The Death Knell

Chapter 5676 Working together to create gods

Useful things related to ‘origin’ and ‘growing experience’ were all written quickly by Deathstroke.

Although the ability of this tool lion looks a lot like Dracula and God Eater plus Lucifer's Stitch Monster, it is a feline after all, and Su Ming also added a "cute" setting to it.

After all, everyone likes cute things. Even if they are useless after today, keeping them at home will make them more pleasing to the eye, right?

It’s not that no one likes ugly things, but it’s better to leave things like aesthetics to the general public and not be too unconventional.

"Okay, I'm done writing, it's your turn." Su Ming turned the small notebook on his lap so that Elaine could look at the settings to create things: "What materials are you going to use? Mud or branches? Or sand?"

"Those are all materials from myths and stories. It's actually not that troublesome." Elaine smiled. She looked down at the new creature settings in the Origin Code and began to activate her own power.

Although there is still an invisible confrontation with the old man on the spiritual level, it is not very troublesome to create a life at the same time, because the troublesome part of the death knell has already been done.

As long as she creates a 'blank' herself and puts it to the set place of origin, it is like putting a train on the track or a small boat in the river, and it will follow its own path. The destined trajectory grows into mature fruits.

"We still need to speed up the flow of time." Creation has been completed, but the smart lioness did not appear, because before the fateful change came, it was just an ordinary animal in the African wilderness.

There it will experience battles, encounter adventures, awaken its wisdom, gain abilities, and then become a saint after death and ascend to this "new paradise" of Elaine.

"Easy, let me make a call, adjutant?" Su Ming put away the notebook and took over the next work. He called his beautiful assistant to provide off-site assistance: "Contact Agamotto for me, he As the God of Time, you should have adapted since you came here, right? The time has come to use him."

The flow of time, all changes and demise, these are the scope of Taixu's power.

The orange bald man had already penetrated into Taixu's lineage. Although he had sacrificed his beauty, he was finally able to help mankind.

Although Su Ming's quantum concept and time gem can both manipulate time within a certain range, it is too troublesome and consumes too much money to use. There are no subordinates as convenient as TVA here to use, so let the big bald man help. .

After all, he still holds the title of Time Demon. As a member of the Weishan Emperor, O Shutu and Hogs are busy. How can he, a junior, spend his honeymoon with his mother every day, in the bridal chamber? How about lying down inside?

"Okay Sheriff, we are building a quantum communication channel, wait a moment." There was no projection from the deputy, only her voice in response.

After a while, the communication was connected, and what appeared in the air was a big orange bald head, but now it seemed that the guy's eye circles were a little dark and his cheeks were sunken.

For a moment, Su Ming inevitably felt a little sympathy for Agamotto.

Although this guy was always indifferent to me in the past and looked cool and cool, to be honest, he didn't do anything wrong, at least he listened to Ao Shutu's words.

But for the current layout, Deathstroke still brought him to DC and got him married to Mother Ye. Not only did he want to be a father, he also had to face a powerful wife who had been hungry for countless years.

Did you go too far?

However, this idea was extinguished by Deathstroke himself in just an instant, because people cannot stand firm without being ruthless, especially in a dark world. Agamotto has made some sacrifices, but they are all for the sake of mankind. future.

"Hi, Lord Agamotto, it's me, your supreme mage." Su Ming smiled and waved towards the projection, saying hello in a normal way. When he saw Ou Shutu and Hogs, he didn't even salute. Let alone face this bald head.

He is probably the only supreme mage in the past who is so wanton, but who gives him the strength to do so?

"Hmph, my good Supreme Mage." Agamotto's expression changed several times. In just a few seconds, he returned to normal from gnashing his teeth, and he still said in the same impatient tone as before: "looking for me?"

His background was pitch black, and he didn't know where he was in the Night Garden, but it was like that there anyway.

"The goddess asked me to bring you a meal." Su Ming took out a piece of Origin Judge's energy from his pocket. It looked like a green energy block. He asked his adjutant to send it over: "This thing comes from a fox. Maybe it has aphrodisiac effect, you can try it.”

"Ignorance, vulgarity, I am a conceptual entity, and the way I combine with other conceptual entities is not the same as you humans." Although he said this, after he went out and received the lunch box from his mother, Agamotto's tone Still feeling quite relieved, he even showed a slight smile.

This is pure energy that can be absorbed and used for one's own use. As for Deathstroke's nonsense, Agamotto has long since learned to be selectively deaf.

It was not the first day that Emperor Weishan had dealt with him. He knew exactly what kind of person the Supreme Mage of this generation was.

"Ah, yes, yes, no matter whether others believe it or not, I believe it anyway." Su Ming nodded perfunctorily, seeming to be thinking about the bald man's face, and changed the topic very bluntly: "I need to speed up the African continent. At a time flow rate of 100,000 years, I can pay attention to a powerful creature, let it die of natural old age, and then let its soul roam in the super-time flow for a hundred thousand years, and then reshape its body where I am now, is it possible?"

"Are you asking me to do something? Hahahaha" Agamotto understood, and he could indeed do it, but at this time he became more cautious, and his tone was full of a villain's triumph.

It's like saying, 'Death Knell, do you have a day to beg me? You have fallen into my hands, and I will make severe demands, raise the price, and retaliate against you vigorously. ’

However, even if this was the case, Su Ming was not panicked at all.

He just said calmly to the adjutant: "It seems that Agamotto is not going to help me, so please contact Oshutu and say that I introduced my wife to the bald man. Not only did he not repay me, he also asked me When I asked for help, I was pushed back and bullied."

Yes, Deathstroke chose to sue the parents.

Agamotto is a mama's boy, which is a bit funny to say. He is the most powerful among the dimensional demons, but he has no independent opinion. In the past, he always followed Oshutu and Hogs wherever they went. Wherever he goes, he does what the elders tell him to do.

But he should listen to his mother's words. If Ao Shutu hadn't been protecting him, this idiot-like bald head might have been killed by some dimension demon from another family.

He doesn't have many weaknesses, but his character weaknesses are too easy to exploit. As the Supreme Mage, complaining to O Shutu is also a necessary skill, and this is probably one of the things Agamotto fears most.

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