, it has all the features it should have, and even has some extra specialties.

However, the characteristics it possesses are not displayed, such as the extremely lethal holy light, the ability to purify darkness, the cruel crushing action, etc.

These were offset by Michael's confrontation, making the whole plan much easier to implement.

But the cat is right, Michael is still one fingertip universe behind Lucifer. This is not a difference in specific strength, but a difference in vision and level.

Lucifer can create his own multiverse and raise human beings in it so that they can eat, drink and have fun without any worries, as long as they sleep with him.

Michael does not have such ability. After all, he is not the God who created the world. From the past to the present, he is only God's messenger and bodyguard.

While thinking about this problem, Su Ming repeated his old trick and pulled out the nail of the nameless toe of God's foot, ushering in a big golden rain again.


Strangler conveyed its impression, that is, the blood of God's feet is not delicious, it has no taste, just like eating a piece of sunshine.

Sometimes when the host is resting at home, it will extend its bean sprout head onto the window sill, and when it opens its mouth to yawn, the sunlight it eats will taste like this.

"So the taste is different from that of the Origin Judge." Su Ming laughed, and he let the adjutant teleport away the second toenail: "Forget it, just be patient for now and wait until we return to Kama Taj. I'll let Mo I'll go to the bottom of the mountain and buy you braised pig's trotters to eat, they will definitely taste better than God's feet."

At this point, Su Ming felt a little greedy. He hadn't eaten pork knuckle noodles for a long time. The key was to make it fragrant and glutinous.


The symbiote said that he remembered it and wanted to eat pig's feet noodles when he went back, but he still got down to business now. The big feet that were struggling crazily and kicking in the air still had three toenails.

There's no need to look forward to his cousin's pepper water. Because his foot was dangling all over the place, he hadn't gotten out of the big tub yet. He just stood up and fell again and again, showing the resilience of a top mercenary.

It's just that the Death Chili Sauce is really strong. He looked like he had fleas all over his body. He kept wiping his whole body with his hands and made a sound like a gorilla's cry from his mouth.

It's a pity that no one wants to watch Deadpool's bath dance. He is not a beautiful woman, and watching it will make him unappetizing. For the sake of the pig's feet noodles after work, it is better to watch less.

"It's to the middle toe. Huh?"

Su Ming was chatting with Zhu Zhu, waiting for God's Foot to gradually calm down, when he suddenly discovered some changes in the universe.

This broken 'ladder' seemed to be unable to hold up due to the battle, because the entire space began to shake and shake, taking everything inside it with it.

"The battlefield selection is good, but it has reached its limit." The huge golden pliers in Deathstroke's hand began to deform, turning into a giant sword thousands of meters long: "Pull out the nails and slowly play the game. It seems that it won't work. Directly Let’s start the second stage, amputation.”

How to kill a living foot is also a problem, because strictly speaking it is not a living thing. It does not have weaknesses such as a brain and a heart. It is just a foot.

So dismembering the body is one way. Cut it into pieces first and see if it dies.

"Michael! Hold it!"

Deathstroke yelled, and regardless of whether the angel under the soles of his feet could hear it, he already started his attack.

If it was just a joke before, but now that it feels that the entire Hades universe can't last long, Deathstroke can be said to have shown some strength.

The black sun suddenly rose, replacing the original purple sea hanging high in the sky. The cold sunlight shone on everyone, and the power of darkness was infused into his body.

Needless to say, there is a lot of crisis power in a universe that is almost destroyed. It has been lingering for so long, and what is released now is probably the last 'ripple' of this world, right? Or is it the last breath of the deceased?

Then make good use of this energy. When a universe dies, a lot of energy is released, at least it is not used in vain.

At this time, Su Ming could no longer hear the painful wailing sound that kept echoing in his ears, so he had a rough idea that the sound might be the sound of the soul of the universe, but he didn't know why he could hear it. .

Maybe because of the Codex of Origins? After all, the underworld also has its own origin.

But that doesn't matter anymore, hurry up.

"Is it done?"

A few minutes later, the originally damaged Hades universe collapsed and collapsed. Deathstroke destroyed a passage for DC to sneak into Marvel, and successfully led everyone away.

When the cat climbed back onto Deathstroke's shoulder and asked him this question in a low voice, the cat didn't know whether the death of God's Foot was true, or whether Deathstroke had achieved its set goal.

At this time, everyone has returned to the streets of San Francisco, Earth 0, where they started. Gabriel's rental house is not far away.

"No, the characteristics of the underworld make it really dead." Su Ming shook his head and rubbed his face helplessly: "Its energy, or 'spirit', seems to flow to Marvel after death. Gone to the edge."

"Ah, that's it, it's okay. I still have the hand of God." The cat had changed back to its small appearance. It lay down again, squinting its eyes and licking the fur on its front legs: "We still have a chance. .”

"Yes, then it's time to blow the horn. I hope Lucifer will react this time." As Su Ming spoke, he looked at his cousin beside him and fished him out of the wooden basin filled with chili sauce: " Michael, what are your plans next?”

"I'm going to see my brother." He had sensed Gabriel's aura, then nodded and turned around to leave. His wings were retracted into his clothes, and the white sheets he was wearing also began to change, turning into a A nice looking suit.

It was over, his mission was over, and in the next private time, he still wanted to be with his brothers, not humans.

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