The Death Knell

Chapter 5689 Lost the target

"Let's put the partying thing aside for now. Oh my God, you can't just kill the old guy and think everything will be fine. The mess he made hasn't been cleaned up yet."

Deathstroke walked to the corner of the room speechlessly, turned on the TV there, and tuned to the news channel for Elaine to watch:

"Look here is the seaside city, where rats are still eating people; look at Gotham again, half of the city has been destroyed, and there is a problem with the tap water supply; and here, this is Paris, it's raining toads, and it hasn't stopped yet. .”

These are all natural disasters caused by the old man God. Now Elaine needs to cancel these natural punishments, which is a lot of things.

In the past, Su Ming didn't do the aftermath work himself, leaving it to others to do, but now that Elaine is lying down when she gets home, she doesn't look like she can remember these things, so she still has to remind her.

"Ah? It's so troublesome." The girl put down the notepad in her hand, went back to the bed and lay down. She also pulled up her quilt and covered it with her, closing her eyes: "Uncle Lucifer should be back soon, I asked He went to take care of it, I want to go to bed, I have to go to school tomorrow."

"Go to school?" The cat showed a puzzled expression. It jumped on the bed and jumped on the soft spring mattress: "You are God now, why do you want to go to school? Even if you are not omniscient, you should be better than the old man. It’s not much different, is human knowledge useful to you?”

"I have knowledge, but I don't have academic qualifications or diplomas. How can I find a good job now without academic qualifications?" Elaine pulled up the quilt, only revealing her two big eyes, and replied in a sullen voice: "I'm still a Middle school students, I want to go to high school, go to college, get a master's degree and a doctorate, so that I can live a good life in the future. This is called studying to change your destiny."

"Ah, this." The cat was dumbfounded. It felt that it couldn't understand the brain circuit of the girl god. Isn't this too willful?

She is obviously God, and even if she doesn't want to live flat in the new paradise, her life now is not bad. With just one word, Lucifer can give her hundreds of W's, so there is no need to find a job.

"You don't understand, Cat, human society is not that simple. I am God but I am also a human being. This is the life I want."

At this time, what Elaine said was a bit like God, and her tone was serious and serious:

"As a god, I naturally don't have to do unnecessary things, but as a human being? I should live like an ordinary person, just like superheroes."

But while she was talking, she was still squirming in the bed, so the scene was a little too serious.

Saying this, Thousand Cats Dream understood. It turned out that the girl wanted to play the 'secret identity' game.

Almost every superhero has a job on the surface to cover up his secret identity and live an ordinary life.

Although some people don't, such as Cyborg and Nightwing, who are unemployed, well, Martian Manhunter has also been unemployed at home for ten years.

But most people still have them, just like Barry is a forensic pioneer, Diana is an art professor, Superman is a reporter, Hawkgirl is an antique dealer, etc.

This is the way for people with extraordinary abilities to integrate into human society. It can also be regarded as a bottom line. The promise not to use superpowers for their own benefit is to maintain the so-called fairness.

In fact, Su Ming doesn't mind this too much. He has super powers but doesn't use them. From his ordinary point of view, it's a bit pedantic, but precisely because of this, he is not a superhero.

If he had such a high moral standard and conscience, he would have worn his underwear to maintain world peace. No, in a dark world like DC, good people don't live long, and they might have died long ago.

"It makes some sense, but not much. In my opinion, academic qualifications are of little use."

Deadpool followed Deathstroke and picked his nose with his thumb, as if this would feel better, and his voice also changed a little:

"If you don't have a degree, you can work as a bartender in the Gorilla Bar, or as a clerk in Batman's company, and ask my cousin to come forward and talk to you. You still have face. Since you want to live a human life, how about interpersonal relationships?" Relationships are sometimes more useful than academic qualifications.”

What Wade said is also true. There are many people with high academic qualifications nowadays. Whether in Marvel or DC, if you want to debut as a super villain, you must at least start with a doctorate.

On the contrary, among the superheroes, there are many without academic qualifications. Captain and Bucky graduated from middle school. Almost all the X-Men studied by themselves at Xavier School for the Gifted. People like Thor, Star-Lord, and Black Widow were all educated in just one day. I haven’t even gone to school, let alone a diploma.

If you want to get a degree and find a job in a world without superheroes, this idea is correct.

But Elaine is now on Earth 0, where superheroes exist. If Deadpool is to say, if she doesn't have the time to go to school, she might as well play more with her peers.

Even if your academic performance is not good in the future, if you have connections, wouldn’t it be easy to find an easy and lucrative job? And there is no need to activate God’s authority at all, everything is within the rules of human social games.

"No, I have to rely on myself. I still want to be a scientist." Elaine glared at Deadpool angrily. Of course she knew how human society works. Wherever there are people, there are all kinds of hidden rules, but she Don't want that special treatment.

I am already God. If my life as a human being is going very smoothly and all my wishes come true, what is the difference between that and being a god?

"Okay, no need to say anything. I understand what you mean, Elaine." Su Ming intervened in the topic. He waved his hand to signal his cousin to stop arguing with the girl. The two sides were talking about the same thing: "Now we are dead. Old man, you have lost your goal, so you are a little confused and want to find something to do for yourself, right?"

Wade is right. From the perspective of an ordinary person, he must use the simplest way to live a good life.

If you have connections, use them, and if you have the ability, use your abilities. In exchange for rewards, this is also self-reliance.

As for Elaine, she doesn't do it to make a living at all. She does it to find something to do for herself, to be happy, or to have fun.

What she wants is not to rely on her identity as God, but also to have the help of other superpowers, to see how far her human identity can go in society. This is an experiential journey without trouble.

It's a bit like death. You have to live in the world for one day every year, and then die to experience it. To put it bluntly, it's nothing to do.

But God’s life is so boring.

"More or less, you are still smart." The girl in the quilt had crooked eyes. She looked at the death knell with a smile: "I just want to find something to do, and this thing, at my age, should be reading, otherwise I would Captured.”

In the United States, some cities still retain a position called inspector in the police department. The position of this kind of policeman is quite low. They are not the common uniformed police officers, but detectives or detectives.

They don't care about common police matters. Their main task is to patrol the streets during normal school hours, arrest some teenagers who should be going to school but wander outside and send them back to school for education. Occasionally, they will also intervene in some domestic violence and abuse. Juvenile case.

But the main thing is to catch children who skip classes.

At Elaine's age, if she wanders on the street or goes to work somewhere during school hours, she will be arrested and sent to education. Parents will also have to go to the police station to sign a guarantee, promising to supervise their children to receive education. Otherwise, it will affect their children's education. Go to the parent’s personal credit report.

In other words, there are police inspectors in Los Angeles or metropolitan areas, because these cities are relatively wealthy and the people's living environment is good, so the government has the resources to take care of this nosy and find trouble.

If we were in Gotham, there wouldn't be such policemen. Gordon didn't have enough men to begin with, so he could only use half of them. He didn't care whether the children went to school or not.

Is the child a bad learner? Then at night, Batman's fist will educate them.

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