The Death Knell

Chapter 5681 Decisive for free

"Holy crap, did you just break the eggshell?"

Deathstroke on the ground was obviously a little confused. He scratched his head and looked around. When he found that the two cats were not there, Deadpool was not there, and Elaine was still in the sky, he seemed a little worried:

"What should I do? Use 'that'?"

Which one is that? He didn't explain, but it was obvious that he looked at the figure walking out of the smoke in the sky, as if he had made up his mind.

He touched the cloak on his back with his backhand, took a deep breath, then nodded slowly to indicate that he was ready, and then was carried by the cloak into the sky.

In just the blink of an eye, he came to Elaine's side, obviously indicating that he wanted to fight side by side.

"How about it?"

He asked the girl next to him, not knowing exactly what he was asking.

"Fortunately, it interrupted his transformation process." The girl was obviously more optimistic, at least she didn't show any panic. After all, she hadn't shown her true skills yet, and the two sides were just testing.

After walking out of the static explosion flames, the old man's body was gradually taking shape. If it was just something with a roughly humanoid outline at the beginning, it was now turning into... a black man?

And it's super dark, just like the criminal suspect Xiao Hei in "Detective Conan". Only when he smiles, his eyes and teeth can be seen.

"I'll go. Is this the result of failure to reshape one's origin?" Deathstroke shook his head in disgust, took two steps back, and hid behind Elaine: "What new version of gameplay is this? Although we know you want to Integrating the concept of blackness, but being black is too much, right? God at least shouldn’t be black.”

"Look, Deathstroke, this is your shortcomings as a human being." Seeing the man's surprised look, the old man was very satisfied. His appearance gradually became more like Morgan Freeman: "I am God, what you see is only appearance, manifestation, but my essence is the one true God that you will never understand.”

"Ah, yes, yes, actually among black actors, I prefer the face of Denzel Washington or Will Smith." Deathstroke waved his hand in front of him, as if to drive away the smelly fart, and he continued to retreat in the air. A few steps: "You defeat Elaine first and then talk to me. I don't see any advantages you have anyway."

"Although you caused a lot of trouble for me and I didn't recover everything smoothly, it's enough. I have mastered another kind of darkness. You are no match for me, just like this."

As he spoke, he activated his word spirit, but he could only see his lips trembling slightly, but no sound was heard.

In the next second, the surrounding environment changed suddenly, from a beautiful pasture with green grass to a splendid city in an instant.

This is paradise. The originally dilapidated City of Silver has been rebuilt and has been moved here from the Realm of God by the old man God.

As the true home court of God, when the gate of heaven opens and the strong golden light shines on the black people, his momentum rises instantly, and there is an indescribable feeling that presses on everyone.

"Oh? Field card?" Deathstroke rubbed his mask and looked at Elaine beside him: "Do you have any magic cards to counter him? Or activate a trap card or something?"

"What are you talking about?" Elaine frowned. She obviously felt some pressure as she watched the strange black grandfather sit on the throne in the heaven hall: "This is not a joke. You'd better be careful. I may not be able to keep you.”

"I will definitely not die, don't worry." The man was not nervous. He also looked at the light in the castle: "His original silver city has been upgraded to a golden city, so you can't take your farm over. Also upgrade?”

The opponent has arranged the field, and you can also play field cards. Although I don't know what the use is, the old man has indeed become stronger.

At least it gives the impression that he has become stronger. He just incorporates a few scraps of dark concepts and can exert a lot of strength, just like one plus one is greater than a hundred.

This sudden appearance of the Seventh Heaven seems to be a kind of ability amplifier, or is it like a mage tower for the mages?

"My paradise cannot be moved." Elaine shook her head and rejected the suggestion. She looked at the old man in the castle warily and looked into his eyes: "It has been integrated into the new multiverse. If it wants to move again, It would cause a natural disaster. My grandfather had obviously foreseen this."

"Ah? Well, let me think of a way." Deathstroke looked helpless for a moment, but soon changed his mind, standing in the air with his arms folded, and after a moment he said: "We still have to fight, no matter what he is doing. , can’t let him finish, interrupt him, and destroy this paradise.”

"Then do it." Elaine had no objection. This time she turned into a ray of light and rushed straight into the heaven. Her weapon was a very different kind of weapon, because it was a backpack, which she looked like Swinging it like a meteor hammer.

And just after she rushed into heaven in the light of thousands of feet, the door of heaven was strangely closed. When the girl realized that something was wrong and wanted to turn around and evacuate, it was already too late.

With a rumble of the door closing, the light disappeared, and the surrounding environment turned into green grassland under the blue sky and white clouds, but the old man God stood not far away from the death knell with a smile.

"Haha, he is still young. My poor child is still so restless."

The old man seemed very happy. He didn't even bother to maintain his black appearance. Apparently he felt that the advantages of external forces were useless, so he quickly transformed from Morgan Freeman into the appearance of Steve Buscemi:

"Now, it's just you and me. Deathstroke, you betrayed me. This was not my original arrangement for you."

"What's that like?" Deathstroke tilted his head and asked rhetorically. Although God was walking step by step from the sky, he didn't even mean to avoid it.

"Oh? Do you want to delay time? It's useless. Elaine can't come back. The illusion of heaven is a different kind of cage. I threw her and the cage into hell. There is no one in your hands. Book of Origins, she can never come back here, haha."

As if he had seen through Deathstroke's plan, he explained it very proudly, but his pace accelerated and the expression on his face gradually became ferocious:

"Originally, when my eldest son Lucifer completed his mission and returned to heaven and to me, you would give up your dark and quantum concepts under my arrangement. In exchange, I would let you become King of Hell, use your cruel conspiracy to rule those demons forever and let the game of Thousand Years of War continue. That is obviously the best choice, you can become a god!"

"It's not that good. I think it's good to be a human. Look at me, my teeth are twice as good and my food tastes delicious." A chuckle came from under the Deathstroke mask, as if he looked down on the old man, and he also made a bodybuilding movement , showing off his biceps: "Being a demon is actually not interesting."

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