The Death Knell

Chapter 5692 Chatting on the road

"Hi, Deathstroke."

"Good evening, Barbara. Have you eaten?"

As soon as I walked into the gate of the Hall of Justice, passed through some refugees who had come here to seek refuge, and a few steps into the closed area, I met Batgirl hurriedly walking past, as if she was about to leave.

The smooth and clean metal floor made a squeaking sound when her boots stepped on it, making her feel like she was about to start running.

However, when she saw the man coming, the girl still stopped and raised her head to say hello:

"I haven't eaten yet. Are you here to help? We are all so busy. There are so many things going on tonight. I just heard that something happened in every parallel world. I don't know what happened? "

But as soon as she finished speaking, she retched due to inhaling Deadpool's stench, and had to cover her mouth and nose first, but she still looked at Deathstroke with watery eyes, trying to get some information.

Obviously, Batman didn't tell this girl what happened today, even though she was also a member of the Bat Family.

It's normal, Batman likes to use his brains with his family.

"No, I just finished my work and came here to chat with the Big Seven." Su Ming smiled and threw the girl a bag of crispy noodles and looked at her again. Her uniform was a bit dirty, as if she had just returned from school. The same thing that came out of the trash: "What did you come to the lobby for? Aren't you supposed to be saving people in Gotham at this time?"

"There is a problem with the water pipes in Gotham, and we can't find where the problem is. You also know the situation of the underground pipe network over there, so I came to the lobby to borrow something."

As she spoke, she lifted up her cloak and showed a cube hanging on the back of her belt. It looked like a metal Rubik's cube made of high-tech materials:

"This is a prop that was seized before, Meng Ge's material lens. It should be very useful to find damaged pipes."

The underground of Gotham is like a huge maze. Just the three-layer sewer design, coupled with various secret passages, underground spaces left over from history, and all kinds of lunatics living underground, it is really quite... Difficult.

With this thing, you only need to perform a high-altitude scan to find all the directions of the water pipes, just like when making lung specimens, peeling off the flesh and blood, leaving only the trachea and blood vessels and then staining them.

Without superpowers, we can only rely on technology. The alien technology of our former enemies is also technology.

"You don't have to worry about this. I've found someone to help you deal with it. Soon all kinds of disasters on the earth will stop." Su Ming waved his hand and drove the deadpool away. The girl kept retching while talking. If it weren't for her will The force is strong enough, I am afraid he has vomited: "I remember that Meng Ge has been dead for a while, right? This can be regarded as his relic."

"Well, he, his son Little Mengge, and his daughter Mongoli are all dead."

When she heard that Deathstroke had arranged for manpower and saw Deadpool muttering to the wall while walking away, Barbara was visibly relieved. She changed to a more comfortable position, stood up again, and chatted with the man. Tianlai:

"This family used to give Superman a lot of trouble, but after they died, Superman would still miss them occasionally."

Mongol was also Superman's old enemy before, but his role is too similar to Darkseid, and even his appearance is similar, except that his skin is yellow.

A ferocious alien, a dark tyrant, even the style of his uniform and armor is similar to Uncle Da's, just changed the color.

Such people are destined to live a short life. On a stage like DC, being without characteristics is a recipe for death.

Mongo could have been evenly matched with Superman, but then he died in a very funny way. He went to find Doomsday who was thrown out of the earth, and wanted to get that guy to deal with Superman, and then the result was that Doomsday saw him and sent him to his door. Meat, his eyes lit up, and he killed Meng Ge on the spot.

The technique used was still the same as what Bane did to Batman back then. He lifted it up and smashed it on his knee, like breaking a piece of crisp ice.

His daughter was killed by his son. The motive is a bit confusing, maybe he killed his sister to preach. But little Mongo is really mentally ill. Instead of continuing to play games with a good old guy like Superman, he went to find Hal to stab him. What happened in the end? Killed by Sinestro on the far side of the moon.

The whole family was completely gone, leaving only a bunch of relics of alien technology, which were laughed at by the Justice League.

In fact, the technology is not that high, at least it is much worse than the technology system in Darkseid's hands, but there is no way, DC only needs a dark tyrant. The character design and positioning are repeated, and one party is destined to die. of.

"This is normal. Superman is an old virgin after all, and his opponents can't find fault with his character." Su Ming smiled and nodded, remembering his dead enemies. This is indeed Superman's style: "By the way, How is our public welfare fund running? You know, the rewards I got on Earth 0 are all left to you to take care of."

"I made a little profit." Barbara stretched out her hand to show the universe on her fingertips and replied with a smile: "Actually, it's easy to make money by operating a fund. You just need to buy shares of Wayne Group and wait for dividends to be paid out every year."

Speaking of this, the girl is quite happy, because part of the profits generated by the fund will be distributed to the families of the Gotham police officers who died, ensuring that they can still live a normal life.

So the girl has a good impression of Deathstroke. Who told her to have a father who is the police chief?

"Oh, I earned most of that money from Batman, but I ended up buying Bruce Wayne's stocks and continuing to make money with him. This is really embarrassing."

Su Ming smiled and shook his head, but he quickly said:

"I can't use the money now. I will transfer that fund to Harley later. She has always wanted to clear her name."

"She is already fair enough, and her skin color is not healthy at all. Dark skin is popular recently." Even though she knew what whitewashing meant, Barbara still rolled her eyes speechlessly. She actually also understood that Deathstroke had done it earlier Ask Batman for payment after asking for something, mainly to reassure the latter and not to pursue his motives for doing certain things.

This is a cover-up. After all, greed for money is a character flaw, and people with flaws can take advantage of it. Perfect people will make Batman hyper-vigilant. Superman is an example.

But now, Deathstroke has probably reached the point where he no longer cares about Batman's opinion, so he doesn't need the money anymore, which means he no longer needs to pretend.

Batman had guessed it before, but he didn't say it explicitly. Deathstroke probably knew that Batman had guessed it, but this was a credible deniability measure.

Everyone knows it.

But that's 70 million US dollars, just give it to Harley, that bad woman? Barbara felt a little sad because she knew what it would be like if Harley got sick.

The destructive power is not much less than that of the clown.

"Don't worry, she won't withdraw funds. She's just crazy, not stupid. She wants to be a superhero, and her reputation does come in handy."

After Su Ming just said this, he said goodbye to Barbara and continued walking deeper into the hall with Deadpool because he saw someone waving to him at the intersection of the corridor.


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