The Death Knell

Chapter 5687 The brain is boiling

There is a picture in the dream, but it is not the old man's first perspective, but a third perspective from a bird's eye view. According to the gaming world, it is a 45-degree lens.

I don’t know how the cats did it. One person and one cat did not enter the old man’s dream of God, but seemed to be floating in the clouds above this dream, looking down through something like a fish tank. The picture was slightly distorted.

But in fact, this is a 'death' dream. The old man God is about to die, so there is his figure outside the second sister's dream, but he can only look at it and cannot interact with it. God is still God after all.

"How's it going? Is this what you want to see?" The cat raised its chin proudly, as if asking for credit.

"That's right, I just like to watch the scene before the enemy dies." Su Ming showed a cruel smile and took a deep sip of the cat's head.

At this time, in the circus below, the old man God did not mean to die. On the contrary, he was still very energetic. However, he was surrounded by countless little deadpools. He was currently spinning in circles amidst the chaotic noise.

One Deadpool is noisy enough. If a large group of Deadpools talk at the same time, it would be the most terrifying thing in the world. Being surrounded by ten thousand ducks is better than this. At least duck poop is not as smelly as Deadpool.

Now the little deadpools are holding hands and dancing around the old man, looking like some kind of cult priests, very weird.

But in addition, the shops of the Four Gods are also emitting different lights. It is obvious that their power is also twisting the old man's mind and driving him to madness.

"Haha! Come and drink sugar water!"

"If you're a brother, come and chop me down!"

"Carousel donkey! Carousel donkey!"


In the noisy noise, Death Knell could barely hear these sounds. Among other things, the four gods were really good at disturbing people's minds.

The little deadpools seemed to want the old man to play with them, but the latter now looked like he was suffering from Alzheimer's disease and seemed to have no awareness of the outside world.

At this time, among the dense red and black crowd, Deathstroke saw the figure of his cousin. He was dancing passionately in the style of Asan, and was also squeezing in the crowd, moving towards the old man.

"Hey, you're not dead yet?!" He was as slippery as a loach. He quickly came to the target and reached out to pat the old man on the shoulder.

The latter obviously reacted and reached out to catch him, but it was useless. This was Deadpool's amusement park. This crazy and chaotic place was his territory.

Here, the dying God was no match for Deadpool. Before the hand could grab the bitch's collar, the owner of the hand couldn't help retching and suddenly lost strength.

"Hey, why are you bothering? Didn't you have a good life in heaven? You have to pursue the faster and stronger Olympic spirit."

Deadpool, who stood still with crab steps, didn't panic at all. He clapped his hands, and countless little Deadpools immediately lined up behind him:

"Okay now, do you know who your forever brother is? But it's too late to regret it. After you ate me, you entered an irreversible mental breakdown. What you see now is actually a hallucination before your death. But I don’t mind if you treat me so badly. For example, I was born an orphan. When I was ten years old, I went to Africa as a boy soldier to make a living. The mother of my child inevitably died. It’s not your fault. I’m going to give you a dance. Farewell to you, do you want to see it? I know you want to see it, so you have to say it. If you don’t say you want to see it, how do I know you want to see it? Since you want to see it, I will definitely show it to you. Yes, you are still God after all, and you still want to show off before you leave, come on, you are a thief!"

He talked a lot of nonsense, which gave Su Ming a headache in the sky, but then when countless deadpools danced to the dance of the Korean girl group, he felt a little sick.

"It's actually the song "Marionette" by Stellar? It's still a cover of the original MV, what a waste!"

When beauties dance, it's understandable that they show off their thighs and butts. After all, that's the style in South Korea. The prime minister of the country always brings a girl group as a gift when he goes out to visit.

But when the same action appeared on Deadpool, it was a bit nauseating, especially when he was still wearing high heels and hot pants, using his rotten legs to perform squats with open legs.

".oh" Deadpool was singing and dancing at the same time, winking and making noises as if he was being haunted.

And when did he learn Korean? What's the use of learning this thing?

"Yue" Qianmao Zhimeng also turned to the side and retched. It couldn't stand it anymore. Although it had wiped out its nostrils, it now wanted to dig out its own eyes.

And this is just the beginning. As the music gets better, the incarnations of the four gods of chaos actually dance and join in. The four colorful incarnations stand behind Deadpool and dance together. The scene can be said to be extremely weird. .

Even though this was just an illusion, a near-death dream, their appearance should be some kind of manifestation, not a real event, but it was still too exciting.

"It seems that I don't have to do anything to make up for it." Deathstroke glanced at the dumbfounded old man with white eyes, and sighed: "Destroying the old man's spirit is the real death. My cousin took my The work is done.”

"Are you leaving?" the cat immediately asked impatiently. It didn't want to look at it. Although most humans were interesting in its eyes, Deadpool's interesting direction probably didn't suit him.

That’s another track called ‘Metamorphosis’ and Deadpool has gone out pretty far

"Come on, I can't stand it anymore. I'm afraid I won't be able to look directly at the Korean girl group in the future." Su Ming didn't hesitate. Deadpool's technique of singing, dancing, and narrating in music should have been learned from Ah San's movies. .

Generally speaking, after the dance is over, the protagonist should start killing everyone, and the scene should only be more disgusting.

You'd better go outside and wait. Sometimes being too curious is really bad.

So the cat once again exhaled a large amount of starry smoke, which covered one person and one cat's eyes. When they quickly dissipated, Deathstroke found that he was still standing on the grass, with the old man God's squirming body in front of him.

He seemed to be having a nightmare, and the black water flowing out of his seven orifices accelerated a lot.

Not far away, the battle between the lion and the angels is coming to an end. After all, it is a creature that has been greatly blessed by Elaine. Ordinary archangels are no match for it. They don’t even need to use any magical powers. They just rely on their claws and teeth. Can solve most problems.

The opponent besieged it, and it was fine, but even if it flicked its tail, some of the newly born sheep angels would be cut off at the waist.

This is not on the same level at all.

"End it quickly, Deathstroke, don't let Deadpool play anymore, meow." Thousand Cats' Dream used her little paw to push the man who was watching the fun, asking him to focus on the old man in front of him.

"Well, let's follow the old rules and cut him into pieces. I'll make a double eyelid on him first."

The lightsaber popped out of Deathstroke's hand, and he struck at the unconscious old man.

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